MEDEA (787111)

  Horizon 2020 (2014-2020)

  Mediterranean practitioners’ network capacity building for effective response to emerging security challenges

  Pan European Networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security (SEC-21-GM-2016-2017)

  terrorism  ·  cartography  ·  crisis management  ·  natural disasters

  2018-06-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2023-05-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 3,495,843


The Mediterranean and Black Sea region is characterised by a very volatile and dynamically changing security environment that pose severe threats and challenges on the societies and prosperity. The MEDEA project, during its 60 months of implementation provides funding for four interrelated actions: (i) Establish and Operate the MEDEA network, a multi-disciplinary network of security practitioners, with active links to policy makers and users/providers of security innovations across the M&BS countries focusing in Border Protection and other Security- and Disaster-Related tasks. During the project duration, MEDEA members will engage in activities towards maintaining its sustainability and longevity after the financing of this project ends, (ii) Engage participants in anticipatory governance on emerging security challenges that the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions would face in the coming years (present until +10 years), which concretely operationalizes the backbone of the project in a triple structure: a) understanding unsatisfactory state of play, b) design the desirable future and c) define a resilient pathway on how to achieve this, (iii) Push for the “co-creation” of security technology and capabilities innovations between practitioners and innovation suppliers, which is based upon their evaluation and prioritization on multi-criteria analysis (technology, operational and cost-benefit, etc.) and also linked to Human Development, Policy Making and Organizational Improvements in-terms of facilitating its use by the practitioners (iv) Establish and annually update the Mediterranean Security Research and Innovation Agenda (MSRIA), that identifies areas where security & defence research is needed and the establishment of recommendations for European Security & Defence technology investments.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in MEDEA.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Greece MINISTRY OF MARITIME AFFAIRS AND INSULAR POLICY (920781328) nan participant PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
Cyprus EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - CYPRUS LTD (999739619) CY10083353J participant HES € 178,125 € 178,125 € 178,125
Spain INGENIERIA DE SISTEMAS PARA LA DEFENSA DE ESPANA SA-SME MP (999541545) ESA78085719 participant PRC € 309,250 € 309,250 € 309,250
France ENTENTE POUR LA FORÊT MÉDITERRANÉENNE (989393987) nan participant REC € 262,500 € 262,500 € 262,500
Romania Inspectoratul General al Politiei Romane (952516042) nan participant PUB € 93,750 € 93,750 € 93,750
Italy ASSOCIAZIONE DELLA CROCE ROSSA ITALIANA (919049102) IT13669721006 participant OTH € 83,000 € 83,000 € 83,000
Italy MINISTERO DELL'INTERNO (999816540) nan participant PUB € 65,000 € 65,000 € 65,000
Bulgaria INSTITUT PO OTBRANA (958304323) BG129010036 participant REC € 111,250 € 111,250 € 111,250
Spain FUNDACION EUROARABE DE ALTOS ESTUDIOS (986364871) ESG18401638 participant OTH € 100,000 € 100,000 € 100,000
Israel ZAKA-SEARCH AND RESCUE (918265439) nan participant OTH € 128,250 € 128,250 € 128,250
Belgium EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR SECURITY (998215943) BE0890768618 participant PRC € 265,625 € 265,625 € 265,625
Ireland MUNSTER TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (892106673) IE3714786EH participant HES € 95,250 € 95,250 € 95,250
Spain EUROPEAN UNION SATELLITE CENTRE (999537083) ESN0063121H participant PUB € 165,625 € 165,625 € 165,625
Germany BUNDESMINISTERIUM DES INNERN (996616995) nan participant PUB € 152,250 € 152,250 € 152,250
Portugal MINISTERIO DA DEFESA NACIONAL (984400330) PT600086640 participant PUB € 118,750 € 118,750 € 118,750
Albania General Maritime Directorate (908114389) ALL01921751A participant PUB € 65,000 € 65,000 € 65,000
Greece KENTRO MELETON ASFALEIAS (999827307) EL999333507 coordinator REC € 580,968 € 580,968 € 580,968
Spain MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR (999827501) nan participant PUB € 162,500 € 162,500 € 162,500
Germany DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR AUSWARTIGE POLITIK EV (915729471) DE200428810 participant REC € 352,500 € 352,500 € 352,500
Greece MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, GREECE (999611385) EL090153025 participant PUB € 125,000 € 125,000 € 125,000
Greece HELLENIC POLICE (911255928) EL090169846 participant PUB € 81,250 € 81,250 € 81,250