FOCI (101056783)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Non-CO2 Forcers and their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts

  Improved understanding of greenhouse gas fluxes and radiative forcers, including carbon dioxide removal technologies (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D1-01-01)

  air pollution engineering  ·  agriculture  ·  simulation software

  2022-09-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-08-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 6,470,976


Indicated area b) While overall the global warming with the causes and global processes connected to well mixed greenhouse gases (GHGs), especially CO2, and their impacts on global to continental scales are well understood with a high level of confidence, there are knowledge gaps concerning the impact of many non-CO2 radiative forcers leading to low confidence in the conclusions. This relates mainly to specific anthropogenic and natural precursor emissions of short-lived GHGs and aerosols and their precursors. These gaps and uncertainties also exist in their subsequent effects on atmospheric chemistry and climate, through direct emissions dependent on changes in e.g., agriculture production and technologies based on scenarios for future development as well as feedbacks of global warming on emissions, e.g., permafrost thaw. In addition to the atmospheric radiative forcing (gaseous or aerosols), albedo changes connected to land-use and land-cover can play a role, depending on the adaptation or mitigation measures included in different scenarios. Thus, FOCI responds to Topic D1-01-01 area b) and its main goal is to assess the impact of key radiative forcers, where and how they arise, the processes of their impact on the climate system, to find and test an efficient implementation of these processes into global Earth System Models (ESMs) and into Regional Climate Models (RCMs), and finally to use the tools developed to investigate mitigation and/or adaptation policies incorporated in selected scenarios of future development targetted at Europe and other regions of the world. We will develop new regionally tuned scenarios based on improved emissions to assess the effects of non-CO2 forcers. Mutual interactions of the results and climate services producers and other end-users will provide feedbacks for the specific scenarios preparation and potential application to support the decision making, including climate policy.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in FOCI.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Switzerland WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION (999544940) nan participant PUB € 431,500 € 431,500 € 431,500
Finland HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO (999994535) FI03134717 participant HES € 460,000 € 460,000 € 460,000
United Kingdom THE UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE HIGHER EDUCATION CORPORATION (999911115) GB539959672 associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Germany UNIVERSITY OF HAMBURG (999905101) DE245584140 participant HES € 451,626 € 451,626 € 451,626
Italy ARIANET SRL (998229329) IT03079010967 participant PRC € 429,791 € 429,791 € 429,791
Spain AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS (999991722) ESQ2818002D participant REC € 384,637 € 384,637 € 384,637
United Kingdom UNIVERSITY OF YORK (999978336) GB647205541 associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Netherlands KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDS METEOROLOGISCH INSTITUUT-KNMI (999518944) NL821693992B01 participant REC € 451,250 € 451,250 € 451,250
Israel TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY (999901609) IL589931187 participant HES € 300,000 € 300,000 € 300,000
United Kingdom EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM-RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS (999916741) nan participant REC € 376,562 € 376,562 € 376,562
Finland ILMATIETEEN LAITOS (999591306) FI02446647 participant REC € 376,801 € 376,801 € 376,801
United Kingdom WORLD ENERGY & METEOROLOGY COUNCIL (923034153) GB268947832 associatedPartner OTH € 0 € 0 € 0
Czechia UNIVERZITA KARLOVA (999923434) CZ00216208 coordinator HES € 1,200,000 € 1,200,000 € 1,200,000
Germany MAX-PLANCK-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTEN EV (999990267) DE129517720 participant REC € 380,000 € 380,000 € 380,000
Switzerland WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (999480144) nan participant REC € 355,000 € 355,000 € 355,000
Spain BARCELONA SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER CENTRO NACIONAL DE SUPERCOMPUTACION (999655520) ESS0800099D participant REC € 475,161 € 475,161 € 475,161
Sweden STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET (999885022) SE202100306201 participant HES € 398,646 € 398,646 € 398,646