TEADAL (101070186)


  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Trustworthy, Energy-Aware federated DAta Lakes along the computing continuum

  Technologies and solutions for compliance, privacy preservation, green and responsible data operations (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01-01)

  computer and information sciences

  2022-09-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2025-08-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 8,846,422


Data analytics is one of the main cornerstones in many enterprise architectures and the data lake paradigm is more and more adopted to assist organizations in taking reliable, accurate, and fast decisions. Although the initial approaches to address these issues saw the data lakes as the evolution of data warehouses to be implemented on-premises, cloud providers are nowadays including in their offerings platforms able to setup and run them. Nevertheless, the increasing amount of data generated at the edge and the need to enable the data sharing among organizations are posing new challenges in terms of performances, energy efficiency, and privacy/confidentiality which can be properly addressed with data lakes which are deployed along the whole computing continuum as well as building a federation of such data lakes. The ambition of TEADAL is to provide key cornerstone technologies to create stretched data lakes spanning the cloud-edge continuum and multi-cloud, providing privacy, confidentiality, and energy-efficient data management. The TEADAL data lake technologies will enable trusted, verifiable and energy efficient data flows, both in a stretched data lake and across a trustworthy mediatorless federation of them, based on a shared approach for defining, enforcing, and tracking privacy/confidentiality requirements balanced with the need for energy reduction.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in TEADAL.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Austria TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN (999979888) ATU37675002 participant HES € 906,625 € 906,625 € 906,625
Spain MARINA SALUD SA (928257118) ESA97563563 participant PRC € 316,875 € 316,875 € 316,875
Switzerland TERRAVIEW GMBH (891974171) CHE307109941MWST associatedPartner PRC € 0 € 0 € 0
Italy REGIONE TOSCANA (998823842) IT01386030488 participant PUB € 265,625 € 265,625 € 265,625
Estonia CYBERNETICA AS (999754363) EE100322358 participant PRC € 563,250 € 563,250 € 563,250
Italy CEFRIEL SOCIETA CONSORTILE A RESPONSABILITA LIMITATA SOCIETA' BENEFIT (999647178) IT09144820157 participant REC € 485,500 € 485,500 € 485,500
Italy ALMAVIVA THE ITALIAN INNOVATION COMPANY SPA (961448384) IT08450891000 participant PRC € 815,137 € 815,137 € 815,137
Italy AZIENDA METROPOLITANA TRASPORTI E SOSTA CATANIA SPA (927699853) IT04912390871 participant PRC € 272,500 € 272,500 € 272,500
Germany TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT BERLIN (999986678) DE811231089 participant HES € 1,058,035 € 1,058,035 € 1,058,035
Portugal ERT TEXTIL PORTUGAL SA (886516466) PT509270573 participant PRC € 396,250 € 396,250 € 396,250
Belgium UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TRANSPORTS PUBLICS (999945647) BE0544198506 participant OTH € 307,500 € 307,500 € 307,500
Italy POLITECNICO DI MILANO (999879881) IT04376620151 participant HES € 657,500 € 657,500 € 657,500
Romania BOX2M ENGINEERING SRL (904179196) nan participant PRC € 414,875 € 414,875 € 414,875
Israel IBM ISRAEL - SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LTD (999787343) nan participant PRC € 921,625 € 921,625 € 921,625
Spain FUNDACIO PRIVADA I2CAT, INTERNET I INNOVACIO DIGITAL A CATALUNYA (999583061) ESG63262570 participant REC € 362,125 € 362,125 € 362,125
Portugal UBIWHERE LDA (991811906) PT508245567 coordinator PRC € 1,103,000 € 1,103,000 € 1,103,000
Switzerland MARTEL GMBH (999695387) CHE108471881MWST associatedPartner PRC € 0 € 0 € 0