HYDROCOOL (101161062)


  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Novel advanced hydraulic CO2 refrigeration system for multiple sectors

  EIC Pathfinder Challenge: Clean and efficient cooling (HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01-01)

  lubrication  ·  thermodynamic engineering  ·  electric power generation  ·  fluid dynamics

  2024-09-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2027-08-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 2,511,105


The cooling production, coupled with renewable electricity generation, are considered a cornerstone technology to meet increasing global cooling demand whilst decarbonise various sectors. According to the International Energy Agency, only accounting the air-conditioning sector, consumes about 20% of the overall electricity used globally and is expected to be doubled by 2050. Improving the efficiency, reliability, affordability, and environmental performance of cooling systems is critical to maximum benefit for society and the environment. HydroCool project will develop a novel cooling production concept that can significantly improve the cooling system performance beyond the state-of-the-art. The solution is based on the hydraulic compression and expansion of CO2 in a reversible cycle capable of delivering cooling for a wide range of application such as food, data centres or air conditioning [-40ºC;+12ºC]. By switching from solid to fluid dynamics, HydroCool will enable both isothermal compression using liquid piston fluid and energy recovery between expander and compressor. Preliminary studies indicate a potential to nearly double the Coefficient of Performance through these two mechanisms. The hydraulic compression is also expected to lead to a significant improvement of the system lifespan, operating cost and reliability due to reduced friction and limited use of lubricants. Additionally, HydroCool offers an opportunity to accelerate the move in favour to CO2, displacing the use of environmentally harmful HFC and CFC refrigerants with high Global Warming Impact, that combined with the high system performance, improves considerably the cooling sector footprint by almost halving its impact. Thus, HydroCool will improve the affordability, performance, sustainability, and scalability of the CO2 based refrigeration system. In the project, a hydraulic CO2 cooling system will be engineered, implemented, and tested at 17.6kW scale to achieve TRL4.

  Complicit Organisations

2 Israeli organisations participate in HYDROCOOL.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Spain UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI (999880560) ESQ9350003A coordinator HES € 472,000 € 472,000 € 472,000
Israel STORAGE DROP ISRAEL LTD (883488126) IL516297736 participant PRC € 918,625 € 918,625 € 918,625
Spain CARTAGO VENTURES SL (902685493) ESB66845488 participant PRC € 260,462 € 260,462 € 260,462
France UNIVERSITE CLERMONT AUVERGNE (891878141) FR53130028061 participant HES € 456,743 € 456,743 € 402,046
Israel TECHNION - ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (999907720) IL557585585 participant HES € 150,398 € 150,398 € 150,398
France CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS (999997930) FR40180089013 thirdParty REC € 0 € 0 € 54,697
Luxembourg ARISTENG SARL (890617044) LU33080278 participant PRC € 252,875 € 252,875 € 252,875