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  VAT: GB888800181

Complicit EU Projects

  Within the Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) framework, THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS has received € 733,099.0 for its participation in a total of 4 project(s) with a total cost of € 58,944,655.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2015-02-01 642420 BiodivERsA3 2022-04-30 participant € 0.0 € 38,974,332 1 37 CORDIS ↪
2014-10-01 633085 MyOcean FO governance  ·  satellite technology  ·  ecosystems  ·  oceanography  ·  biogeochemistry 2015-05-31 participant € 9,453.0 € 6,000,000 1 57 CORDIS ↪
2016-03-01 678589 VIVALDI wastewater treatment processes  ·  mortality  ·  virology  ·  nucleotides  ·  animal husbandry 2020-02-29 participant € 448,656.25 € 5,414,417 1 23 CORDIS ↪
2020-09-01 869300 FutureMARES productivity  ·  ecosystems  ·  climatic changes 2024-08-31 participant € 274,990.0 € 8,555,905 1 35 CORDIS ↪

  Within the Horizon Europe (2021-2027) framework, THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS has received € 44,547.0 for its participation in a total of 4 project(s) with a total cost of € 434,246,951.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2024-01-01 101135471 AquaPLAN pollution  ·  ecosystems  ·  limnology 2027-12-31 associatedPartner € nan € 2,616,327 1 13 CORDIS ↪
2023-03-01 101060072 ACTNOW marine biology  ·  climatic zones  ·  habitat conservation  ·  ecosystems  ·  climatic changes 2027-02-28 associatedPartner € nan € 10,632,000 2 35 CORDIS ↪
2022-02-01 101046133 ISIDORe infectious diseases  ·  pandemics  ·  structural biology 2025-07-31 participant € 44,547.96 € 20,998,624 1 159 CORDIS ↪
2022-05-01 101057014 PARC public health  ·  crisis management 2029-04-30 associatedPartner € nan € 400,000,000 1 199 CORDIS ↪

  Within the FP7 (2007-2013) framework, THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS has received € 644,427.0 for its participation in a total of 5 project(s) with a total cost of € 101,911,848.

Start (YYYYMMDD) Project ID Project Name Themes End (YYYYMMDD) Role EC Contribution Total Cost IL Participation Total Participation CORDIS Link
2012-04-01 283367 MYOCEAN2 ecosystems 2014-09-30 participant € 44,860.82 € 41,180,971 1 59 CORDIS ↪
2009-01-01 218812 MYOCEAN governance  ·  oceanography 2012-03-31 participant € 65,000.0 € 55,008,475 1 60 CORDIS ↪
2014-01-01 618123 ICT-AGRI 2 2018-12-31 participant € 5,671.0 € 2,373,549 1 25 CORDIS ↪
2012-01-01 291815 ANIHWA animal husbandry  ·  climatic changes  ·  globalization 2015-12-31 participant € 190,348.0 € 2,256,338 1 32 CORDIS ↪
2008-04-01 219235 EMIDA infectious diseases  ·  food safety  ·  animal husbandry  ·  climatic changes  ·  globalization 2011-12-31 coordinator € 338,548.0 € 1,092,514 1 29 CORDIS ↪