DARWIN (101136462)


  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Transition to safe & sustainable food systems through new & innovative detection methods & digital solutions for plant-based products derived from new genomic techniques, under a co-creation approach

  New detection methods on products derived from new genomic techniques for traceability, transparency and innovation in the food system (HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01-11)

  artificial intelligence  ·  cryptography  ·  ecosystems  ·  laser physics

  2024-01-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2027-06-30 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 4,999,635


DARWIN aims to contribute to a fair, healthy, safe and environmentally friendly food system by co-developing an innovative detection strategy by integrating targeted analytical PCR-based methods, untargeted sequencing methods, and digital solutions. A new generation of innovative and reliable DNA-based analytical detection methods, ranging from enhanced PCR methods for NGT detection, identification and quantification in single and multi-target systems, to untargeted sequencing methods related to whole-genome sequencing, laser capture microdissection-based sequencing and high throughput metagenomics sequencing for NGT screening and characterization. DARWIN will bring a cutting-edge approach developing genetic fingerprints using artificial intelligence to overcome challenges related to event-specific targeted methods, unambiguously identifying specific NGT lines. DARWIN also brings innovation in the new application of digital solutions such as data spaces and documentation-based screening to increase the data evidence to NGTs; blockchains to enable transparent and traceable detection along the food chain; AI models; and a Decision Support System to improve accuracy and support the selection of the best fit for purpose detection methods. DARWIN will reach TRL4-5 though validation including in-house, transferability and full trials, and presenting 3 cases representative of real situations relevant for NGT products in the EU agri-food market. After methods validation and the definition of a clear oriented detection strategy, DARWIN will theoretically extrapolate its finding to more complex scenarios encountering the diversity of NGT lines and food products that might reach EU markets. All this, under an interdisciplinary co-creation ecosystem based on Responsible Research and innovation (RRI) principals, empowering a wide variety of stakeholders - including consumers - in Europe and internationally; and robustly contributing to the policy making.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in DARWIN.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Italy FONDAZIONE ICONS (917939810) nan participant OTH € 311,250 € 311,250 € 311,250
Greece WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS TECHNOLOGIES PLIROFORIKIS KAI EPIKOINONION ANONYMI ETAIREIA (952269953) EL800419255 participant PRC € 391,250 € 391,250 € 391,250
Norway GRAMINOR AS (968428019) NO967247359MVA participant PRC € 123,250 € 123,250 € 123,250
Germany VERBAND LEBENSMITTEL OHNE GENTECHNIK E.V. (883503161) DE275901667 participant OTH € 126,250 € 126,250 € 126,250
Germany JUSTUS-LIEBIG-UNIVERSITAET GIESSEN (999840111) DE112591322 participant HES € 360,562 € 360,562 € 360,562
Italy ISTITUTO ZOOPROFILATTICO SPERIMENTALE DELLE REGIONI LAZIO E TOSCANA (952044137) IT00887091007 participant REC € 485,655 € 485,655 € 485,655
Hungary NEMZETI ELELMISZERLANC-BIZTONSAGI HIVATAL (999555319) HU15598347 participant OTH € 94,367 € 94,367 € 94,367
Spain INSTITUT DE RECERCA I TECNOLOGIA AGROALIMENTARIES (999506819) ESQ5855049B participant OTH € 201,000 € 201,000 € 201,000
France CENTRE DE COOPERATION INTERNATIONALE EN RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE POUR LEDEVELOPPEMENT - C.I.R.A.D. EPIC (999993565) FR84331596270 participant REC € 125,625 € 125,625 € 125,625
Israel THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM (999975038) IL500701610 participant HES € 201,250 € 201,250 € 201,250
France AGENCE NATIONALE DE LA SECURITE SANITAIRE DE L ALIMENTATION DE L ENVIRONNEMENT ET DU TRAVAIL (983552356) FR54130012024 participant REC € 115,875 € 115,875 € 115,875
Norway NORCE NORWEGIAN RESEARCH CENTRE AS (905860788) nan coordinator REC € 1,334,625 € 1,334,625 € 1,334,625
Belgium SCIENSANO (906160809) BE0693876830 participant REC € 903,425 € 903,425 € 903,425
Argentina UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE ROSARIO - UNR (973566400) nan participant HES € 94,375 € 94,375 € 94,375