LAW-TRAIN (653587)

  Horizon 2020 (2014-2020)

  Mixed-reality environment for training teams in joint investigative interrogation-Intelligent interrogation training simulator

  Law enforcement capabilities topic 3: Pan European platform for serious gaming and training (FCT-07-2014)

  databases  ·  history  ·  law enforcement  ·  criminology  ·  simulation software

  2015-05-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2018-04-30 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 5,095,687


Interrogations of suspects in international crime are very difficult and require sophisticated skills, familiarity with different -cultures, laws and methods, and cross-border teamwork. Training law enforcement agents on how to conduct such interrogations is the key to fighting these crimes. LAW-TRAIN applies an interdisciplinary approach for international criminal interrogations. It will unify the methodology for such interrogations and will develop a distributed mixed-reality gaming platform that will provide training opportunities to teams of international interrogators anytime and anywhere. The platform will include a virtual human suspect that will be interrogated and generate dynamic verbal and body responses. The system will provide tools to generate new characters and new scenarios easily. An intervention agent will follow the training and comment online on the team members’ performance. LAW-TRAIN builds on advanced technologies of virtual and augmented reality to allow law enforcement personnel (and translators, lawyers and judges) from different countries located in different sites to conduct a collaborative investigative interrogation of one or more suspects. All the investigators will see each other and work as a team. Each of the trainees will have access to his/her country's the information system and will be able to share this information with the other trainees as required in real criminal investigations. The investigational database will be directed at international organized crime focusing on international drug trafficking. However, the LAW-TRAIN engine is designed as a generic engine that will enable development of scenarios for other types of illegal activities as well as other cross-border teamwork training. LAW-TRAIN will be evaluated in an extensive field study with law-enforcement agents from four countries. This will be the first step in the deployment of LAW-TRAIN to fight international organized crime.

  Complicit Organisations

3 Israeli organisations participate in LAW-TRAIN.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Austria USECON THE USABILITY CONSULTANTS GMBH (951342536) ATU52777400 participant PRC € 549,375 € 549,375 € 549,375
Spain IDENER TECHNOLOGIES SL (972790400) ESB91871491 participant PRC € 497,125 € 497,125 € 497,125
Romania Inspectoratul General al Politiei Romane (952516042) nan participant PUB € 100,087 € 100,087 € 100,087
Israel COMPEDIA SOFTWARE & HARDWARE DEVELOPMENT LTD (990098013) IL511341182 participant PRC € 946,250 € 946,250 € 946,250
Israel MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY (961558479) nan participant PUB € 266,562 € 266,562 € 266,562
Portugal Ministério da Justiça (983734231) nan participant PUB € 29,100 € 29,100 € 29,100
Israel BAR ILAN UNIVERSITY (999886574) IL580063683 coordinator HES € 1,203,162 € 1,203,161 € 1,203,161
Spain MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR (999827501) nan participant PUB € 222,000 € 222,000 € 222,000
Belgium DE FEDERALE OVERHEIDSDIENST JUSTITIE - LE SERVICE PUBLIC FEDERAL JUSTICE (984178103) nan participant PUB € 112,575 € 112,575 € 112,575
Belgium KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN (999991334) BE0419052173 participant HES € 611,012 € 611,012 € 611,012