WeForming (101123556)


  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Buildings as Efficient Interoperable Formers of Clean Energy Ecosystems

  Smart-grid ready and smart-network ready buildings, acting as active utility nodes (Built4People) (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-04)

  smart cities  ·  renewable energy  ·  business models  ·  ecosystems

  2023-10-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-09-30 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 11,994,576


The WeForming project aims to change the paradigm of efficiently managing energy in buildings, paying special attention to their interaction with the energy ecosystem (energy networks and markets) by developing, deploying and demonstrating innovative solutions addressing (i) digital operation, management and maintenance and (ii) efficient and interactive energy processing for Intelligent Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (iGEBs), able to operate intelligently in a multi-energy, multi-user, multi-sector, multi-market, and multi-objective environment, without forgetting quality, comfort, health and acceptation. The WeForming Framework will deploy an umbrella framework covering all aspects around the establishment and adoption of iGEBs in cities, which consists of (i) a Building Operational Pillar encompassing all assets of iGEBs, including the energy management systems and the different platforms, aiming towards the building operational optimization, the actors and the actual flexibility resources, generation and storage components; (ii) a novel Interoperability Assurance Pillar which leverages on, adapts, evolves, and specifically validates leading-edge interoperable architectures; (iii) a Business Pillar including all necessary processes to bring the proposed solutions to the market, through the design and validation of sustainable and competitive business models, ensuring the economic viability of the investments needed for the establishment of smart cities featuring new and refurbished iGEBs; (iv) a Smart-city enabling Pillar integrating iGEBs as modular units addressing all different non-technical barriers and limitations for the widespread deployment of the proposed solutions that will create a stock of active buildings acting as active utility nodes within cities.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in WeForming.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Spain CUERVA ENERGIA SLU (903812051) ESA18210013 participant PRC € 293,125 € 175,875 € 175,875
Belgium UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE (999976105) BE0325777171 participant HES € 531,125 € 531,125 € 531,125
Belgium FLEXIDE ENERGY SRL (883754973) BE0656509163 participant PRC € 375,500 € 225,300 € 225,300
Greece HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EPE (990685833) EL099602177 participant PRC € 760,000 € 456,000 € 456,000
Greece EUROPEAN DYNAMICS ADVANCED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS SA (973746432) EL094402295 coordinator PRC € 1,237,500 € 742,500 € 742,500
Germany FZI FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM INFORMATIK (999614101) DE143608453 participant REC € 405,375 € 405,375 € 405,375
Portugal CENTRO DE INVESTIGACAO EM ENERGIA REN - STATE GRID SA (940068323) PT510640591 participant PRC € 526,250 € 315,750 € 315,750
Israel GENCELL LTD (906674812) IL514579887 participant PRC € 427,500 € 256,500 € 256,500
Portugal MOVIDA-EMPREENDIMENTOS TURISTICOS SA (934586659) PT502551100 participant PRC € 376,250 € 225,750 € 225,750
Belgium WINGEST (884354239) BE0426031225 participant PRC € 324,000 € 194,400 € 194,400
Croatia SMART ISLAND KRK DRUSTVO S OGRANICENOM ODGOVORNOSCU ZA PROJEKTIRANJE,GRADENJE I USLUGE (895875608) HR71183086599 participant PRC € 216,375 € 129,825 € 129,825
Croatia SVEUCILISTE U ZAGREBU FAKULTET ELEKTROTEHNIKE I RACUNARSTVA (999876486) HR57029260362 participant HES € 330,000 € 330,000 € 330,000
Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (934320200) LU27327040 participant REC € 1,203,668 € 1,203,668 € 1,203,668
Spain SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC ESPANA SA (951742079) ESA08008450 participant PRC € 437,500 € 262,500 € 262,500
Belgium REGULATORY ASSISTANCE PROJECT (913956602) nan participant OTH € 228,750 € 228,750 € 228,750
Germany KARLSRUHER INSTITUT FUER TECHNOLOGIE (990797674) DE266749428 participant HES € 539,750 € 539,750 € 539,750
Ireland F6S NETWORK IRELAND LIMITED (900885658) IE3629141FH participant PRC € 335,625 € 201,375 € 201,375
Portugal USEFUL GRAVITY LDA (892511842) PT515977063 participant PRC € 541,250 € 324,750 € 324,750
Spain AGGREGERING SL (888026756) ESB02832608 participant PRC € 302,500 € 181,500 € 181,500
Luxembourg IKO DEVELOPMENT (888927401) LU14248383 participant PRC € 192,500 € 115,500 € 115,500
Spain UNIVERSIDAD DE MALAGA (999898311) ESQ2918001E participant HES € 256,875 € 256,875 € 256,875
Germany BES-BADISCHE ENERGIE-SERVICEGESSELLSCHAFT MBH (883653317) DE308636269 participant PRC € 165,000 € 99,000 € 99,000
Croatia GRID ONE D.O.O. (883978267) HR21721383787 participant PRC € 538,250 € 322,950 € 322,950
Luxembourg CIRCU LI-ION S.A. (885598846) LU33616916 participant PRC € 555,470 € 333,282 € 333,282
Greece HOLISTIC IKE (933332255) EL800629086 participant PRC € 100,000 € 60,000 € 60,000
Spain VERGY COMMUNITY SL (883859733) ESB10772804 participant PRC € 218,437 € 131,062 € 131,062
Luxembourg SUDSTROUM S.A R.L. & CO S.E.C.S. (883812882) LU21976928 participant PRC € 202,500 € 121,500 € 121,500
Germany STADTWERKE KARLSRUHE GMBH (990802039) DE813808299 participant PRC € 127,500 € 76,500 € 76,500
United Kingdom QBOTS ENERGY LTD (910919338) GB290884171 associatedPartner PRC € 0 € 0 € 0