intoDBP (101081728)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)


  Securing drinking water quality by protecting water sources against pollution, providing innovative monitoring and treatment solutions and ensuring safe distribution (HORIZON-CL6-2022-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-04)

  drinking water treatment processes  ·  hydrology  ·  climate change adaptation  ·  microeconomics  ·  sensors

  2022-12-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-11-30 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 3,994,707


intoDBP will create innovative tools and strategies to improve water quality management for safe human use and a healthy environment. It focuses on catchment protection and forecasting, transformative drinking water treatment, and real-time monitoring to combat the effects of climate and global change. In particular, intoDBP focuses on pollution and risks related to disinfection by-products (DBPs). By developing and applying advanced, integrated, and cost-effective sensors and analytical methods, intoDBP will expand knowledge on water quality and DBP precursors to better understand its formation and human exposure in Europe. intoDBP monitoring results will feed into numerical forecasting tools to predict source water changes and formulate climate change adaptation pathways at catchment and treatment scale. intoDBP also develops transformative options for advanced and cost-effective upgrade of water treatment and disinfection. In the intoDBP consortium researchers, small and large enterprises, communication experts and public services join forces to generate interdisciplinary solutions, that will generate a renewed perspective of drinking water surveillance, support decision-making and governance, and increase system resilience. intoDBP will implement and validate its cross-cutting products in four complementary case studies from three European countries where compliance with DBP regulation currently is an acknowledged challenge. The direct and visible positive impact of intoDBP in the case studies will foster rapid product adoption at a European and global scale, thus strengthening Europe’s position and role in the global water market. Reaching out beyond the water sector itself, intoDBP will directly engage society through surveys to analyse exposure to DBPs, collect data about catchment protection initiatives, create awareness and promote sustainable consumer behaviour such as reducing bottled water consumption.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in intoDBP.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Spain FUNDACIO INSTITUT CATALA DE RECERCA DE L'AIGUA (997459052) ESG17920851 coordinator REC € 700,299 € 700,299 € 700,299
Italy UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI CATANIA (999874061) IT02772010878 participant HES € 298,497 € 298,497 € 298,497
Ireland DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY (999892588) IE6517957E participant HES € 367,394 € 367,394 € 367,394
Austria BADGER METER AUSTRIA GMBH (892100659) ATU75796024 participant PRC € 426,718 € 426,718 € 348,593
Spain ENTE DE ABASTECIMIENTO DE AGUA TER-LLOBREGAT (893152915) ESQ0802216B participant PUB € 80,000 € 80,000 € 80,000
Cyprus S.K. EUROMARKET LTD (923065096) CY10039663X participant PRC € 185,000 € 185,000 € 185,000
Spain FUNDACION PRIVADA INSTITUTO DE SALUD GLOBAL BARCELONA (951414122) ESG65341695 participant REC € 252,922 € 252,922 € 252,922
Cyprus WATER BOARD OF LEMESOS (953358196) CY90000045L participant PUB € 101,250 € 101,250 € 101,250
Australia UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (986179795) AU37191313308 associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Italy AQUASOIL SRL (913809938) IT02128300742 participant PRC € 275,625 € 275,625 € 275,625
Spain AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS (999991722) ESQ2818002D participant REC € 115,598 € 115,598 € 115,598
Ireland DUNDALK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (996645125) IE4598992U participant HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Belgium WATER EUROPE (952516430) BE0893349907 participant OTH € 159,746 € 159,746 € 159,746
Israel THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM (999975038) IL500701610 participant HES € 364,375 € 364,375 € 364,375
Spain CANAL DE ISABEL II GESTION S.A. (950721445) ESA86488087 participant PRC € 97,458 € 97,458 € 97,458
Cyprus UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS (999835843) CY90001673W participant HES € 569,821 € 569,821 € 569,821
United States VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY (997833472) nan associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Spain BADGER METER SPAIN S.L (919111861) ESB66586959 thirdParty PRC € 0 € 0 € 78,125