FLASH-COMP (101058458)


  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Flawless and sustainable production of composite parts through a human centred digital approach

  Zero-defect manufacturing towards zero-waste (Made in Europe Partnership) (IA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-02)

  manufacturing engineering  ·  software  ·  composites  ·  sustainable economy

  2022-10-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-03-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 6,695,986


The reduction of manufacturing waste is a key challenge to achieve a EuropThe reduction of manufacturing waste is a key challenge to achieve a European transition towards climate neutrality and the goals of the Green Deal. In this context, to achieve the zero-defect manufacturing paradigm has becomes a must for those European productive companies that wants to take the step towards sustainable production. Composites play an important role in strategic European manufacturing sectors like energy, aerospace, naval or automotive, with a growing forecast. So, FLASH-COMP project will develop a human-oriented solution, capable of identifying in an early-manner feasible defectiveness in composite parts manufacturing and to determine if corrective actions should be adopted. All with the ultimate goal of optimizing the composite manufacturing process, reaching zero-defects and consequently, reducing the generation of waste ?process and product associated. FLASH-COMP will develop non-destructive inspection and monitoring instruments to retrieve key process parameters. Will develop an on-line Defect Severity Estimation Tool that will predict the appearance of defects and will estimate their severity to suggest the optimum Feedback and Feedforward control strategies. And will develop a decision support system. In addition, an interoperable software platform for data-sharing will be created. The full FLASH-COMP solution will be demonstrated in a test bed, enabling the experimental validation of the FLASH-COMP concept, and 2 industrial use cases, assuring its future replicability, and paving the way for a future exploitation of results. FLASH-COMP will include a complete skills development training program since the FLASH-COMP solution has been conceived to assist the operator in controlling and making decisions about the manufacturing process. Finally, the project will deal with the development of a standardization roadmap, to ensure the widest possible impact of project results

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in FLASH-COMP.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Austria JOANNEUM RESEARCH FORSCHUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH (999981537) ATU28781306 participant REC € 477,730 € 477,730 € 477,730
Israel ISRAEL AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES LTD. (999969315) IL520027194 participant PRC € 437,003 € 259,202 € 259,202
Portugal STEMMER IMAGING, UNIPESSOAL LDA. (889216170) PT506533611 participant PRC € 553,475 € 332,085 € 332,085
Spain MONDRAGON SISTEMAS DE INFORMACION SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA (996551326) ESF20585576 participant PRC € 563,500 € 338,100 € 338,100
Spain LORTEK S COOP (948667082) ESF20759072 coordinator REC € 801,812 € 801,812 € 801,812
Spain ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION METALURGICA DEL NOROESTE (998801532) ESG36606291 participant REC € 752,500 € 752,500 € 752,500
France ESI GROUP (999957190) FR45381080225 participant PRC € 755,750 € 453,450 € 453,450
Italy MADE SCARL (897504529) IT10643980963 participant OTH € 385,000 € 385,000 € 385,000
Italy AZIMUT - BENETTI SPA (998644877) IT01390230462 participant PRC € 391,558 € 234,935 € 234,935
Italy POLITECNICO DI MILANO (999879881) IT04376620151 participant HES € 337,500 € 337,500 € 337,500
France ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNOLOGIES INDUSTRIELLES AVANCEES (914286305) nan participant HES € 350,031 € 350,031 € 350,031
Portugal INEGI - INSTITUTO DE CIENCIA E INOVACAO EM ENGENHARIA MECANICA E ENGENHARIA INDUSTRIAL (996840968) PT501814957 participant REC € 890,125 € 890,125 € 890,125
United Kingdom INSIGHT MEDIA GROUP LTD (899255088) GB325842401 associatedPartner PRC € 0 € 0 € 0