Horizon 2020 (2014-2020)

  Understanding the Impact of Narratives and Perceptions of Europe on Migration and Providing Practices, Tools and Guides for Practitioners

  Human factors, and social, societal, and organisational aspects of border and external security (SU-BES01-2018-2019-2020)

  human migrations

  2019-09-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2023-02-28 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 4,994,652


Narratives on a “better life” that can become reality elsewhere have always been shaping human migration. The image or idea of a “promised land”, however, might not be real, and newcomers are often faced with obstacles and challenges. Certain narratives and perceptions of Europe influence migration aspirations and false images can not only lead to problems when the image does not hold true, but it might also even lead to security threats, risks or radicalisation. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance to understand and investigate narratives about Europe, how these can lead to problems and threats, how they are distributed, and, in a next step, find ways to react and counteract on them. Perceptions on Europe are formed in the country of residence, and they are based on a multitude of sources. Social media and new communication networks, in addition, have increased the scope and the intensity of distribution of such narratives; and furthermore, so-called filter bubbles and echo chambers can lead to isolated misperceptions that are not corrected. Due to new communication technologies, false or incorrect claims become life on their own, raise expectations or disapproval. At the same time, however, these technologies and communication networks might also provide a channel to set an exaggerated image straight and to promote a more realistic narrative. It is, therefore, the aim of the PERCEPTIONS project to identify and understand the narratives and (mis-)perceptions of the EU abroad, assess potential issues related with the border and external security in order to allow better planning and outline reactions and countermeasures. For that purpose, the project will conduct research on the narratives and the myths that are circulating about the EU in countries West- and Central Mediterranean area. Based on the research insights, the consortium will develop a PERCEPTIONS framework model including policy recommendations and action plans.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in PERCEPTIONS.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Egypt EGYPTIAN CENTER FOR INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT (905245420) EG730978974 participant PRC € 90,312 € 90,312 € 90,312
United Kingdom SWANSEA UNIVERSITY (999862033) GB123853477 participant HES € 173,437 € 173,437 € 173,437
Austria INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MIGRATION POLICY DEVELOPMENT (997622788) nan participant REC € 210,917 € 210,917 € 210,917
Belgium UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN (999902870) BE0257216482 participant HES € 325,312 € 325,312 € 325,312
Cyprus KOINONIA CARITAS CYPRUS (931207373) nan participant OTH € 62,187 € 62,187 € 62,187
Algeria CENTRE DE RECHERCHE EN ECONOMIE APPLIQUEE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT (984286064) nan participant REC € 79,562 € 79,562 € 79,562
France ALDA - ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA DEMOCRATIE LOCALE (963194384) nan participant OTH € 106,927 € 106,927 € 106,927
Austria SYNYO GmbH (969470478) ATU67376635 coordinator PRC € 726,312 € 726,312 € 726,312
Spain UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA (999882015) ESQ1818002F participant HES € 123,537 € 123,537 € 123,537
Israel MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY (961558479) nan participant PUB € 133,437 € 133,437 € 133,437
Spain FUNDACION EUROARABE DE ALTOS ESTUDIOS (986364871) ESG18401638 participant OTH € 106,562 € 106,562 € 106,562
Kosovo KOSOVAR CENTRE FOR SECURITY STUDIES (927578603) XK600278685 participant REC € 47,812 € 47,812 € 47,812
Cyprus ADDITESS ADVANCED INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS & SERVICES LTD (954502214) CY10298153Y participant PRC € 150,937 € 150,937 € 150,937
Bulgaria CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF DEMOCRACY (999548529) nan participant REC € 89,042 € 89,042 € 89,042
United Kingdom UNIVERSITY OF NORTHUMBRIA AT NEWCASTLE (999859705) GB686994842 participant HES € 522,635 € 522,635 € 522,635
Germany SINUS MARKT- UND SOZIALFORSCHUNG GMBH (932686235) DE143455364 participant PRC € 200,525 € 200,525 € 200,525
United Kingdom SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY (999842148) GB599947542 participant HES € 336,937 € 336,937 € 336,937
Bulgaria GLAVNA DIREKTSIA GRANICHNA POLITSIA (952127751) BG129010125 participant PUB € 35,937 € 35,937 € 35,937
Italy FONDAZIONE BRUNO KESSLER (999625450) IT02003000227 participant REC € 185,312 € 185,312 € 185,312
Greece KENTRO MELETON ASFALEIAS (999827307) EL999333507 participant REC € 209,062 € 209,062 € 209,062
Italy ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA (999993953) IT01131710376 participant HES € 349,220 € 349,220 € 349,220
Spain UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS (999886283) ESQ2803011B participant HES € 179,062 € 179,062 € 179,062
Netherlands ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM (999839335) NL804735529B02 participant HES € 323,562 € 323,562 € 323,562
Greece HELLENIC POLICE (911255928) nan participant PUB € 43,437 € 43,437 € 43,437
Italy UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA LA SAPIENZA (999987745) IT02133771002 participant HES € 182,660 € 182,660 € 182,660