EuPRAXIA (101079773)
Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
EuPRAXIA Preparatory Phase Project
Preparatory phase of new ESFRI research infrastructure projects (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-02-01)
virology · biomolecules · plasma physics · diagnostic imaging · spectroscopy
2022-11-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)
2026-10-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)
€ 2,490,000
EuPRAXIA is a distributed, compact and innovative accelerator facility based on plasma technology. It has been selected for the 2021 Update of the ESFRI Roadmap. In its first phase, its consortium of 51 institutes and industry partners will construct an electron-beam-driven plasma accelerator in the metropolitan area of Rome, thus bringing innovation, potential for spin-off companies, state-of-the art scientific applications and a vibrant international user community to the middle of Italy. In its second phase, EuPRAXIA will build one laser-driven plasma accelerator at a site to be chosen between several options in Europe. EuPRAXIA will serve users in ultra-fast science, e.g. on high-resolution medical imaging, deeply penetrating positron annihilation spectroscopy for materials and with Europe’s most southern free-electron laser (FEL). It will offer fascinating capabilities for research on biomolecules, viruses and microscopic processes. EuPRAXIA will thus be a transformative step in the development of ultra-compact accelerators and applications. The Preparatory Phase project EuPRAXIA-PP will prepare its full implementation.
Complicit Organisations
1 Israeli organisation participates in EuPRAXIA.Country | Organisation (ID) | VAT Number | Role | Activity Type | Total Cost | EC Contribution | Net EC Contribution |
Italy | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA TOR VERGATA (999844864) | IT02133971008 | participant | HES | € 150,000 | € 150,000 | € 150,000 |
Germany | HEINRICH-HEINE-UNIVERSITAET DUESSELDORF (999856116) | nan | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
United States | James Benjamin Rosenzweig (888026077) | nan | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Germany | LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITAET MUENCHEN (999978433) | DE811205325 | participant | HES | € 10,000 | € 10,000 | € 10,000 |
Spain | CONSORCIO PARA LA CONSTRUCCION EQUIPAMIENTO Y EXPLOTACION DEL LABORATORIO DE LUZ SINCROTRON (999917226) | ESQ0801209H | participant | PUB | € 10,000 | € 10,000 | € 10,000 |
United Kingdom | IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE (999993468) | GB649926678 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Germany | FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JULICH GMBH (999980470) | DE122624631 | participant | REC | € 30,000 | € 30,000 | € 30,000 |
Greece | INSTITUTE OF ACCELERATING SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS (999593634) | EL090250292 | participant | HES | € 10,000 | € 10,000 | € 10,000 |
Germany | FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV (999984059) | DE129515865 | participant | REC | € 7,500 | € 7,500 | € 7,500 |
France | COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES (999992401) | FR43775685019 | participant | REC | € 149,000 | € 149,000 | € 149,000 |
Czechia | EXTREME LIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE ERIC (890169001) | nan | participant | REC | € 240,000 | € 240,000 | € 240,000 |
Germany | GSI HELMHOLTZZENTRUM FUR SCHWERIONENFORSCHUNG GMBH (999995214) | DE111671917 | associatedPartner | OTH | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Italy | ELETTRA - SINCROTRONE TRIESTE SCPA (999589851) | IT00697920320 | participant | REC | € 100,000 | € 100,000 | € 100,000 |
Switzerland | ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE (999973971) | CHE116075613TVA | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Czechia | FYZIKALNI USTAV AV CR V.V.I (999873867) | CZ68378271 | participant | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Italy | AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, L'ENERGIA E LO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO SOSTENIBILE (999988521) | IT00985801000 | participant | REC | € 30,000 | € 30,000 | € 30,000 |
France | AMPLITUDE (998762926) | FR12441414117 | associatedPartner | PRC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Portugal | IST-ID ASSOCIACAO DO INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO PARA A INVESTIGACAO E O DESENVOLVIMENTO (954983722) | PT509830072 | participant | REC | € 225,000 | € 225,000 | € 225,000 |
United Kingdom | THE QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY OF BELFAST (999992013) | GB254799511 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
United Kingdom | UNITED KINGDOM RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (906446474) | GB287461957 | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
France | THALES LAS FRANCE SAS (999961555) | FR15319159877 | participant | PRC | € 15,000 | € 15,000 | € 15,000 |
Italy | CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE (999979500) | IT02118311006 | participant | REC | € 75,000 | € 75,000 | € 75,000 |
Switzerland | ORGANISATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLEAIRE (999988133) | nan | participant | REC | € 15,000 | € 15,000 | € 15,000 |
Hungary | WIGNER FIZIKAI KUTATOKOZPONT (954722113) | HU15327064 | participant | REC | € 18,000 | € 18,000 | € 18,000 |
Germany | FERDINAND-BRAUN-INSTITUT GGMBH LEIBNIZ- INSTITUT FUR HOCHSTFREQUENZTECHNIK (891893855) | DE136629878 | participant | REC | € 75,000 | € 75,000 | € 75,000 |
United Kingdom | THE UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL (999980567) | GB673598875 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Switzerland | PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT (999994923) | CHE116133392MWST | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Israel | THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM (999975038) | IL500701610 | participant | HES | € 10,000 | € 10,000 | € 10,000 |
United Kingdom | THE CHANCELLOR, MASTERS AND SCHOLARS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD (999984350) | GB125506730 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
France | CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS (999997930) | FR40180089013 | participant | REC | € 409,000 | € 409,000 | € 409,000 |
Germany | DEUTSCHES ELEKTRONEN-SYNCHROTRON DESY (999986969) | DE118714904 | participant | REC | € 215,000 | € 215,000 | € 215,000 |
Hungary | SZEGEDI TUDOMANYEGYETEM (999840014) | HU19308650 | participant | HES | € 12,000 | € 12,000 | € 12,000 |
Germany | HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM DRESDEN-ROSSENDORF EV (999470541) | DE140213784 | participant | REC | € 10,000 | € 10,000 | € 10,000 |
Italy | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA LA SAPIENZA (999987745) | IT02133771002 | participant | HES | € 100,000 | € 100,000 | € 100,000 |
Switzerland | EIDGENOSSISCHE MATERIALPRUFUNGS- UND FORSCHUNGSANSTALT (999907138) | CHE116133475MWST | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Hungary | PECSI TUDOMANYEGYETEM - UNIVERSITY OF PECS (999889872) | HU17783941 | participant | HES | € 12,000 | € 12,000 | € 12,000 |
Italy | ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI FISICA NUCLEARE (999992789) | IT04430461006 | coordinator | REC | € 552,500 | € 552,500 | € 552,500 |
United Kingdom | UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE (999974068) | GB261339762 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |