INSIDE-HEART (101119941)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  multI-discipliNary, multi-Sectoral and multi-national trainIng network on Digital biomarkErs for supraventricular arrHythmia charactErizAtion and Risk assessmenT

  MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022 (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01-01)

  artificial intelligence  ·  cardiac arrhythmia  ·  signal processing

  2023-11-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2027-10-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 0


INSIDE-HEART brings together universities, companies and hospitals from countries (Italy, Finland, France, Israel, Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden) with the main scope of establishing a multi-disciplinary network to tackle the design and the early-phase validation of digital biomarkers, specifically targeting the diagnosis of supraventricular arrhythmias (SVAs) and their associated potential for adverse risk assessment, via the joint combination of signal processing, artificial intelligence and non-clinical devices. This will be achieved by performing excellent research through a unique doctoral training “without walls” among field-expert academic, industrial and clinical entities. The composite nature of the INSIDE-HEART network ensures a highly qualified training and research infrastructure for the specific goal, which aims to generate a new profile of researcher with multi-sectoral expertise able to fill the existing gap, i.e., the absence of digital biomarkers for SVAs reliably estimated with non-clinical devices, taking into account basic research, clinical needs and business interests. Research and training are designed to consider relevant aspects such as public concern of private data management, gender and ethics related to SVAs, all according to Responsible Research & Innovation principles and Open Science practices. All activities in INSIDE-HEART are designed to pursue innovation in three domains: i) Educational domain – by implementing a new multi-sectoral paradigm of PhD training to shape modern professional researchers with cross-competencies in the field, and able to accelerate the translation from basic science to market and clinics; ii) Basic science domain - by producing new knowledge about digital biomarkers by means of a multi-sectoral approach to explore the complex aspects related to SVAs; and iii) Technological domain – by developing new data-driven and model-based methodologies to compute digital biomarkers and support the clinical decision.

  Complicit Organisations

2 Israeli organisations participate in INSIDE-HEART.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Italy Cardio Calm srl (895070993) nan associatedPartner nan € 0 € 0 € 0
Italy EMPATICA SRL (895212613) IT07462810966 participant PRC € 0 € 259,437 € 259,437
Spain SMART SOLUTIONS TECHNOLOGIES SL (985794220) ESB84538693 participant nan € 0 € 251,971 € 251,971
Sweden LUNDS UNIVERSITET (999901318) SE202100321101 participant HES € 0 € 293,709 € 293,709
Spain UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA (999898214) ESQ5018001G participant HES € 0 € 251,971 € 251,971
Italy CENTRO CARDIOLOGICO MONZINO (999969218) IT13055640158 participant nan € 0 € 259,437 € 259,437
France RDS (894639052) FR22882347958 associatedPartner PRC € 0 € 0 € 0
Finland PRECORDIOR OY (905937418) FI28009277 associatedPartner PRC € 0 € 0 € 0
Israel TECHNION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION LTD (952933918) IL510097918 participant PRC € 0 € 271,432 € 271,432
Spain FUNDACION INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACION SANITARIA ARAGON (932533266) ESG99426132 associatedPartner REC € 0 € 0 € 0
Italy POLITECNICO DI MILANO (999879881) IT04376620151 coordinator HES € 0 € 259,437 € 259,437
Italy UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO (999995796) IT03064870151 participant HES € 0 € 259,437 € 259,437
Netherlands MEDTRONIC BAKKEN RESEARCH CENTER B.V. (999584613) NL008862357B03 participant PRC € 0 € 274,370 € 274,370
Israel TECHNION - ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (999907720) IL557585585 associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Finland TURUN YLIOPISTO (999903064) FI02458963 participant HES € 0 € 286,488 € 286,488