
  Rue Descartes 1 – Paris – 75005

  VAT: nan


Complicit EU Projects

  Within the Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) framework, MINISTERE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET DE LA RECHERCHE has received € 0.0 for its participation in a total of 1 project(s) with a total cost of € 1,633,874.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2019-01-01 831620 Idealist2020 2021-06-30 participant € 0.0 € 1,633,874 1 31 CORDIS ↪

  Within the Horizon Europe (2021-2027) framework, MINISTERE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET DE LA RECHERCHE has received € 299,796.0 for its participation in a total of 5 project(s) with a total cost of € 290,296,146.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2022-05-01 101069750 CETP renewable energy 2028-12-31 participant € 0.0 € 278,350,377 1 62 CORDIS ↪
2022-02-01 101046298 ACCESS2EIC 2029-01-31 participant € 36,022.75 € 4,003,007 1 16 CORDIS ↪
2022-02-01 101059986 Net4SocietyHE 2029-01-31 participant € 119,680.63 € 3,500,000 1 26 CORDIS ↪
2022-03-01 101070043 IDEAL-IST 2025-02-28 participant € 111,188.75 € 2,572,405 1 32 CORDIS ↪
2022-03-01 101054477 MSCA-NET 2025-02-28 participant € 32,906.25 € 1,870,356 1 31 CORDIS ↪

  Within the FP7 (2007-2013) framework, MINISTERE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET DE LA RECHERCHE has received € 260,220.0 for its participation in a total of 4 project(s) with a total cost of € 36,595,431.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2008-02-01 217755 EUROSIS 2010-06-30 participant € 97,615.0 € 1,292,380 1 35 CORDIS ↪
2013-10-01 619318 FLAG-ERA 2016-11-30 participant € 0.0 € 2,232,766 1 23 CORDIS ↪
2013-10-15 618124 GENDER-NET 2016-10-14 participant € 102,375.82 € 1,915,285 1 13 CORDIS ↪
2013-11-01 609556 ERA.NET RUS PLUS 2019-10-31 participant € 60,230.6 € 31,154,999 1 34 CORDIS ↪