ACTNOW (101060072)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Advancing understanding of Cumulative Impacts on European marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services for human wellbeing

  Assess and predict integrated impacts of cumulative direct and indirect stressors on coastal and marine biodiversity, ecosystems and their services (HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-04)

  marine biology  ·  climatic zones  ·  habitat conservation  ·  ecosystems  ·  climatic changes

  2023-03-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2027-02-28 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 10,632,000


ACTNOW advances the state-of-the-art in understanding and forecasting of the cumulative impacts of climate change and interacting drivers on marine systems. The program provides solutions options to halt the loss of biodiversity, to restore and protect habitats and ecosystem processes, and to safeguard the contributions of marine areas to human well-being. ACTNOW is co-developed with EU policy stakeholders to deliver: 1) Mechanistic (cause-and-effect) understanding of the impacts of multiple interacting drivers on organisms, communities, habitats and ecosystems from individual-level performance to ecosystem-level stability, resistance, resilience and tipping-points; 2) Improved monitoring and new indicators of marine biodiversity based on state-of-the-art biologging technology, molecular methods and advanced numerical modeling; 3) Enhanced forecasts of European marine biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and services using scenarios (co-created and regionalized with practitioners) of multiple drivers and management settings, as well as integrated impact assessment methods; 4) Fit-for-purpose decision-support tools enabling regulators to deliver regionally-appropriate assessments and actions to restore and maintain Good Environmental Status; 5) Next-generation training for early-career scientists working on solutions to the dual crises of biodiversity loss and climate change and capacity building to enhance public literacy on the One Health concept. ACTNOW builds predictive capacity of multiple driver effects and performs integrated indicators assessments of biodiversity across 20 Case Studies capturing all European climate zones and regional seas, including pan-European research on key groups in marine food webs. dies capturing all European climate zones and regional seas, including pan-European research on key groups in marine food webs.

  Complicit Organisations

2 Israeli organisations participate in ACTNOW.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Norway HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTET (999548432) NO971349077MVA participant REC € 615,250 € 615,250 € 615,250
Norway UNIVERSITETET I TROMSOE - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITET (999874643) nan participant HES € 385,612 € 385,612 € 385,612
United Kingdom SWANSEA UNIVERSITY (999862033) GB123853477 associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Finland HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO (999994535) FI03134717 participant HES € 343,948 € 343,948 € 343,948
United Kingdom THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS (999904713) GB888800181 associatedPartner PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
United Kingdom PLYMOUTH MARINE LABORATORY LIMITED (999484024) GB927105830 associatedPartner REC € 0 € 0 € 0
Netherlands KONINKLIJKE NEDERLANDSE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN - KNAW (999518362) NL002958697B01 participant REC € 308,750 € 308,750 € 308,750
Greece ETHNIKO KAI KAPODISTRIAKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON (999643007) EL090145420 participant HES € 312,800 € 312,800 € 312,800
Spain ECOPATH INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVE ASOCIACION (958090341) ESG65656944 participant OTH € 233,398 € 233,398 € 233,398
Greece HELLENIC CENTRE FOR MARINE RESEARCH (999577532) EL999355106 participant REC € 289,000 € 289,000 € 289,000
Bulgaria INSTITUT PO BIORAZNOOBRAZIE I EKOSISTEMNI IZSLEDVANIYA BALGARSKA AKADEMIYA NA NAUKITE (973388405) BG175905652 participant HES € 354,446 € 354,446 € 354,446
France UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER (888104744) FR20130029796 participant HES € 511,250 € 511,250 € 490,375
Italy UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI FEDERICO II (999976590) IT00876220633 participant HES € 278,750 € 278,750 € 278,750
United Kingdom THE UNIVERSITY COURT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS (999984253) GB607606448 associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Germany ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM FUR POLAR- UND MEERESFORSCHUNG (999497507) DE114707273 participant REC € 292,105 € 292,105 € 292,105
Italy UNIVERSITA DI PISA (999862712) IT00286820501 participant HES € 373,750 € 373,750 € 373,750
Israel ISRAEL OCEANOGRAPHIC AND LIMNOLOGICAL RESEARCH LIMITED (999657654) IL910123835 participant REC € 343,525 € 343,525 € 343,525
Denmark INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE EXPLORATION OF THE SEA (997629190) nan participant REC € 346,021 € 346,021 € 346,021
Switzerland EIDGENOESSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZUERICH (999979015) nan associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Israel TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY (999901609) IL589931187 participant HES € 120,381 € 120,381 € 120,381
Italy CONSORZIO NAZIONALE INTERUNIVERSITARIO PER LE SCIENZE DEL MARE ASSOCIAZIONE (999510990) IT01069050993 participant REC € 703,750 € 703,750 € 703,750
Denmark DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET (999990655) DK30060946 participant HES € 393,868 € 393,868 € 393,868
France INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER (999630300) FR46330715368 thirdParty REC € 20,875 € 0 € 20,875
Norway NORSK INSTITUTT FOR VANNFORSKNING (997826585) nan participant REC € 480,122 € 480,122 € 480,122
Portugal CENTRO INTERDISCIPLINAR DE INVESTIGACAO MARINHA E AMBIENTAL (997223536) PT508792657 participant REC € 288,000 € 288,000 € 288,000
United Kingdom MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (999612549) GB143463479 associatedPartner REC € 0 € 0 € 0
Germany UNIVERSITAET ROSTOCK (999852430) DE137385436 participant HES € 300,403 € 300,403 € 300,403
Germany CARL VON OSSIETZKY UNIVERSITAET OLDENBURG (999877262) DE811184499 participant HES € 186,006 € 186,006 € 186,006
Italy FONDAZIONE CENTRO EURO-MEDITERRANEOSUI CAMBIAMENTI CLIMATICI (999419422) IT03873750750 participant REC € 337,706 € 337,706 € 337,706
France INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT (999513803) FR75180006025 participant REC € 274,656 € 274,656 € 274,656
Netherlands STICHTING NEDERLANDSE WETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK INSTITUTEN (999624092) NL002882243B01 coordinator REC € 1,531,372 € 1,531,372 € 1,531,372
Spain UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO (999630494) ESQ8650002B participant HES € 380,312 € 380,312 € 380,312
Sweden STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET (999885022) SE202100306201 participant HES € 330,487 € 330,487 € 330,487
Türkiye MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (999643492) TR6320050974 participant HES € 243,750 € 243,750 € 243,750
Netherlands STICHTING WAGENINGEN RESEARCH (999547365) NL806511618B01 participant REC € 72,575 € 72,575 € 72,575