
  Rosalind Franklin Institute Building R113 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Haewell Campus – Didcot – OX11 0QX

  VAT: GB298210095


Complicit EU Projects

  Within the Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) framework, THE ROSALIND FRANKLIN INSTITUTE has received € 412,930.0 for its participation in a total of 1 project(s) with a total cost of € 25,490,491.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2020-11-01 945473 ARDAT drug safety  ·  gene therapy  ·  immunology  ·  genomes  ·  cells technologies 2025-10-31 participant € 412,930.0 € 25,490,491 1 34 CORDIS ↪

  Within the Horizon Europe (2021-2027) framework, THE ROSALIND FRANKLIN INSTITUTE has received € 10,524.0 for its participation in a total of 1 project(s) with a total cost of € 20,998,624.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2022-02-01 101046133 ISIDORe infectious diseases  ·  pandemics  ·  structural biology 2025-07-31 participant € 10,524.13 € 20,998,624 1 159 CORDIS ↪

 THE ROSALIND FRANKLIN INSTITUTE did not participate in FP7 (2007-2013).