ROXANNE (833635)

  Horizon 2020 (2014-2020)

  Real time network, text, and speaker analytics for combating organized crime

  Technologies to enhance the fight against crime and terrorism (SU-FCT02-2018-2019-2020)

  data protection  ·  law enforcement  ·  natural language processing  ·  criminology

  2019-09-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2022-12-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 6,999,458


Discovering criminal networks and identifying their members is one of the primary aspects of LEAs' mission. ROXANNE will contribute towards this goal by bridging the strengths of speech and language technologies (SLTs), visual analysis (VA) and network analysis (NA). If funded, ROXANNE will achieve a significant increase in the speed of investigation processes and an improvement in identification of individuals by means of speech, in the scope of criminal cases where large amounts of lawfully intercepted communications (with multilingual attributes) are analysed. The technical development will be centred around the ROXANNE platform, which will enhance criminal network analysis capabilities by providing a framework for extracting evidence and actionable intelligence based on speech, language and video technologies. The intention is not to replace humans but automate time-consuming tasks, and support LEA decision-making. Its early version will offer preliminary SLT, VA and NA capabilities to collect end-user feedback. The final version will provide multilingual, probabilistic tools interfacing SLT and NA technologies, boosted by natural language processing (NLP) and relation analysis in the synoptic criminal activity graph. ROXANNE will achieve full compliance with relevant INTERPOL and EU legal and ethical frameworks, including innovative approaches to data protection management such as privacy by design. Special efforts will be expended to ensure ROXANNE outcomes achieve widespread adoption by law enforcement. The effort will be enhanced through a series of education and awareness campaigns and the direct involvement of LEAs from nine European countries, that will test our solutions on real case data. In addition, ROXANNE partner INTERPOL and EUROPOL (member of the External Advisory Board) will provide advice and guidance. The consortium has 24 partners with complementary skills, including leaders in key technology areas impacting criminal investigations.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in ROXANNE.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Austria HENSOLDT ANALYTICS GMBH (997511626) ATU47368307 participant PRC € 332,562 € 332,562 € 332,562
France CAPGEMINI TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (947643150) FR85479766842 participant PRC € 419,125 € 419,125 € 419,125
France THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL POLICE ORGANIZATION (995993964) nan participant PUB € 412,687 € 412,687 € 412,687
Romania MINISTERUL AFACERILOR INTERNE (949984148) nan participant PUB € 65,562 € 65,562 € 65,562
Israel MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY (961558479) nan participant PUB € 149,875 € 149,875 € 149,875
Croatia MINISTRY OF INTERIOR (931973673) HR36162371878 participant PUB € 95,187 € 95,187 € 95,187
Cyprus ADDITESS ADVANCED INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS & SERVICES LTD (954502214) CY10298153Y participant PRC € 270,812 € 270,812 € 270,812
Ireland AN GARDA SIOCHANA (999952825) nan participant PUB € 96,875 € 96,875 € 96,875
Czechia VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V BRNE (999873091) CZ00216305 participant HES € 294,750 € 294,750 € 294,750
Lithuania LIETUVOS TEISMO EKSPERTIZES CENTRAS (956850487) LT119526314 participant REC € 60,950 € 60,950 € 60,950
Switzerland FONDATION DE L'INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE IDIAP (999644074) CHE110283515MWST coordinator REC € 647,045 € 647,045 € 647,045
France AIRBUS DEFENCE AND SPACE SAS (999809265) FR63393341516 participant PRC € 563,250 € 563,250 € 563,250
Germany ZENTRALE STELLE FÜR INFORMATIONSTECHNIK IM SICHERHEITSBEREICH (905915302) DE319186896 participant REC € 125,309 € 125,309 € 125,309
Greece KENTRO MELETON ASFALEIAS (999827307) EL999333507 participant REC € 277,812 € 277,812 € 277,812
United Kingdom TRILATERAL RESEARCH LTD (923930724) GB119165222 participant PRC € 320,312 € 320,312 € 320,312
Germany AEGIS IT RESEARCH GMBH (911867804) DE312170536 participant PRC € 344,570 € 344,570 € 344,570
Cyprus IOTAM INTERNET OF THINGS APPLICATIONS AND MULTI LAYER DEVELOPMENT LTD (912549326) CY10361936J participant PRC € 248,046 € 248,046 € 248,046
United Kingdom Police Service of Northern Ireland (998058415) nan participant PUB € 122,125 € 122,125 € 122,125
Czechia POLICEJNI PREZIDIUM CESKE REPUBLIKY (944699394) nan participant PUB € 104,000 € 104,000 € 104,000
France CAPGEMINI CONSULTING (901337969) FR56479766800 participant PRC € 0 € 0 € 0
Greece HELLENIC POLICE (911255928) nan participant PUB € 62,750 € 62,750 € 62,750
Czechia PHONEXIA SRO (997528019) CZ27680258 participant PRC € 324,843 € 324,843 € 324,843
Italy UNIVERSITA CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE (999915771) IT02133120150 participant HES € 374,075 € 374,075 € 374,075
Netherlands Netherlands Forensic Institute (998203527) NL822820778B01 participant PUB € 388,487 € 388,487 € 388,487
Germany GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ UNIVERSITAET HANNOVER (999981828) DE811245527 participant HES € 433,000 € 433,000 € 433,000
Germany UNIVERSITAT DES SAARLANDES (999929545) DE138117521 participant HES € 465,443 € 465,443 € 465,443