ONCOSCREEN (101097036)


  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  A European “shield” against colorectal cancer based on novel, more precise and affordable risk-based screening methods and viable policy pathways

  Develop new methods and technologies for cancer screening and early detection (HORIZON-MISS-2021-CANCER-02-01)

  colorectal cancer

  2023-01-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-12-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 12,972,076


With Colorectal Cancer (CRC) being accountable for 12.4% of all deaths due to cancer, and with only 14% of EU citizens participating in screening programmes, there is an urgent need for accurate, non-invasive, cost-effective screening tests based on novel technologies and an increased awareness on the disease and its detection. Furthermore, personalized approaches for screening are needed, to consider genetic and other socioeconomic variables and environmental stressors that lead to different onsets of the disease. ONCOSCREEN responds to these challenges by developing a risk-based, population-level stratification methodology for CRC, to account for genetic prevalence, socio-economic status, and other factors. It complements this methodology by a) developing a set of novel, practical, and low-cost screening technologies with high sensitivity and specificity, b) leveraging AI to improve existing methodologies for CRC screening, allowing for the early detection of polyps and provision of a personalized risk status stratification, and c) providing a mobile app for self-monitoring and CRC awareness raising. Furthermore, ONCOSCREEN develops an Intelligent Analytics dashboard for policy makers facilitating effective policy making at regional and national levels. Through a multi-level campaign, the above-mentioned solutions are tested and validated. For the clinical solutions specifically, a clinical validation study has been planned with the participation of 4100 enrolled patients/citizens. To ensure the adoption of the developed solutions by the healthcare systems, their cost-effectiveness and financial viability will be assessed. The 48-months duration project will be implemented by a multidisciplinary consortium comprising of 38 partners, including technical solutions providers, hospitals, Ministries of Health as policy makers, legal and ethics experts, Insurance companies, involving actively end-users/citizens in all phases of implementation through targeted workshops. This action is part of the Cancer Mission cluster of projects on ‘Prevention, including Screening.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in ONCOSCREEN.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Portugal UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO (999995505) PT502011378 participant HES € 329,975 € 329,975 € 329,975
Belgium VLAAMSE INSTELLING VOOR TECHNOLOGISCH ONDERZOEK N.V. (999645238) BE0244195916 participant REC € 408,310 € 408,310 € 408,310
Bulgaria ROZENBAUM KONSULTING (889265155) BG205828667 participant PRC € 511,625 € 511,625 € 511,625
Belgium TIMELEX (991228063) BE0890217005 participant PRC € 247,187 € 247,187 € 247,187
Germany SCIENTIFIC ACADEMY FOR SERVICE TECHNOLOGY EV (996374010) DE815118674 participant REC € 329,350 € 329,350 € 329,350
Portugal EUROPACOLON PORTUGAL- ASSOCIACAO DE LUTA CONTRA O CANCRO DO INTESTINO (887002436) PT507754395 participant OTH € 115,000 € 115,000 € 115,000
Greece ETHNIKO KENTRO EREVNAS KAI TECHNOLOGIKIS ANAPTYXIS (998802502) EL099785242 participant REC € 495,750 € 495,750 € 495,750
Netherlands LOUWEN ROGIER (885483610) nan participant PRC € 99,687 € 99,687 € 99,687
Austria MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAT GRAZ (999836231) ATU57511179 participant HES € 463,250 € 463,250 € 463,250
Lithuania PAGALBOS ONKOLOGINIAMS LIGONIAMS ASOCIACIJA (938334351) nan participant OTH € 143,750 € 143,750 € 143,750
Cyprus CATALINK LIMITED (908583578) CY10378448C participant PRC € 246,875 € 246,875 € 246,875
France UNIVERSITE DE FRANCHE-COMTE (999863100) FR14192512150 participant HES € 260,625 € 260,625 € 260,625
Germany UNIVERSITATSKLINIKUM SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN (999845349) DE814167313 participant HES € 338,245 € 338,245 € 198,492
Romania BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SRL (999685687) nan participant PRC € 191,250 € 191,250 € 191,250
Spain UNIVERSIDAD DE LA RIOJA (999471414) ESQ2618002F participant HES € 245,000 € 245,000 € 245,000
Greece MINISTRY OF HEALTH (950261665) nan participant PUB € 207,500 € 207,500 € 207,500
Italy EY ADVISORY SPA (996143926) IT13221390159 participant PRC € 228,125 € 228,125 € 228,125
Spain AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS (999991722) ESQ2818002D participant REC € 200,625 € 200,625 € 200,625
Greece EXUS SOFTWARE MONOPROSOPI ETAIRIA PERIORISMENIS EVTHINIS (916943523) EL800663995 coordinator PRC € 1,015,625 € 1,015,625 € 1,015,625
Greece ELLINIKI ETAIREIA OGKOLOGIAS PEPTIKOU (886461758) EL099338640 participant OTH € 92,625 € 92,625 € 92,625
Lithuania LIETUVOS SVEIKATOS MOKSLU UNIVERSITETAS (972782446) LT100005579315 participant HES € 403,125 € 403,125 € 403,125
Austria MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAT INNSBRUCK (999855437) ATU57495455 participant HES € 338,750 € 338,750 € 338,750
Romania FUNDATIA YOUTH CANCER EUROPE (920105529) nan participant OTH € 105,750 € 105,750 € 105,750
France FIRALIS (997607753) FR12504944364 participant PRC € 691,500 € 691,500 € 691,500
France GIE AXA (963794426) FR78333491066 participant OTH € 220,625 € 220,625 € 220,625
Belgium AINIGMA TECHNOLOGIES (892135579) BE0758652836 participant PRC € 298,750 € 298,750 € 298,750
Portugal INSTITUTO PORTUGUES DE ONCOLOGIA DO PORTO FRANCISCO GENTIL, EPE (996835827) nan participant PUB € 382,500 € 382,500 € 382,500
Netherlands VOOGD SANNE (885483707) nan participant PRC € 99,687 € 99,687 € 99,687
Romania INSTITUTUL ONCOLOGIC PROF. DR. ALEXANDRU TRESTIOREANU BUCURESTI (987466015) nan participant REC € 268,750 € 268,750 € 268,750
Netherlands TILBURG UNIVERSITY- UNIVERSITEIT VAN TILBURG (999899475) NL002791250B01 participant HES € 351,500 € 351,500 € 351,500
Germany UNIVERSITAETSMEDIZIN DER JOHANNES GUTENBERG-UNIVERSITAET MAINZ (994850722) DE149065652 participant HES € 757,500 € 757,500 € 757,500
Israel TECHNION - ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (999907720) IL557585585 participant HES € 917,450 € 917,450 € 917,450
Lithuania LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS SVEIKATOS APSAUGOS MINISTERIJA (933839468) nan participant PUB € 130,183 € 130,183 € 130,183
Belgium INNOVATION SPRINT (919699584) BE0648786874 participant PRC € 281,250 € 281,250 € 281,250
France ASSOCIATION GERCOR (884903162) FR11421204199 participant REC € 352,500 € 352,500 € 352,500
Greece EREVNITIKO PANEPISTIMIAKO INSTITOUTO SYSTIMATON EPIKOINONION KAI YPOLOGISTON (999654356) EL090162593 participant REC € 625,750 € 625,750 € 625,750
Germany UNIVERSITAET zu LUEBECK (999857765) DE202095138 thirdParty HES € 0 € 0 € 139,752
Ireland KONNEKT ABLE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (949273914) nan participant PRC € 265,000 € 265,000 € 265,000
Ireland CARR COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (998823163) IE9F54784R participant PRC € 211,250 € 211,250 € 211,250