ALRIGH2T (101138105)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Airport-Level DemonstRatIon of Ground refuelling of Liquid Hydrogen for AviaTion

  Hydrogen-powered aviation (HORIZON-CL5-2023-D5-01-07)

  aircraft  ·  airport engineering  ·  hydrogen energy

  2024-01-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2027-12-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 12,920,388


ALRIGH2T responds in full to the “expected outcomes” and “scope” of the HORIZON-CL5-2023-D5-01-07 topic, by developing and demonstrating two alternative technologies for LH2 aircraft refuelling: - Direct LH2 refuelling, encompassing the definition of operational protocols for safe and rapid refuelling, the development and testing of a LH2 transfer pump and an instrumented tank, their integration in an iron bird laboratory for the execution of refuelling/defueling tests and the delivering of a digital twin model. - LH2 tanks swap refuelling, encompassing end-to-end logistic and supply chain of tank modules, the design of the associated on- and off-site infrastructure and its demonstration. Both concepts will achieve TRL 6 by the end of the project, undergoing a comprehensive technology evaluation informed by demonstration results in two major airports, i.e. Milan Malpensa and Paris (Orly or LeBourget) respectively. The two technology lines are complemented by transversal activities for the definition of technical and techno-economic boundary conditions, the demonstration of the use of H2 for ground operations (i.e. H2 powered tow vehicle, demonstrated at the Malpensa site) as well as environmental, safety and regulatory cross-cutting aspects. ALRIGH2T has the ambition of demonstrating, for the first time, LH2 refuelling in a scale compatible with airport operations, synergizing with the Clean Aviation research and development efforts at the aircraft level. The project is implemented by a consortium built on the competences of top European industrial players, positioned along entire hydrogen and aeronautic value chain, complemented by research and technology organisations and selected member of the Advisory Board, including the EASA. ALRIGH2T is expected to be a cornerstone in the path towards the deployment of LH2 as an aviation fuel, strengthening the European research and industry leadership and consolidating the role of green airports as hubs of the H2 economy

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in ALRIGH2T.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Norway SINTEF ENERGI AS (999513221) nan participant REC € 653,250 € 653,250 € 653,250
Austria AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GMBH (999584128) ATU14703506 participant REC € 977,784 € 977,784 € 977,784
Israel ISRAEL AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES LTD. (999969315) IL520027194 participant PRC € 609,797 € 426,858 € 426,858
Italy ATENA SCARL - DISTRETTO ALTA TECNOLOGIA ENERGIA AMBIENTE (924400980) IT07903231210 participant OTH € 355,000 € 355,000 € 355,000
France UNIVERSAL HYDROGEN EUROPE (882752187) FR52839593860 participant PRC € 2,950,800 € 2,065,560 € 2,065,560
France GROUP EUROPE HANDLING (885882959) FR06401144274 participant PRC € 120,602 € 84,421 € 84,421
Spain ZABALA INNOVATION CONSULTING SA (996410094) ESA31419773 participant PRC € 480,000 € 336,000 € 336,000
Germany TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET MUENCHEN (999977463) DE811193231 participant HES € 365,937 € 365,937 € 365,937
Austria SAG NEW TECHNOLOGIES GMBH (882425491) ATU79175713 participant PRC € 1,273,000 € 891,100 € 891,100
France INSTITUT NATIONAL DE L ENVIRONNEMENT INDUSTRIEL ET DES RISQUES - INERIS (999958063) FR73381984921 participant REC € 177,092 € 177,092 € 177,092
Italy DIGISKY SRL (936437031) IT09535510011 participant PRC € 393,875 € 275,712 € 275,712
Italy SOCIETA' PER AZIONI ESERCIZI AEROPORTUALI SEA (986590687) IT00826040156 participant PRC € 265,625 € 185,937 € 185,937
France AEROPORTS DE PARIS SA (957080474) FR33552016628 participant PRC € 1,115,856 € 781,099 € 781,099
Italy AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, L'ENERGIA E LO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO SOSTENIBILE (999988521) IT00985801000 coordinator REC € 400,000 € 400,000 € 400,000
Italy PIAGGIO AERO INDUSTRIES SPA (999505073) nan participant PRC € 713,500 € 499,450 € 499,450
Switzerland Linde Kryotechnik AG (968830181) CH229689 associatedPartner PRC € 0 € 0 € 0
Germany LINDE GMBH (899071855) DE322012334 participant PRC € 646,506 € 452,554 € 452,554
France REGOURD AVIATION (882174746) FR49309446276 participant PRC € 479,125 € 335,387 € 335,387
Austria LKR LEICHTMETALLKOMPETENZZENTRUM RANSHOFEN GMBH (998093723) ATU50447306 participant REC € 255,763 € 255,763 € 255,763
France TLD EUROPE SAS (983608325) FR40340991546 participant PRC € 400,750 € 280,525 € 280,525
Austria TEST-FUCHS GmbH (986072319) ATU64534757 participant PRC € 286,122 € 200,285 € 200,285