OpenSuperQPlus100 (101113946)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Open Superconducting Quantum Computers (OpenSuperQPlus)

  HORIZON-CL4-QUANTUM-01-SGA - Developing the first large-scale quantum computers (SGA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-QUANTUM-01-SGA)

  software  ·  quantum computers  ·  superconductivity

  2023-03-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-08-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 19,999,327


OpenSuperQplus100 aims at delivering systems and technology for quantum computers based on superconductors. It thus implements the roadmap of the strategic research agenda for the quantum technology flagship as detailed by the OpenSuperQplus framework partnership from which it emerges. It will deliver integrated demonstrators for research and user purposes, one of which will contain at least 100 high-quality qubits. The center piece is a design and fabrication platform for high-quality quantum chips, their environment for multi-chip-modules, and the immediate surroundings of the processors. OpenSuperQplus100 delivers the necessary components and the enabling hard- and software to achieve that goal. This is completed by a test and benchmarking suite, exploring the potential realization of beyond-classical performance in real-world applications. The agenda of OpenSuperQplus100 is looking ahead in developing, testing, and down-selecting technologies that are needed to reach the 1000 qubit level in a subsequent project. The composition of the project with leading companies, RTOs, and academic groups is closely aligned with national agendas which lay the foundation for the OpenSuperQplus100 results. The project contains structured activities in standardization, education, and ethics that will inform larger European discussions. OpenSuperQplus develops structured IP policies and commercialization strategies of its key exploitable results and will serve as a reliable source of information for European stakeholders in industry, academia, politics, and society at large.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in OpenSuperQPlus100.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Austria INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AUSTRIA (996479740) ATU64938189 participant HES € 530,812 € 530,812 € 530,812
Estonia TARTU ULIKOOL (999895013) EE100030417 participant HES € 252,500 € 252,500 € 252,500
Germany FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JULICH GMBH (999980470) DE122624631 coordinator REC € 2,312,280 € 2,312,280 € 2,312,280
Netherlands NEDERLANDSE ORGANISATIE VOOR TOEGEPAST NATUURWETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK TNO (999988909) NL002875718B01 participant REC € 609,060 € 609,060 € 609,060
Finland IQM FINLAND OY (898881541) FI29126256 participant PRC € 490,000 € 490,000 € 490,000
Finland TEKNOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS VTT OY (932760440) FI26473754 participant REC € 2,066,341 € 2,066,341 € 2,066,341
Germany SUPRACON AG (989099786) DE216111685 participant PRC € 547,500 € 547,500 € 547,500
Germany FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV (999984059) DE129515865 participant REC € 560,367 € 560,367 € 560,367
Spain FUNDACION TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION (999604110) ESG48975767 thirdParty REC € 0 € 0 € 43,747
Netherlands ORANGE QUANTUM SYSTEMS OPERATIONAL BV (892924092) NL861319941B01 participant PRC € 742,500 € 742,500 € 742,500
France COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES (999992401) FR43775685019 participant REC € 529,362 € 529,362 € 529,362
Germany EURICE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AND PROJECT OFFICE GMBH (999778419) DE210372698 participant PRC € 556,798 € 556,798 € 416,798
Hungary BUDAPESTI MUSZAKI ES GAZDASAGTUDOMANYI EGYETEM (999904228) HU17783305 participant HES € 274,000 € 274,000 € 274,000
Finland AALTO KORKEAKOULUSAATIO SR (991256096) FI22283574 participant HES € 849,515 € 849,515 € 849,515
Spain BCAM - BASQUE CENTER FOR APPLIED MATHEMATICS (998156579) ESG95543526 thirdParty REC € 0 € 0 € 189,000
Germany BAYERISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN (999580054) DE811209280 participant REC € 1,490,531 € 1,490,531 € 1,490,531
France ALICE & BOB (891144142) FR02881729156 participant PRC € 487,000 € 487,000 € 487,000
Finland BLUEFORS OY (998642064) FI21832199 participant PRC € 340,150 € 340,150 € 340,150
Netherlands QUANTWARE B.V. (892878890) NL861870311B01 participant PRC € 570,937 € 570,937 € 570,937
Germany KARLSRUHER INSTITUT FUER TECHNOLOGIE (990797674) DE266749428 participant HES € 427,250 € 427,250 € 427,250
Germany ROHDE & SCHWARZ GMBH & CO. KOMMANDITGESELLSCHAFT (999949430) nan participant PRC € 262,595 € 262,595 € 262,595
Hungary WIGNER FIZIKAI KUTATOKOZPONT (954722113) HU15327064 participant REC € 276,250 € 276,250 € 276,250
Germany QRUISE GMBH (888910814) DE347193538 participant PRC € 490,000 € 490,000 € 490,000
Croatia RESEARCH AND INNOVATION SERVICES DOO ZA USLUGE (884077013) HR62531146422 thirdParty PRC € 0 € 0 € 140,000
Israel THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM (999975038) IL500701610 participant HES € 529,375 € 529,375 € 529,375
France CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS (999997930) FR40180089013 participant REC € 528,715 € 528,715 € 528,715
Spain UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO/ EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA (999865234) ESQ4818001B participant HES € 636,845 € 636,845 € 404,098
Germany ZURICH INSTRUMENTS GERMANY GMBH (887934994) DE349732684 participant PRC € 208,396 € 208,396 € 208,396
Netherlands TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT (999977366) NL001569569B01 participant HES € 1,170,000 € 1,170,000 € 1,170,000
Finland CSC-TIETEEN TIETOTEKNIIKAN KESKUS OY (999645820) FI09206320 participant OTH € 289,931 € 289,931 € 289,931
Sweden CHALMERS TEKNISKA HOGSKOLA AB (999980373) SE556479559801 participant HES € 1,970,312 € 1,970,312 € 1,970,312