
  Piazza Sant Onofrio 4 – Roma – 117

  VAT: nan


Complicit EU Projects

  Within the Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) framework, OSPEDALE PEDIATRICO BAMBINO GESU has received € 1,206,768.0 for its participation in a total of 6 project(s) with a total cost of € 165,154,787.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2016-01-01 668596 ChiLTERN liver cancer  ·  surgery  ·  hepatology  ·  paediatrics  ·  cardiology 2021-12-31 participant € 71,365.0 € 8,191,665 1 30 CORDIS ↪
2018-01-01 777554 ID-EPTRI drug discovery  ·  governance  ·  paediatrics 2020-04-30 participant € 100,625.0 € 3,071,250 1 32 CORDIS ↪
2018-01-01 755170 RECOMB gene therapy  ·  immunology  ·  stem cells  ·  graft versus host disease  ·  transplantation 2022-12-31 participant € 57,500.0 € 5,990,460 1 17 CORDIS ↪
2021-10-01 101034427 SCREEN4CARE family planning  ·  genomes 2026-09-30 participant € 629,778.75 € 25,423,568 1 37 CORDIS ↪
2020-01-01 853992 PharmaLedger governance  ·  big data  ·  cryptography  ·  business intelligence  ·  health care services 2022-12-31 participant € 347,500.0 € 22,118,324 2 30 CORDIS ↪
2019-01-01 825575 EJP RD ecosystems 2023-12-31 thirdParty € 0.0 € 100,359,517 2 157 CORDIS ↪

  Within the Horizon Europe (2021-2027) framework, OSPEDALE PEDIATRICO BAMBINO GESU has received € 1,221,125.0 for its participation in a total of 2 project(s) with a total cost of € 151,965,795.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2023-05-01 101104582 IntReALL 2020 mortality  ·  databases  ·  leukemia 2028-04-30 participant € 1,133,938.75 € 6,135,176 1 26 CORDIS ↪
2024-09-01 101156595 ERDERA ecosystems 2031-08-31 participant € 87,187.5 € 145,830,619 2 178 CORDIS ↪

  Within the FP7 (2007-2013) framework, OSPEDALE PEDIATRICO BAMBINO GESU has received € 1,297,827.0 for its participation in a total of 3 project(s) with a total cost of € 28,506,970.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2010-11-01 261387 CELL-PID pharmaceutical drugs  ·  immunology  ·  stem cells  ·  oncology  ·  toxicology 2016-04-30 participant € 539,995.0 € 15,799,071 1 20 CORDIS ↪
2013-11-01 610440 DAPHNE business models  ·  sensors  ·  mobile phones  ·  data processing  ·  obesity 2016-10-31 participant € 241,765.0 € 4,944,076 2 10 CORDIS ↪
2011-10-01 278514 INTREALL drug discovery  ·  mortality  ·  databases  ·  leukemia 2017-09-30 participant € 516,067.5 € 7,763,823 1 29 CORDIS ↪