POLIIICE (101073795)


  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Powerful Lawful Interception, Investigation, and Intelligence

  Lawful interception using new and emerging technologies (5G & beyond, quantum computing and encryption) (HORIZON-CL3-2021-FCT-01-02)

  5G  ·  terrorism  ·  quantum computers

  2022-10-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2025-09-30 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 4,202,788


POLIIICE vision is to advance European LEAs to a novel lawful-interception (LI), investigation and intelligence era in which they will be able to effectively prevent, detect and investigate crime and terrorism amid the new age of communication (5G&Beyond, end-to-end encrypted communication and Quantum based encryption). These new age technologies turn legacy LI solutions to totally in-effective and therefore put significant risk on Europe’s fight against crime and terrorism. POLIIICE will offer, research, validate and demonstrate array of innovative LI measures at cloud & network level as well as at edge device level that together will enable LEAs to efficiently overcome the new age challenges and enable high throughput of its LI. In addition, POLIIICE will research and model QUDDaaS (Quantum unlock, detection and decryption as a service) as an envisaged central service, potentially outsourced at pan EU level, which will harness quantum computing for decryption of lawfully intercepted encrypted communication (which is vulnerable to Quantum’s Shor algorithm), for brute force detection of target-user’s credentials/tokens needed to access encrypted cloud-native apps and for Quantum unlock of lawfully seized edge devices. QUDDaaS may also detect and classify LI communications that are resistant to Quantum decryption power and therefore can’t be decrypted. POLIIICE also aims to improve the information exchange and cooperation among European LEAs by proposing and implementing a mechanism and procedure for exchanging pseudo-anonymized suspect identifiers. POLIIICE is designed for ensuring the cost-effectiveness, security and integrity of the new age LI and will provide the legal and ethical framework for each of its measures while strictly complying with privacy preserving and ethics rules of operation. POLIIICE will contribute to the LI standardization and will recommend EU regulation changes for effective adaptation of POLIIICE vision and innovative LI measures.

  Complicit Organisations

2 Israeli organisations participate in POLIIICE.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Germany HOCHSCHULE FUR DEN OFFENTLICHEN DIENST IN BAYERN (955334474) DE811335517 coordinator HES € 436,985 € 436,985 € 436,985
Czechia Masarykova univerzita (999880657) CZ00216224 participant HES € 222,160 € 222,160 € 222,160
United Kingdom BAE SYSTEMS APPLIED INTELLIGENCE LIMITED (954549647) GB641407169 associatedPartner PRC € 0 € 0 € 0
Israel LIBEREU ENTREPRENEURSHIP LTD (891884058) IL516311222 participant PRC € 553,750 € 553,750 € 553,750
France COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES (999992401) FR43775685019 participant REC € 153,299 € 153,298 € 153,298
Romania INSPECTORATUL DE POLITIE JUDETEAN GALATI (903879854) nan participant PUB € 42,500 € 42,500 € 42,500
France PRIVANOVA SAS (898832847) nan participant PRC € 360,000 € 360,000 € 360,000
Moldova INSPECTORATUL GENERAL AL POLITIEI (933634701) nan participant PUB € 69,000 € 69,000 € 69,000
Spain TELEFONICA INNOVACION DIGITAL SL (917790915) ESB83188953 participant PRC € 233,843 € 233,843 € 233,843
United Kingdom SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY (999842148) GB599947542 associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Germany ROHDE & SCHWARZ GMBH & CO. KOMMANDITGESELLSCHAFT (999949430) nan participant PRC € 357,500 € 357,500 € 357,500
Greece KENTRO MELETON ASFALEIAS (999827307) EL999333507 participant REC € 215,125 € 215,125 € 215,125
Estonia Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet (951813471) EE101339816 participant PUB € 92,125 € 92,125 € 92,125
France NOKIA NETWORKS FRANCE (950760051) FR55493378939 participant PRC € 428,250 € 428,250 € 428,250
Spain MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR (999827501) nan participant PUB € 80,000 € 80,000 € 80,000
Poland KOMENDA WOJEWODZKA POLICJI Z SIEDZIBA W RADOMIU (947990507) PL7962234609 participant PUB € 46,500 € 46,500 € 46,500
France ELEKTRON (890058518) FR49405377045 participant PRC € 200,875 € 200,875 € 200,875
France MINISTERE DE L'INTERIEUR (999823136) nan participant PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
Greece HELLENIC POLICE (911255928) nan participant PUB € 78,750 € 78,750 € 78,750
Israel SOMEKH CHAIKIN PARTNERSHIP (911521514) IL557269040 thirdParty PRC € 0 € 0 € 180,250
Spain UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID (999974844) ESQ2818015F participant HES € 237,500 € 237,500 € 237,500
Sweden POLISMYNDIGHETEN SWEDISH POLICE AUTHORITY (921186788) nan participant PUB € 107,000 € 107,000 € 107,000
Belgium NOKIA BELL (999807034) BE0404621642 participant PRC € 0 € 0 € 0
Denmark KPMG PS (889491165) DK25578198 participant PRC € 287,625 € 287,625 € 107,375