ISIDORe (101046133)
Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research
Research infrastructure services for rapid research responses to COVID-19 and other infectious disease epidemics (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EMERGENCY-02)
infectious diseases · pandemics · structural biology
2022-02-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)
2025-07-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)
€ 20,998,624
The ISIDORe consortium, made of the capacities of European ESFRI infrastructures and coordinated networks, proposes to assemble the largest and most diverse research and service providing instrument to study infectious diseases in Europe, from structural biology to clinical trials. Giving scientists access to the whole extent of our state of the art facilities, cutting edge services, advanced equipment and expertise, in an integrated way and with a common goal, will enable or accelerate the generation of new knowledge and intervention tools to ultimately help control SARS CoV 2 in particular, and epidemic prone pathogens in general, while avoiding fragmentation and duplication among European initiatives. Such a global and interdisciplinary approach is meant to allow the implementation of user projects that are larger, more ambitious and more impactful than the EU supported transnational activities that the consortium is used to run. Our proposition is ambitious but achievable in a timely fashion due to the relevance and previous experience of the partners that we have gathered and that have complementary fields of expertise, which addresses the need for an interdisciplinary effort. Leveraging all these existing strengths to develop synergies will create an additional value and enhance Europe capacity for controlling emerging or re emerging and epidemic infectious diseases, starting with the COVID 19 pandemic. Such a global and coordinated approach is consistent with the recommendations of the One Health concept and necessary to make significant contributions to solving complex societal problems like epidemics and pandemics.
Complicit Organisations
1 Israeli organisation participates in ISIDORe.Country | Organisation (ID) | VAT Number | Role | Activity Type | Total Cost | EC Contribution | Net EC Contribution |
Norway | ST OLAVS HOSPITAL HF (998832572) | nan | participant | PUB | € 12,500 | € 12,500 | € 12,500 |
Poland | NARODOWY INSTYTUT ONKOLOGII IM. MARII SKLODOWSKIEJ-CURIE -PANSTWOWY INSTYTUT BADAWCZY (999533203) | PL5250008057 | participant | REC | € 4,456 | € 4,456 | € 4,456 |
Netherlands | ACADEMISCH ZIEKENHUIS LEIDEN (999990849) | NL003566213B01 | participant | HES | € 2,182 | € 2,182 | € 2,182 |
France | ECRIN EUROPEAN CLINICAL RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORK (948646712) | FR91801933235 | participant | REC | € 263,625 | € 263,625 | € 263,625 |
Austria | MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN (999989976) | ATU57469858 | participant | HES | € 31,748 | € 31,748 | € 31,748 |
Austria | VIENNA BIOCENTER CORE FACILITES GMBH (962150470) | ATU65928179 | participant | OTH | € 1,330 | € 1,330 | € 1,330 |
Portugal | UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO (999995505) | PT502011378 | participant | HES | € 15,000 | € 15,000 | € 15,000 |
Netherlands | EATRIS ERIC (941506445) | NL853383054B01 | participant | REC | € 713,128 | € 713,128 | € 713,128 |
Austria | JOANNEUM RESEARCH FORSCHUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH (999981537) | ATU28781306 | participant | REC | € 11,980 | € 11,980 | € 11,980 |
Denmark | AARHUS UNIVERSITET (999997736) | DK31119103 | participant | HES | € 14,688 | € 14,688 | € 14,688 |
Germany | PHILIPPS UNIVERSITAET MARBURG (999848938) | DE112590692 | participant | HES | € 312 | € 312 | € 312 |
Belgium | UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE (999976105) | BE0325777171 | participant | HES | € 1,487 | € 1,487 | € 1,487 |
South Africa | AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL INSTITUTE FOR SOIL CLIMATE AND WATER (999540090) | nan | participant | REC | € 1,500 | € 1,500 | € 1,500 |
Bulgaria | ROUMEN TSANEV INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (968504358) | BG000663675 | participant | REC | € 273 | € 273 | € 273 |
Portugal | INSTITUTO DE BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR E CELULAR-IBMC (999451238) | PT503828360 | participant | REC | € 270 | € 270 | € 270 |
Germany | InSCREENeX GmbH (956766485) | DE268885989 | participant | PRC | € 10,250 | € 10,250 | € 10,250 |
Serbia | UNIVERZITET U NOVOM SADU, POLJOPRIVREDNI FAKULTET NOVI SAD (986994013) | RS100239025 | participant | HES | € 988 | € 988 | € 988 |
Netherlands | UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN (999974553) | NL809778282B01 | participant | HES | € 10,786 | € 10,786 | € 10,786 |
Netherlands | STICHTING AMSTERDAM INSTITUTE FOR GLOBAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT (994877882) | NL817375296B01 | participant | REC | € 27,853 | € 27,853 | € 27,853 |
Finland | HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO (999994535) | FI03134717 | participant | HES | € 34,290 | € 34,290 | € 34,290 |
Italy | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA (999898020) | IT00273530527 | participant | HES | € 5,653 | € 5,653 | € 5,653 |
United Kingdom | THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS (999904713) | GB888800181 | participant | PUB | € 44,547 | € 44,547 | € 44,547 |
France | INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (999997833) | FR31180036048 | participant | REC | € 387,888 | € 387,888 | € 387,888 |
Poland | INSTYTUT BIOCHEMII I BIOFIZYKI POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK (998586871) | PL5261039742 | participant | REC | € 4,395 | € 4,395 | € 4,395 |
Germany | JULIUS KUHN-INSTITUT BUNDESFORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUR KULTURPFLANZEN (999494015) | nan | participant | REC | € 1,800 | € 1,800 | € 1,800 |
Czechia | Masarykova univerzita (999880657) | CZ00216224 | participant | HES | € 6,564 | € 6,564 | € 6,564 |
Austria | MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAT GRAZ (999836231) | ATU57511179 | participant | HES | € 106,642 | € 106,642 | € 106,642 |
United Kingdom | INSTRUCT-ERIC (910086981) | nan | participant | REC | € 736,245 | € 736,245 | € 736,245 |
United Kingdom | THE ROSALIND FRANKLIN INSTITUTE (897569422) | GB298210095 | participant | REC | € 10,524 | € 10,524 | € 10,524 |
Finland | OULUN YLIOPISTO (999844670) | FI02458955 | participant | HES | € 8,180 | € 8,180 | € 8,180 |
United Kingdom | IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE (999993468) | GB649926678 | participant | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Netherlands | STICHTING NEDERLANDS INSTITUUT VOOR ONDERZOEK VAN DE GEZONDHEIDSZORG (998294125) | NL007077191B01 | participant | REC | € 30,692 | € 30,692 | € 30,692 |
Switzerland | SWISS CLINICAL TRIAL ORGANISATION (SCTO) (964630469) | CHE115158981MWST | participant | OTH | € 12,500 | € 12,500 | € 12,500 |
Mali | UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES DES TECHNIQUES ET DES TECHNOLOGIES DE BAMAKO (954303946) | nan | participant | HES | € 988 | € 988 | € 988 |
Germany | FRIEDRICH LOEFFLER INSTITUT - BUNDESFORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUER TIERGESUNDHEIT (999483151) | DE811354798 | participant | REC | € 30,156 | € 30,156 | € 30,156 |
Italy | POLO D'INNOVAZIONE DI GENOMICA, GENETICA E BIOLOGIA SRL (958106443) | IT03185320540 | participant | PRC | € 10,781 | € 10,781 | € 10,781 |
Austria | BIOBANKS AND BIOMOLECULAR RESOURCES RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE CONSORTIUM (BBMRI-ERIC) (946597878) | ATU68520549 | participant | REC | € 716,857 | € 716,857 | € 638,107 |
Denmark | STATENS SERUM INSTITUT (999937402) | DK46837428 | participant | REC | € 3,400 | € 3,400 | € 3,400 |
Israel | WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE (999979306) | IL520016858 | participant | HES | € 7,972 | € 7,972 | € 7,972 |
Germany | EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY (999988230) | nan | participant | REC | € 294,983 | € 294,983 | € 294,983 |
Netherlands | NOLDUS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BV (998559711) | NL805669759B01 | participant | PRC | € 10,362 | € 10,362 | € 10,362 |
Switzerland | UNIVERSITAT BASEL (999907914) | CHE115244907MWST | participant | HES | € 8,483 | € 8,483 | € 8,483 |
Netherlands | TROPIQ HEALTH SCIENCES (935172927) | NL851120957B01 | participant | PRC | € 1,869 | € 1,869 | € 1,869 |
Germany | FORSCHUNGSVERBUND BERLIN EV (999927120) | DE136785011 | participant | REC | € 2,579 | € 2,579 | € 2,579 |
Italy | CENTRO AGRICOLTURA E AMBIENTE GIORGIO NICOLI SRL (998607338) | IT01529451203 | participant | PRC | € 819 | € 819 | € 819 |
Czechia | USTAV MOLEKULARNI GENETIKY AKADEMIE VED CESKE REPUBLIKY VEREJNA VYZKUMNA INSTITUCE (999512251) | CZ68378050 | participant | REC | € 145,258 | € 145,258 | € 145,258 |
Netherlands | STICHTING BIOMEDICAL PRIMATE RESEARCH CENTER (998530320) | NL803597691B01 | participant | REC | € 1,032,971 | € 1,032,971 | € 1,032,971 |
Germany | FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV (999984059) | DE129515865 | participant | REC | € 6,882 | € 6,882 | € 6,882 |
France | COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES (999992401) | FR43775685019 | participant | REC | € 1,633 | € 1,633 | € 1,633 |
Hungary | DEBRECENI EGYETEM (999881239) | HU19308667 | participant | HES | € 3,400 | € 3,400 | € 3,400 |
Finland | EURO-BIOIMAGING ERIC (895635630) | nan | participant | REC | € 295,416 | € 295,416 | € 295,416 |
France | ASSISTANCE PUBLIQUE HOPITAUX DE PARIS (999645432) | FR95267500452 | participant | REC | € 1,437 | € 1,437 | € 1,437 |
Italy | ISTITUTO ZOOPROFILATTICO SPERIMENTALE DELLE VENEZIE (997383489) | IT00206200289 | participant | OTH | € 44,030 | € 44,030 | € 44,030 |
Hungary | NEMZETI NEPEGESZSEGUGYI ES GYOGYSZERESZETI KOZPONT (998706957) | HU15598787 | participant | REC | € 1,274 | € 1,274 | € 1,274 |
Italy | STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (999468310) | IT04894530635 | participant | REC | € 39,087 | € 39,087 | € 39,087 |
Italy | ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA (999978821) | IT03657731000 | participant | REC | € 9,799 | € 9,799 | € 9,799 |
New Caledonia | INSTITUT PASTEUR DE NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE (937358919) | nan | participant | REC | € 2,518 | € 2,518 | € 2,518 |
Greece | IDRYMA TECHNOLOGIAS KAI EREVNAS (999995893) | EL090101655 | participant | REC | € 3,653 | € 3,653 | € 3,653 |
Norway | OSLO UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS HF (991104000) | nan | participant | HES | € 66,640 | € 66,640 | € 66,640 |
Slovakia | UNIVERZITA PAVLA JOZEFA SAFARIKA V KOSICIACH (999885992) | SK2021157050 | participant | HES | € 6,250 | € 6,250 | € 6,250 |
Italy | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO (999861936) | IT02099550010 | participant | HES | € 501 | € 501 | € 501 |
Senegal | INSTITUT PASTEUR DE DAKAR (999542806) | nan | participant | REC | € 988 | € 988 | € 988 |
Italy | ELETTRA - SINCROTRONE TRIESTE SCPA (999589851) | IT00697920320 | participant | REC | € 16,800 | € 16,800 | € 16,800 |
Belgium | AVIA-GIS NV (998190238) | BE0474372065 | participant | PRC | € 2,200 | € 2,200 | € 2,200 |
Germany | HITS GGMBH (999578405) | DE232037958 | participant | REC | € 3,125 | € 3,125 | € 3,125 |
Netherlands | STICHTING RADBOUD UNIVERSITAIR MEDISCH CENTRUM (892057785) | NL861608884B01 | participant | HES | € 4,661 | € 4,661 | € 4,661 |
Poland | INSTYTUT CHEMII BIOORGANICZNEJ POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK (999586359) | PL7770002062 | participant | REC | € 8,740 | € 8,740 | € 8,740 |
Belgium | EUROPEAN RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE ON HIGHLY PATHOGENIC AGENTS (910590314) | BE0679481238 | coordinator | REC | € 9,676,913 | € 9,676,913 | € 9,676,913 |
Germany | UNIVERSITAET LEIPZIG (999854564) | DE141510383 | thirdParty | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 30,000 |
United Kingdom | UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS (999975426) | GB613451470 | participant | HES | € 3,677 | € 3,677 | € 3,677 |
Norway | SINTEF AS (910945140) | nan | participant | REC | € 1,990 | € 1,990 | € 1,990 |
Poland | WARSZAWSKI UNIWERSYTET MEDYCZNY (999878329) | PL5250005828 | participant | HES | € 683 | € 683 | € 683 |
Spain | AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS (999991722) | ESQ2818002D | participant | REC | € 47,592 | € 47,592 | € 47,592 |
Greece | IDRYMA IATROVIOLOGIKON EREUNON AKADEMIAS ATHINON (999622443) | EL090050626 | participant | REC | € 1,206 | € 1,206 | € 1,206 |
United Kingdom | Department of Health (986454887) | nan | participant | REC | € 15,889 | € 15,889 | € 15,889 |
Portugal | UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA (960782479) | PT501559094 | participant | HES | € 5,000 | € 5,000 | € 5,000 |
Italy | CONSORZIO INTERUNIVERSITARIO RISONANZE MAGNETICHE DI METALLO PROTEINE (999516810) | IT04579740483 | participant | HES | € 952 | € 952 | € 952 |
Portugal | AIBILI ASSOCIACAO PARA INVESTIGACAO BIOMEDICA E INNOVACAO EM LUZ E IMAGEM (999458125) | PT502288957 | participant | REC | € 8,050 | € 8,050 | € 8,050 |
France | EUROPEAN MARINE BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE CENTRE EUROPEAN RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE CONSORTIUM (909980087) | nan | participant | REC | € 48,750 | € 48,750 | € 48,750 |
Poland | PANSTWOWY INSTYTUT WETERYNARYJNY - PANSTWOWY INSTYTUT BADAWCZY (999478301) | PL7160010761 | participant | REC | € 9,500 | € 9,500 | € 9,500 |
Poland | NARODOWY INSTYTUT KARDIOLOGII STEFANA KARDYNALA WYSZYNSKIEGO - PANSTWOWY INSTYTUT BADAWCZY (997667505) | PL5250008525 | participant | REC | € 6,250 | € 6,250 | € 6,250 |
France | INSERM TRANSFERT SA (999955541) | FR29434033619 | participant | PRC | € 297,917 | € 297,917 | € 297,917 |
Spain | INSTITUT DE INVESTIGACIO EN CIENCIES DE LA SALUT GERMANS TRIAS I PUJOL (999523115) | ESG60805462 | participant | REC | € 860 | € 860 | € 860 |
Netherlands | RIJKSINSTITUUT VOOR VOLKSGEZONDHEID EN MILIEU (999991431) | NL821772302B01 | participant | REC | € 34,713 | € 34,713 | € 34,713 |
France | CENTRE EUROPEEN DE RECHERCHE EN BIOLOGIE ET MEDECINE (999993177) | FR56381112465 | participant | REC | € 24,538 | € 24,538 | € 24,538 |
Italy | CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE (999979500) | IT02118311006 | participant | REC | € 71,875 | € 71,875 | € 71,875 |
Netherlands | UNIVERSITAIR MEDISCH CENTRUM UTRECHT (999915189) | NL004205315B01 | participant | HES | € 636 | € 636 | € 636 |
Netherlands | STICHTING HET NEDERLANDS KANKER INSTITUUT-ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK ZIEKENHUIS (999984738) | NL002562169B01 | participant | REC | € 62,000 | € 62,000 | € 62,000 |
Portugal | CENTRO DE CIENCIAS DO MAR DO ALGARVE (998611994) | PT506197760 | participant | REC | € 41,876 | € 41,876 | € 41,876 |
Germany | HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM FUR INFEKTIONSFORSCHUNG GMBH (999470347) | DE114815244 | participant | REC | € 6,655 | € 6,655 | € 6,655 |
France | INSTITUT PASTEUR (999993080) | FR65775684897 | participant | REC | € 606,833 | € 606,833 | € 606,833 |
Portugal | INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SAUDE DR. RICARDO JORGE (998308190) | PT501427511 | participant | REC | € 723 | € 723 | € 723 |
United Kingdom | DIAMOND LIGHT SOURCE LIMITED (998475612) | GB794998239 | participant | OTH | € 262 | € 262 | € 262 |
Spain | INSTITUT DE RECERCA I TECNOLOGIA AGROALIMENTARIES (999506819) | ESQ5855049B | participant | OTH | € 35,777 | € 35,777 | € 35,777 |
Germany | CHARITE - UNIVERSITAETSMEDIZIN BERLIN (999992692) | DE228847810 | participant | HES | € 25,405 | € 25,405 | € 25,405 |
Germany | JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE-UNIVERSITAET FRANKFURT AM MAIN (999978724) | DE114110511 | participant | HES | € 54,272 | € 54,272 | € 54,272 |
Belgium | VIB VZW (999651931) | BE0456343923 | participant | REC | € 28,315 | € 28,315 | € 28,315 |
Czechia | BIOTECHNOLOGICKY USTAV AV CR VVI (998451750) | CZ86652036 | participant | OTH | € 1,095 | € 1,095 | € 1,095 |
Norway | UNIVERSITETET I OSLO (999975814) | nan | participant | HES | € 2,552 | € 2,552 | € 2,552 |
Burkina Faso | MINISTERE DE LA SANTE (998265704) | nan | participant | PUB | € 988 | € 988 | € 988 |
France | CENTRE DE COOPERATION INTERNATIONALE EN RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE POUR LEDEVELOPPEMENT - C.I.R.A.D. EPIC (999993565) | FR84331596270 | participant | REC | € 1,879 | € 1,879 | € 1,879 |
Switzerland | UNIVERSITAT ZURICH (999976396) | CHE115665634MWST | participant | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Denmark | DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET (999990655) | DK30060946 | participant | HES | € 675 | € 675 | € 675 |
France | MEDITERRANEE INFECTION (911103638) | FR04501980882 | participant | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Germany | LEIBNIZ-INSTITUT DSMZ-DEUTSCHE SAMMLUNG VON MIKROORGANISMEN UND ZELLKULTUREN GMBH (998595989) | DE114815269 | participant | REC | € 562 | € 562 | € 562 |
Czechia | UNIVERZITA PALACKEHO V OLOMOUCI (999649506) | nan | participant | HES | € 151,900 | € 151,900 | € 151,900 |
Spain | FUNDACION CENTRO DE EXCELENCIA EN INVESTIGACION DE MEDICAMENTOS INNOVADORES EN ANDALUCIA (988192060) | ESG18889444 | participant | REC | € 63,970 | € 63,970 | € 63,970 |
Switzerland | EIDGENOESSISCHES DEPARTEMENT DES INNERN (990186089) | nan | participant | PUB | € 28,426 | € 28,426 | € 28,426 |
Australia | COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION (999511572) | AU41687119230 | participant | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Germany | EUROPEAN VACCINE INITIATIVE E.V (886899810) | DE351909035 | participant | REC | € 1,225,906 | € 1,225,906 | € 1,225,906 |
France | HOSPICES CIVILS DE LYON (999469765) | nan | participant | PUB | € 1,938 | € 1,938 | € 1,938 |
Latvia | LATVIJAS ORGANISKAS SINTEZES INSTITUTS (999567056) | LV90002111653 | participant | REC | € 86,250 | € 86,250 | € 86,250 |
France | PROTISVALOR MEDITERRANEE SAS (966696472) | FR69441801651 | thirdParty | PRC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
United Kingdom | MOREDUN RESEARCH INSTITUTE (998210608) | nan | participant | REC | € 29,845 | € 29,845 | € 29,845 |
Spain | FUNDACION PARA LA INVESTIGACION BIOMEDICA DEL HOSPITAL UNIVERSIATRIO LA PAZ (996155760) | ESG83727057 | participant | OTH | € 2,520 | € 2,520 | € 2,520 |
United Kingdom | THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE LBG (998377157) | GB491452831 | participant | REC | € 21,216 | € 21,216 | € 21,216 |
Netherlands | WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY (999981634) | NL811383696B01 | participant | HES | € 2,376 | € 2,376 | € 2,376 |
Bangladesh | BRAC UNIVERSITY (955450486) | nan | participant | HES | € 52,903 | € 52,903 | € 52,903 |
Portugal | INSTITUTO DE MEDICINA MOLECULAR JOAO LOBO ANTUNES (999813339) | PT506134466 | participant | REC | € 4,003 | € 4,003 | € 4,003 |
Czechia | UNIVERZITA KARLOVA (999923434) | CZ00216208 | participant | HES | € 2,485 | € 2,485 | € 2,485 |
United Kingdom | THE CHANCELLOR, MASTERS AND SCHOLARS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD (999984350) | GB125506730 | participant | HES | € 4,781 | € 4,781 | € 4,781 |
Netherlands | ERASMUS UNIVERSITAIR MEDISCH CENTRUM ROTTERDAM (999988424) | NL801427228B01 | participant | HES | € 352,201 | € 352,201 | € 352,201 |
France | UNIVERSITE D'AIX MARSEILLE (955518483) | FR84130015332 | participant | HES | € 290,451 | € 290,451 | € 290,451 |
Netherlands | UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT (999985805) | NL001798650B01 | participant | HES | € 2,000 | € 2,000 | € 2,000 |
France | CENTRE HOSPITALIER REGIONAL DE MARSEILLE ASSISTANCE PUBLIQUE-HOPITAUX MARSEILLE (998096245) | FR90261300081 | participant | REC | € 948 | € 948 | € 948 |
Switzerland | FONDAZIONE PER L'ISTITUTO DI RICERCA IN BIOMEDICINA (999460550) | CHE110403363MWST | participant | REC | € 85,337 | € 85,337 | € 85,337 |
United Kingdom | UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW (999974165) | GB671798093 | participant | HES | € 2,230 | € 2,230 | € 2,230 |
Germany | MAX-PLANCK-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTEN EV (999990267) | DE129517720 | participant | REC | € 1,713 | € 1,713 | € 1,713 |
Switzerland | SCUOLA UNIVERSITARIA PROFESSIONALE DELLA SVIZZERA ITALIANA (999587620) | nan | participant | HES | € 988 | € 988 | € 988 |
France | INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE POUR L'AGRICULTURE, L'ALIMENTATION ET L'ENVIRONNEMENT (999993274) | FR57180070039 | participant | REC | € 487,446 | € 487,446 | € 487,446 |
Germany | BERNHARD-NOCHT-INSTITUT FUER TROPENMEDIZIN (999468795) | DE258000180 | participant | REC | € 10,500 | € 10,500 | € 10,500 |
Slovakia | BIOMEDICINSKE CENTRUM SLOVENSKEJ AKADEMIE VIED, VEREJNA VYSKUMNA INSTITUCIA (918583890) | SK2120169865 | participant | REC | € 14,401 | € 14,401 | € 14,401 |
United Kingdom | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (999975620) | GB524371168 | participant | HES | € 81,536 | € 81,536 | € 81,536 |
Finland | ABO AKADEMI (999903355) | FI02463121 | participant | HES | € 19,200 | € 19,200 | € 19,200 |
France | INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT (999513803) | FR75180006025 | participant | REC | € 3,708 | € 3,708 | € 3,708 |
France | CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS (999997930) | FR40180089013 | participant | REC | € 4,694 | € 4,694 | € 4,694 |
Belgium | KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN (999991334) | BE0419052173 | participant | HES | € 186,327 | € 186,327 | € 186,327 |
Spain | FUNDACIO HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARI VALL D'HEBRON - INSTITUT DE RECERCA (999541642) | ESG60594009 | participant | REC | € 4,471 | € 4,471 | € 4,471 |
Finland | ITA-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO (991207984) | FI22857339 | participant | HES | € 1,505 | € 1,505 | € 1,505 |
Germany | INFRAFRONTIER GMBH (949754646) | DE291307064 | participant | PRC | € 266,412 | € 266,412 | € 266,412 |
France | AGENCE NATIONALE DE LA SECURITE SANITAIRE DE L ALIMENTATION DE L ENVIRONNEMENT ET DU TRAVAIL (983552356) | FR54130012024 | participant | REC | € 34,827 | € 34,827 | € 34,827 |
Switzerland | VACCINE FORMULATION INSTITUTE(CH)LTD (895740487) | CHE391264652TVA | participant | OTH | € 4,270 | € 4,270 | € 4,270 |
Sweden | FOLKHALSOMYNDIGHETEN (949789954) | SE202100654501 | participant | OTH | € 1,000 | € 1,000 | € 1,000 |
Finland | TURUN YLIOPISTO (999903064) | FI02458963 | participant | HES | € 1,855 | € 1,855 | € 1,855 |
Ireland | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, CORK (999975717) | IE0006286E | participant | HES | € 6,250 | € 6,250 | € 6,250 |
United Kingdom | THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH (999974941) | GB592950700 | participant | HES | € 310 | € 310 | € 310 |
Germany | KKS-NETZWERK EV -NETZWERK DER KOORDINIERUNGSZENTREN FUR KLINISCHE STUDIEN (915416743) | DE314777094 | participant | REC | € 7,500 | € 7,500 | € 7,500 |
Norway | UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN (999974456) | nan | participant | HES | € 2,030 | € 2,030 | € 2,030 |
Portugal | INSTITUTO DE BIOLOGIA EXPERIMENTAL E TECNOLOGICA (999789865) | PT502112255 | participant | REC | € 12,111 | € 12,111 | € 12,111 |
Slovenia | UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI (999923240) | SI54162513 | participant | HES | € 24,178 | € 24,178 | € 24,178 |
Netherlands | STICHTING WAGENINGEN RESEARCH (999547365) | NL806511618B01 | participant | REC | € 25,350 | € 25,350 | € 25,350 |
Germany | UNIVERSITATSKLINIKUM JENA (998511114) | DE150545777 | thirdParty | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 48,750 |
Hungary | PECSI TUDOMANYEGYETEM - UNIVERSITY OF PECS (999889872) | HU17783941 | participant | HES | € 6,250 | € 6,250 | € 6,250 |
Belgium | JRC -JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE- EUROPEAN COMMISSION (999992304) | nan | participant | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Slovakia | CHEMICKY USTAV SLOVENSKEJ AKADEMIEVIED (998082277) | SK2020894678 | participant | REC | € 443 | € 443 | € 443 |