RISERS (101135539)


  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  A Roadmap for Industrial Symbiosis Standardisation for Efficient Resource Sharing

  Boosting industrial symbiosis by standardisation (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-62)

  biological interactions

  2024-01-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-12-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 0


Industrial symbiosis (IS) is a key solution to address the challenges of conserving natural resources, yet the lack of standards and the difficulty in IS standardisation due to its cross-sectoral nature and additional bottlenecks impede the uptake of IS solutions. RISERS aims to address such bottlenecks through the development of a roadmap towards IS standardisation, promoting resource sharing and the integration of new R&I results to support IS. To this aim, we will operate in several dimensions: (1) Identification of gaps and opportunities in existing sectoral practices and standards for the uptake of priority IS synergies; (2) promote the uptake and contribution of R&I results to IS standardisation through identifying demand-led R&I priorities, as well as through identifying barriers and enablers to market entry for innovative IS solutions; (3) engaging the policy community in IS standardisation through suggesting new or adjusting existing policy Frameworks and initiatives. These activities will be conducted through constant engagement of experts and stakeholders from the industry, standardization bodies, academia, policy, funding bodies and additional relevant stakeholders and continuous dissemination op results and knowledge for their uptake, fostering community building, knowledge exchange and cross-sectoral collaboration. Based on the knowledge developed and gained in all these activities, RISERS will develop a roadmap for developing new or adjusting existing directions IS standardisation to promote circularity of resources. In the long run, thorough facilitating IS standardization RISERS will contribute to, among others, effective use of resources and cross-sectoral interoperability in resource sharing, easier market entry for innovative IS enabling technologies, improved integration of R&I results in IS standardization, cost savings & new revenues from increased adoption of IS and increased EU participation in international standardization.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in RISERS.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Poland INSTYTUT EKOLOGII TERENOW UPRZEMYSLOWIONYCH (998693862) PL6340125519 participant REC € 0 € 195,250 € 195,250
Belgium UNIVERSITEIT GENT (999986096) BE0248015142 participant HES € 0 € 338,000 € 338,000
Germany FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV (999984059) DE129515865 participant REC € 0 € 241,250 € 241,250
Israel ENSPIRE SCIENCE LTD (905336988) IL515716082 coordinator PRC € 0 € 226,750 € 226,750
Germany DIN DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FUER NORMUNG EV (999548917) DE136622143 thirdParty OTH € 0 € 0 € 156,584
United Kingdom INTERNATIONAL SYNERGIES LTD (983118475) GB997319852 associatedPartner PRC € 0 € 0 € 0
Belgium COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION (999950691) BE0415455651 participant OTH € 0 € 390,949 € 234,365
Germany EIT RAW MATERIALS GMBH (916867863) DE301692026 participant PRC € 0 € 128,125 € 128,125
Portugal INSTITUTO DE SOLDADURA E QUALIDADE (999488680) PT500140022 participant REC € 0 € 203,375 € 203,375