Prometeus (101099093)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Preterm Brain-Oxygenation and Metabolic EU-Sensing: Feed the Brain

  EIC Pathfinder Open 2022 (HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDEROPEN-01-01)

  critical care medicine  ·  nutrition  ·  sensors  ·  energy and fuels

  2023-02-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2027-01-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 3,554,156


Prometeus introduces a new-paradigm for personalized nutrition of prematurely born neonates in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), by developing a groundbreaking technology for real-time adjustment of glucose and nutrients intakes to target neonatal brain needs. The brain of a baby born prematurely is highly susceptible to early neonatal injuries that, in turn, increase the risk for neurodevelopmental disability. Provision of adequate nutrients and oxygen is essential for proper brain development and growth. However, current nutritional strategies are unfit to target real-time brain necessities, and are driven by pre-specified (non personalised) nutritional charts, in the absence of contemporary cot-side monitoring of both brain “health” and metabolic supplies. As a consequence, sudden changes of brain fuel-requirements cannot be promptly addressed by real-time adjustment of glucose and nutrients provision. Prometeus will develop a metabolic model of the interaction between the three key brain fuels [glucose, lactate and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB)] and their effect on regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), oxygen saturation (StO2) and metabolism (CMRO2). The model will serve to individualize brain nutrition targeting “brain health” according to the inputs derived from two novel minimally invasive metabolic sensing systems: a wearable cap measuring regional CBF, StO2 and CMRO2 and a subcutaneous miniaturized metabolic sensor for glucose, lactate and BHB. The system will create a metabolic “womb” to feed the brain of preterm neonates. Prometeus will be paralleled by a parent-dedicated interface, exploiting a purposely developed family adjusted visual language, that will inform parents of preterm babies during their NICU admission and stay. Prometeus will dramatically reduce the risk for prematurity-associated disability in Europe and worldwide, with a consequent incalculable ethical, social and economic impact.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in Prometeus.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
France INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (999997833) FR31180036048 thirdParty REC € 132,500 € 0 € 132,500
Spain UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA (999895983) ESQ6750002E participant HES € 279,500 € 279,500 € 279,500
Spain FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE CIENCIES FOTONIQUES (999619436) ESG62819537 participant REC € 347,750 € 347,750 € 347,750
Italy UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA (999995602) IT00742430283 coordinator HES € 464,750 € 464,750 € 464,750
Israel QULAB MEDICAL LTD. (894438165) IL515480663 participant PRC € 687,500 € 687,500 € 687,500
Italy DAVE SRL (886529561) IT01365430931 participant PRC € 375,750 € 375,750 € 375,750
Italy PIONIRS SRL (891375584) IT11392240963 participant PRC € 180,200 € 180,200 € 180,200
France UNIVERSITE GRENOBLE ALPES (897379108) FR30130026081 participant HES € 499,575 € 499,575 € 367,075
Italy POLITECNICO DI MILANO (999879881) IT04376620151 participant HES € 270,000 € 270,000 € 270,000
United Kingdom UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (999975620) GB524371168 associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Ireland UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, CORK (999975717) IE0006286E participant HES € 449,131 € 449,131 € 449,131