MRV4SOC (101112754)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Soil Organic Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Balance

  Monitoring, reporting and verification of soil carbon and greenhouse gases balance (HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01-05)

  data science  ·  landscape ecology  ·  sustainable agriculture  ·  software development  ·  machine learning

  2023-06-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-05-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 6,999,966


MRV4SOC aims at designing a comprehensive, robust, and cost-effective Tier 3 approach, accounting for changes in as many C pools as possible, to estimate GHG and full C budgets, coupling C and N cycles, quantify Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) accumulation, and assess the results of traditional management practices and C farming. The main challenges addressed in MRV4SOC are: i) monitoring changes in SOC accumulation due to climate change and socio-economic pressures; ii) accounting for C and N cycles in full C budgets; iii) development of scientifically-sound, standard, and transparent Tier 3 methodology at different scales, iv) implementation of high-quality in-situ and RS data for testing methods and scale-up purposes; iv) standardisation of Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification schemes to ensure transparency, robustness, and cost-effectiveness; and v) a lack of trust in Voluntary Carbon Markets. To overcome these challenges, MRV4SOC will develop 6 specific objectives, which will be measurable, verifiable, and monitored through KPIs pointing at specific targets. MRV4SOC proposes a comprehensive 3-year work plan that ranges from the assessment of C pools in 9 land use/ land cover classes located in 14 Demonstration Sites (DS); to the potential integration of the approacMRV4SOC aims at designing a comprehensive and robust Tier 3 approach accounting for changes in as many C pools as possible (above-ground biomass, below ground-biomass, litter, dead wood, soil organic carbon, and harvested wood products) fully aligned with national GHG reporting. MRV4SOC seeks to develop solutions applicable for different spatio- temporal scales and climate change scenarios and validated for a wide variety of ecosystems in arid, temperate, and continental climate zones in collaboration with local stakeholders. The proposed approach will help establish reliable and transparent C farming credits within a cost-effective monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) methodological framework.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in MRV4SOC.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Italy FONDAZIONE ICONS (917939810) nan participant OTH € 351,606 € 351,606 € 351,606
Belgium UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE (999976105) BE0325777171 participant HES € 256,067 € 256,067 € 256,067
Norway NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOOKONOMI (999754848) nan participant REC € 494,670 € 494,670 € 494,670
Belgium UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN (999902870) BE0257216482 participant HES € 273,777 € 273,777 € 273,777
Italy ENTE REGIONALE PER I SERVIZI ALL' AGRICULTURA E ALLE FORESTE (899156245) IT03609320969 thirdParty REC € 0 € 0 € 91,000
Greece ARISTOTELIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS (999895692) EL090049627 participant HES € 344,231 € 344,231 € 344,231
Belgium UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN (999980664) BE0419052272 participant HES € 644,856 € 644,856 € 644,856
Spain EVENOR TECH SL (986895946) ESB91790527 participant PRC € 265,918 € 265,918 € 265,918
Spain AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS (999991722) ESQ2818002D participant REC € 357,721 € 357,721 € 357,721
Netherlands STICHTING INTERNATIONAL SOIL REFERENCE AND INFORMATION CENTRE (999500611) NL803396582B01 participant REC € 179,192 € 179,192 € 179,192
Germany DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUR LUFT - UND RAUMFAHRT EV (999981731) DE121965658 participant REC € 360,442 € 360,442 € 360,442
Germany HELMHOLTZ ZENTRUM POTSDAM DEUTSCHES GEOFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM GFZ (999994341) DE138407750 participant REC € 159,192 € 159,192 € 159,192
Israel TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY (999901609) IL589931187 participant HES € 222,795 € 222,795 € 222,795
Belgium SOIL CAPITAL BELGIUM (894306051) BE0655917958 participant PRC € 275,442 € 275,442 € 275,442
Italy CONOSCENZA E INNOVAZIONE SOCIETA ARESPONSABILITA LIMITATA SEMPLIFICATA (917884520) IT13938821009 participant PRC € 312,937 € 312,937 € 312,937
France CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS (999997930) FR40180089013 participant REC € 546,728 € 546,728 € 546,728
Germany UNIVERSITAET GREIFSWALD (999858056) DE137584813 participant HES € 406,900 € 406,900 € 406,900
Italy CONSIGLIO PER LA RICERCA IN AGRICOLTURA E L'ANALISI DELL'ECONOMIA AGRARIA (999531360) IT08183101008 participant REC € 455,000 € 455,000 € 364,000
Czechia CESKA ZEMEDELSKA UNIVERZITA V PRAZE (999912570) CZ60460709 participant HES € 193,920 € 193,920 € 193,920
Spain UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO (999630494) ESQ8650002B participant HES € 140,255 € 140,255 € 140,255
Spain GMV AEROSPACE AND DEFENCE SA (999905004) ESA79197356 coordinator PRC € 758,311 € 758,311 € 758,311