ECHoS (101104587)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies

  Establishing of national cancer mission hubs and creation of network to support the Mission on Cancer (HORIZON-MISS-2022-CANCER-01-05)


  2023-04-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2026-03-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 6,185,678


Cancer- healthcare, research and innovation face core common challenges, such as fragmentation of initiatives and distancing from important stakeholders, requiring coordinated solutions. These challenges are recognized in Horizon Europe’s Cancer Mission Implementation Plan and in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. The proposal Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies (ECHoS) represents a unique opportunity to coordinate R&I and Healthcare actions on cancer with policy-making processes creating transnational communication & collaboration networks aligned with Cancer Mission objectives. Experiences shows that the setup and implementation of innovative health solutions are more likely to be successful when a broad range of stakeholders and decision-makers from the public and private sectors are part of the process. By fostering the creation of National Cancer Mission Hubs (NCMHs) in member states and associated countries ECHoS will create the conditions for organized stakeholders and individual citizens to collaborate and engage in policy dialogues. The implementation of the Cancer Mission objectives will promote more resilient and people-centric healthcare and research systems. ECHoS will produce (i) general models and guidelines for the creation of sustainable NCMHs, (ii) a knowledge exchange programme to support development of NCMHs competences, (iii) impact models and training sets to help efficiently engaging with distinct stakeholders, (iv) a toolkit for synergies to help NCMH engaging in collaborative work with individual European Initiatives, (v) a business continuity model envisaging long-term sustainability of a EU network of NCMHs and (vi) a calendar of events to create awareness on NCMHs and to help closing the gap in citizens’ participation in cancer policy. In summary, ECHoS will create conditions for NCMHs to be Mission Cancer advocates in MS/AC and set the pace for the development of a transnational network of NCMHs in a second phase.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in ECHoS.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Poland NARODOWY INSTYTUT ONKOLOGII IM. MARII SKLODOWSKIEJ-CURIE -PANSTWOWY INSTYTUT BADAWCZY (999533203) PL5250008057 participant REC € 141,750 € 141,750 € 141,750
Netherlands STICHTING INTEGRAAL KANKERCENTRUM NEDERLAND (937584444) NL822165776B01 participant REC € 90,500 € 90,500 € 90,500
Latvia RIGAS AUSTRUMU KLINISKA UNIVERSITATES SLIMNICA SIA (973366483) LV40003951628 participant REC € 25,406 € 25,406 € 25,406
Czechia FAKULTNI NEMOCNICE U SV ANNY V BRNE (994491822) CZ00159816 participant HES € 38,368 € 38,368 € 38,368
Malta Ministry for Health and Active Ageing - Government of Malta (974144423) MT12979127 participant PUB € 38,081 € 38,081 € 38,081
Czechia USTAV HEMATOLOGIE A KREVNI TRANSFUZE PRAHA (890526640) CZ00023736 participant REC € 47,812 € 47,812 € 47,812
Romania ASOCIATIA CENTRUL PENTRU INOVATIE IN MEDICINA (907355558) nan participant REC € 208,000 € 208,000 € 208,000
Estonia TARTU ULIKOOL (999895013) EE100030417 participant HES € 38,455 € 38,455 € 38,455
Finland HUS-YHTYMA (999483830) FI15675350 participant REC € 198,618 € 198,618 € 198,618
Ireland UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, DUBLIN (999974359) IE6517386K participant HES € 73,260 € 73,260 € 73,260
Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG INSTITUTE OF HEALTH (998331858) LU14472612 thirdParty REC € 60,493 € 0 € 60,493
Israel MINISTRY OF HEALTH (999596156) nan participant PUB € 81,718 € 81,718 € 81,718
Lithuania Lietuvos mokslo taryba (997808446) nan participant PUB € 101,437 € 37,687 € 37,687
Ireland HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE (993521919) IE9984032I participant PUB € 89,156 € 89,156 € 89,156
Slovenia NACIONALNI INSTITUT ZA JAVNO ZDRAVJE (948891346) SI44724535 participant REC € 69,531 € 69,531 € 69,531
Spain INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III (999507886) ESQ2827015E associatedPartner REC € 0 € 0 € 0
Spain FUNDACION TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION (999604110) ESG48975767 participant REC € 221,001 € 221,001 € 221,001
Belgium EUROPEAN CANCER ORGANISATION (997983628) BE0450934093 associatedPartner OTH € 0 € 0 € 0
Sweden SVERIGES KOMMUNER OCH REGIONER (998829371) SE222000031501 associatedPartner OTH € 0 € 0 € 0
Austria GESUNDHEIT OSTERREICH GMBH (928836208) ATU62777178 participant OTH € 403,545 € 403,545 € 403,545
Luxembourg INSTITUT NATIONAL DU CANCER (889777509) nan participant OTH € 205,743 € 205,743 € 145,250
Lithuania LIETUVOS SVEITAKOS MOKSLU UNIVERSITETO LIGONINE KAUNO KLINIKOS (923616832) LT351634917 thirdParty REC € 25,781 € 0 € 0
Estonia SIHTASUTUS TARTU ULIKOOLI KLIINIKUM (999518556) EE100506239 participant REC € 38,455 € 38,455 € 38,455
Norway OSLO UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS HF (991104000) nan associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Norway KREFTFORENINGEN (949887827) NO951812528MVA participant REC € 29,500 € 29,500 € 29,500
Türkiye TURKIYE SAGLIK ENSTITULERI BASKANLIGI (884064015) TR8790659746 participant REC € 33,375 € 33,375 € 33,375
Slovakia NARODNY ONKOLOGICKY USTAV (889061940) SK2020830108 participant PUB € 24,000 € 24,000 € 24,000
Italy ALLEANZA CONTRO IL CANCRO (999563661) IT09127781004 thirdParty OTH € 25,875 € 0 € 25,875
Norway SINTEF AS (910945140) nan associatedPartner REC € 0 € 0 € 0
Germany DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUR LUFT - UND RAUMFAHRT EV (999981731) DE121965658 participant REC € 130,126 € 130,126 € 130,126
Portugal MINISTERIO DA SAUDE - REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA (986364095) nan associatedPartner PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
Lithuania LIETUVOS SVEIKATOS MOKSLU UNIVERSITETAS (972782446) LT100005579315 participant HES € 77,062 € 51,281 € 51,281
Lithuania VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS (999893170) LT119508113 thirdParty HES € 15,937 € 0 € 0
Finland SUOMEN SYOPAYHDISTYS -CANCERFORENINGEN I FINLAND RY - CANCER SOCIETY OF FINLAND CSF (999483636) FI02022940 participant REC € 78,562 € 78,562 € 78,562
Norway NORGES FORSKNINGSRAD (999460453) nan participant PUB € 31,062 € 31,062 € 31,062
Portugal AICIB - AGENCIA DE INVESTIGACAO CLINICA E INOVACAO BIOMEDICA (892687606) PT514978538 coordinator OTH € 1,381,536 € 1,381,536 € 1,381,536
Latvia LATVIJAS ZINATNES PADOME (999546589) LV90000048222 associatedPartner REC € 0 € 0 € 0
France INSTITUT NATIONAL DU CANCER GIP (999953892) nan participant PUB € 72,682 € 72,682 € 72,682
Lithuania VIESOJI ISTAIGA VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETO LIGONINE SANTAROS KLINIKOS (991636530) LT243645610 thirdParty PUB € 15,937 € 0 € 0
Sweden KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET (999978530) SE202100297301 participant HES € 183,448 € 183,448 € 183,448
Norway OSLO CANCER CLUSTER SA (926433615) NO991068503MVA participant OTH € 301,680 € 301,680 € 301,680
Cyprus CYPRUS CANCER RESEARCH INSTITUTE (897541001) CY10398760F participant REC € 83,171 € 83,171 € 83,171
Sweden REGION STOCKHOLM (999522921) SE232100001601 participant PUB € 189,563 € 189,563 € 189,563
Malta MINISTRY FOR EDUCATION, SPORT, YOUTH, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (947567102) nan participant PUB € 241,031 € 241,031 € 241,031
Czechia FAKULTNI NEMOCNICE OLOMOUC (952929747) CZ00098892 participant PUB € 14,062 € 14,062 € 14,062
Sweden STIFTELSEN STOCKHOLM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS (SSE) INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH (951333418) SE802426540001 participant REC € 296,821 € 296,821 € 296,821
Hungary Orszagos Onkologiai Intezet (991549909) HU15309769 participant REC € 29,156 € 29,156 € 29,156
Slovakia NADACIA VYSKUM RAKOVINY (885331902) SK2021657660 participant OTH € 23,062 € 23,062 € 23,062
Italy FONDAZIONE IRCCS ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DEI TUMORI (998538759) IT04376350155 participant REC € 127,000 € 127,000 € 127,000
Italy UNIVERSITA CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE (999915771) IT02133120150 participant HES € 207,175 € 207,175 € 181,300
Croatia KLINICKI BOLNICKI CENTAR SESTRE MILOSRDNICE USTANOVA (973604424) HR84924656517 participant REC € 25,406 € 25,406 € 25,406
Poland NARODOWE CENTRUM BADAN I ROZWOJU (999519720) PL7010073777 participant PUB € 29,312 € 29,312 € 29,312
Belgium SCIENSANO (906160809) BE0693876830 participant REC € 309,000 € 309,000 € 309,000
Latvia Augstakas izglitibas un zinatnes informacijas tehnologijas koplietosanas pakalpojumu centrs (884108344) nan associatedPartner PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
Greece ETHNIKO KENTRO TEKMIRIOSIS KAI ILEKTRONIKOU PERIECHOMENOU (898419918) EL997022680 participant REC € 157,038 € 157,038 € 157,038