InvestCEC (101082131)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Supporting the transition towards circular economy in European cities and regions: Development of a replicable model for local circular economy projects

  Circular Cities and Regions Initiative’s project development assistance (CCRI-PDA) (HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01-01)

  entrepreneurship  ·  business models  ·  sustainable economy

  2022-11-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2025-10-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 1,961,575


With 75% of the EU’s citizens living in urban areas, the potential of circular economy for European cities is clear. However, one of the main issues hindering a widespread deployment is that compared to industrialized economies, circular economy business cases are often perceived as risky by investors, often because the business models are poorly described or understood. InvestCEC will develop a replicable model for the implementation of circular economy projects in cities and regions across Europe, while taking into account all relevant stakeholders. Specifically, the model will address the city and region’s needs, support entrepreneurs in making their circular economy solution investment ready, and include the investment program set up and management. The model viability will be then demonstrated in the city of Klagenfurt, Austria as a test case. InvestCEC will also develop a platform for the stakeholders involved in a circular economy project to communicate, exchange information, as well as monitor the project and its progress. A tailored replication plan including replication materials and replication activities will be established in order to encourage the replication of the model in other local and regional settings across Europe. Alongside the model’s development and demonstration, the project will carry out prospective activities and implement measures to support the transition towards circular economy, including policy-related work, information exchange events, marketplace of circular economy solutions, and additional resources, tools and guidelines for the use of all stakeholders.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in InvestCEC.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Austria VENIONAIRE CAPITAL GMBH (885832228) ATU67493367 participant PRC € 345,700 € 345,700 € 345,700
Israel ENSPIRE SCIENCE LTD (905336988) IL515716082 coordinator PRC € 236,375 € 236,375 € 236,375
Spain FUNDACION CARTIF (999929836) ESG47565478 participant REC € 199,375 € 199,375 € 199,375
Austria STADTWERKE KLAGENFURT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (885739787) ATU50029507 participant PRC € 308,625 € 308,625 € 308,625
Denmark INVESTORNET-GATE2GROWTH APS (998471732) DK25138406 participant PRC € 268,000 € 268,000 € 268,000
France MATERALIA (930140373) FR53489407726 participant OTH € 253,500 € 253,500 € 253,500
Belgium GREENOVATE ! EUROPE (995542041) BE0891742279 participant OTH € 350,000 € 350,000 € 350,000