
  Suur-Ameerika 1 – Tallinn – 10122

  VAT: nan

Complicit EU Projects

  Within the Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) framework, SOTSIAALMINISTEERIUM has received € 148,255.0 for its participation in a total of 2 project(s) with a total cost of € 132,554,517.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2017-12-01 779282 ERA PerMed 2023-11-30 participant € 92,812.5 € 32,195,000 1 33 CORDIS ↪
2019-01-01 825575 EJP RD ecosystems 2023-12-31 participant € 55,443.75 € 100,359,517 2 157 CORDIS ↪

  Within the Horizon Europe (2021-2027) framework, SOTSIAALMINISTEERIUM has received € 229,126.0 for its participation in a total of 4 project(s) with a total cost of € 1,186,330,757.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2023-11-01 101137129 EP PerMed 2033-10-31 participant € 76,950.0 € 335,251,551 1 54 CORDIS ↪
2023-01-01 101095654 THCS 2029-12-31 participant € 91,200.0 € 305,248,586 1 64 CORDIS ↪
2024-09-01 101156595 ERDERA ecosystems 2031-08-31 participant € 60,976.56 € 145,830,619 2 178 CORDIS ↪
2022-05-01 101057014 PARC public health  ·  crisis management 2029-04-30 thirdParty € 0.0 € 400,000,000 1 199 CORDIS ↪

 SOTSIAALMINISTEERIUM did not participate in FP7 (2007-2013).