Bio4HUMAN (101135144)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Identifying bio-based solutions for waste management applicable to humanitarian sector

  Bio-based solutions for humanitarian applications (HORIZON-CL6-2023-CircBio-01-6)

  governance  ·  waste management

  2024-01-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-06-30 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 0


As the solid waste management crisis is growing in its urgency, humanitarian aid practitioners are faced with the question of how to manage environmental challenges linked with aid that is being shipped across various humanitarian settings. One of the sound solutions how to address this challenge is to open up a streamline of cooperation between humanitarian aid operators and the bio-based sector allowing them to explore the application potential of bio-based products, systems, and innovative technological solutions. Bio4HUMAN aims to contribute to the identification of bio-based solutions for solid waste management that have the potential to be applicable in various humanitarian settings. To achieve this goal, Bio4HUMAN will conduct a scoping exercise that will come up with a list of solutions but also identify existing supply chain gaps. Following that, it performs life cycle assessments of the proposed solutions and evaluates their applicability with regard to socio-economic and governance aspects. To explore if solutions fit the purpose of key solid waste management stakeholders and to explore the possibility of their acceptance by the community, local businesses, and local authorities, Bio4HUMAN conducts a feasibility evaluation process in 2 African locations. Simultaneously, the project will develop a replication roadmap that will contribute to the future replicability of the solutions identified. Altogether, all of the Bio4HUMAN’s actions will help to improve ways of addressing waste management challenges under humanitarian contexts and to the reduction of waste littered in the environment. In the long run, Bio4HUMAN is expected to contribute to the development of innovative and sustainable value chains that will benefit consumers and citizens in Europe and beyond.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in Bio4HUMAN.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Poland FUNDACJA EDUKACJI I DIALOGU SPOLECZNEGO PRO CIVIS (899507482) PL5252420164 participant OTH € 0 € 142,485 € 142,485
Spain INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DEL EMBALAJE, TRANSPORTE Y LOGISTICA (999688694) ESG96308184 participant REC € 0 € 182,843 € 182,843
Spain AIMPLAS - ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE MATERIALES PLASTICOS Y CONEXAS (999513415) ESG46714853 participant REC € 0 € 140,104 € 140,104
Israel ENSPIRE SCIENCE LTD (905336988) IL515716082 coordinator PRC € 0 € 191,457 € 191,457
France WELOOP (911102862) FR90830184420 participant PRC € 0 € 146,179 € 146,179
Czechia CLOVEK V TISNI OPS (942533869) CZ25755277 participant OTH € 0 € 156,278 € 156,278
Czechia BIOEAST HUB CR, Z. U. (887901917) CZ14101556 participant OTH € 0 € 96,368 € 96,368
Ireland IRISH BIOECONOMY FOUNDATION (911019927) IE3462972AH participant OTH € 0 € 172,138 € 172,138
Spain UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA (999880075) ESQ3918001C participant HES € 0 € 128,519 € 128,519
Poland POLSKA AKCJA HUMANITARNA FUNDACJA (925984602) PL5251441253 participant OTH € 0 € 153,435 € 153,435