NextGEM (101057527)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Next Generation Integrated Sensing and Analytical System for Monitoring and Assessing Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Health

  Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-01)

  electromagnetism  ·  radio frequency  ·  law

  2022-07-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-06-30 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 7,559,040


The NextGEM vision is to assure safety for EU citizens when employing existing and future EMF based telecommunication technologies. This will be accomplished by generating relevant knowledge that ascertains appropriate prevention and control/actuation actions of EMF exposure in residential, public, and occupational settings. Fulfilling the vision will provide a healthy living and working environment, under safe EMF exposure conditions, that can be trusted by people and be in line with the regulations and laws of the public authorities. For that, NextGEM will provide a framework for the generation of health-relevant scientific knowledge and data on new scenarios of exposure to EMF in multiple frequency bands, and develop and validate tools for evidence based risk assessment. NextGEM will also create the NextGEM Innovation and Knowledge Hub (NIKH) for EMF and Health offering a standardised way for European regulatory authorities and the scientific community to store and assess project outcomes, and provide access to FAIR data.. NextGEM is part of the European cluster on EMFs and health.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in NextGEM.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Netherlands STICHTING HOGER BEROEPSONDERWIJS HAAGLANDEN (971162449) NL812558583B01 participant HES € 484,276 € 484,276 € 484,276
Italy UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI CASSINO E DEL LAZIO MERIDIONALE (999844767) IT01730470604 participant HES € 459,500 € 459,500 € 459,500
Italy ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA (999978821) IT03657731000 participant REC € 63,125 € 63,125 € 63,125
Greece INTRACOM SINGLE MEMBER SA TELECOM SOLUTIONS (999969994) EL094157119 participant PRC € 471,250 € 471,250 € 471,250
Greece IDRYMA TECHNOLOGIAS KAI EREVNAS (999995893) EL090101655 coordinator REC € 656,250 € 656,250 € 656,250
Spain AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS (999991722) ESQ2818002D participant REC € 447,481 € 447,481 € 447,481
Netherlands RIJKSINSTITUUT VOOR VOLKSGEZONDHEID EN MILIEU (999991431) NL821772302B01 participant REC € 426,000 € 426,000 € 426,000
Italy CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE (999979500) IT02118311006 participant REC € 470,000 € 470,000 € 470,000
Cyprus EBOS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (997848022) CY10137255O participant PRC € 485,000 € 485,000 € 485,000
Netherlands RIJKSINSPECTIE DIGITALE INFRASTRUCTUUR-RDI (999660176) NL003214369B08 participant PUB € 37,500 € 37,500 € 37,500
Switzerland UNIVERSITAT ZURICH (999976396) CHE115665634MWST associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Spain CENTRE INTERNACIONAL DE METODES NUMERICS EN ENGINYERIA (999658721) ESQ5850006G participant REC € 454,750 € 454,750 € 454,750
Spain MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD (905231452) nan participant PUB € 226,250 € 226,250 € 226,250
Israel THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM (999975038) IL500701610 participant HES € 456,250 € 456,250 € 456,250
Germany UNIVERSITAETSMEDIZIN DER JOHANNES GUTENBERG-UNIVERSITAET MAINZ (994850722) DE149065652 participant HES € 160,910 € 160,910 € 160,910
France CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE RECHERCHE SUR LE CANCER (999520496) nan participant REC € 131,875 € 131,875 € 131,875
Cyprus SPHYNX ANALYTICS LIMITED (898261614) CY10394150N participant PRC € 440,000 € 440,000 € 440,000
Italy TELECOM ITALIA SPA (999908496) IT00488410010 participant PRC € 350,000 € 350,000 € 350,000
Netherlands TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT (999977366) NL001569569B01 participant HES € 399,885 € 399,885 € 399,885
Belgium SCIENSANO (906160809) BE0693876830 participant REC € 445,000 € 445,000 € 445,000
Sweden SCIPROOF INTERNATIONAL AB (890827146) SE559055360701 participant PRC € 493,737 € 493,737 € 493,737