PARC (101057014)
Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals
European partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals (PARC) (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-03-01)
public health · crisis management
2022-05-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)
2029-04-30 End Date (YY-MM-DD)
€ 400,000,000
PARC is an EU-wide research and innovation partnership programme to support EU and national chemical risk assessment and risk management bodies with new data, knowledge, methods, networks and skills to address current, emerging and novel chemical safety challenges. PARC will facilitate the transition to next generation risk assessment to better protect human health and the environment, in line with the Green Deal?s zero-pollution ambition for a toxic free environment and will be an enabler for the future EU ?Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability?. It builds in part on the work undertaken and experience acquired in past and on-going research and innovation actions, but goes beyond by its vocation to establish an EU-wide risk assessment hub of excellence. To contribute to several expected impacts of destination 2 ?Living and working in a health-promoting environment?, PARC will organise the activities to reach three specific objectives: - An EU-wide sustainable cross-disciplinary network to identify and agree on research and innovation needs and to support research uptake into regulatory chemical risk assessment. - Joint EU research and innovation activities responding to identified priorities in support of current regulatory risk assessment processes for chemical substances and to emerging challenges. - Strengthening existing capacities and building new transdisciplinary platforms to support chemical risk assessment. The Partnership brings together Ministries and national public health and risk assessment agencies, as well as research organisations and academia from almost all of EU Member States. Representatives of Directorates-General of the EC and EU agencies involved in the monitoring of chemicals and the assessment of risks are also participating. PARC will meet the needs of risk assessment agencies to better anticipate emerging risks and respond to the challenges and priorities of the new European policies.
Complicit Organisations
1 Israeli organisation participates in PARC.Country | Organisation (ID) | VAT Number | Role | Activity Type | Total Cost | EC Contribution | Net EC Contribution |
Czechia | STATNI ZDRAVOTNI USTAV (999478689) | CZ75010330 | thirdParty | REC | € 46,793 | € 0 | € 23,396 |
Norway | HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTET (999548432) | NO971349077MVA | thirdParty | REC | € 289,150 | € 0 | € 144,575 |
France | INSTITUT DE RADIOPROTECTION ET DE SURETE NUCLEAIRE (999480726) | FR68440546018 | thirdParty | REC | € 239,575 | € 0 | € 119,787 |
Luxembourg | LABORATOIRE NATIONAL DE SANTE (911247586) | LU25784916 | participant | PUB | € 9,880,911 | € 4,940,455 | € 3,063,863 |
Belgium | UNIVERSITEIT HASSELT (999874934) | BE0208359859 | thirdParty | HES | € 108,537 | € 0 | € 54,268 |
Austria | MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN (999989976) | ATU57469858 | thirdParty | HES | € 65,278 | € 0 | € 32,639 |
Germany | BUNDESINSTITUT FUER RISIKOBEWERTUNG (998771171) | nan | participant | REC | € 20,957,411 | € 10,478,705 | € 7,106,890 |
Portugal | UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO (999995505) | PT502011378 | thirdParty | HES | € 16,012 | € 0 | € 8,006 |
Denmark | AARHUS UNIVERSITET (999997736) | DK31119103 | thirdParty | HES | € 3,793,881 | € 0 | € 1,896,940 |
United Kingdom | THE UNIVERSITY COURT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN (999929448) | GB267329044 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Denmark | REGION HOVEDSTADEN (999654744) | DK30113721 | thirdParty | PUB | € 1,384,050 | € 0 | € 692,025 |
Norway | FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTTET (999478883) | nan | participant | REC | € 15,701,322 | € 7,850,661 | € 2,912,087 |
Belgium | PROVINCIAAL INSTITUUT VOOR HYGIENE (920268780) | nan | thirdParty | PUB | € 210,283 | € 0 | € 105,141 |
Netherlands | KWR WATER BV (998279769) | NL814938474B01 | thirdParty | OTH | € 681,940 | € 0 | € 340,970 |
Spain | FUNDACION PARA LA INVESTIGACION Y LA INNOVACION BIOSANITARIA DEL PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS (909900838) | ESG74361817 | thirdParty | REC | € 381,093 | € 0 | € 190,546 |
Belgium | VLAAMSE INSTELLING VOOR TECHNOLOGISCH ONDERZOEK N.V. (999645238) | BE0244195916 | participant | REC | € 25,490,170 | € 12,745,085 | € 6,794,702 |
Germany | Bundesanstalt fuer Gewaesserkunde (996893445) | DE811498865 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,796,092 | € 0 | € 898,046 |
United Kingdom | UNIVERSITY OF BATH (999842924) | GB639542122 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Spain | FUNDACION PUBLICA GALEGA DE INVESTIGACION BIOMEDICA INIBIC (986357790) | ESG15335219 | thirdParty | REC | € 172,988 | € 0 | € 86,494 |
Estonia | TARTU ULIKOOL (999895013) | EE100030417 | thirdParty | HES | € 837,400 | € 0 | € 418,700 |
Belgium | UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN (999902870) | BE0257216482 | thirdParty | HES | € 6,042,446 | € 0 | € 3,021,223 |
Austria | AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GMBH (999584128) | ATU14703506 | thirdParty | REC | € 562,900 | € 0 | € 281,450 |
Sweden | IVL SVENSKA MILJOEINSTITUTET AB (999476361) | SE556116244601 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,738,400 | € 0 | € 869,200 |
Netherlands | UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN (999974553) | NL809778282B01 | thirdParty | HES | € 4,622,145 | € 0 | € 2,311,072 |
Germany | MARTIN-LUTHER-UNIVERSITAT HALLE-WITTENBERG (999871539) | DE811353703 | thirdParty | HES | € 297,162 | € 0 | € 148,581 |
Spain | UNIVERSIDAD PABLO DE OLAVIDE (999846513) | ESQ9150016E | thirdParty | HES | € 681,881 | € 0 | € 340,940 |
Switzerland | EIDGENOESSISCHES DEPARTEMENT FUER WIRTSCHAFT, BILDUNG UND FORSCHUNG (998365711) | nan | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Norway | VETERINAERINSTITUTTET (999511378) | nan | thirdParty | REC | € 724,600 | € 0 | € 362,300 |
United Kingdom | THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS (999904713) | GB888800181 | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Italy | AZIENDA SOCIO-SANITARIA TERRITORIALE FATEBENEFRATELLI SACCO (922722395) | IT09319690963 | thirdParty | PUB | € 272,000 | € 0 | € 136,000 |
Finland | TURVALLISUUS JA KEMIKAALIVIRASTO (972221301) | FI10212779 | thirdParty | PUB | € 195,617 | € 0 | € 97,808 |
France | INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (999997833) | FR31180036048 | thirdParty | REC | € 10,491,606 | € 0 | € 5,245,803 |
Germany | KLINIKUM DER UNIVERSITAET ZU KOELN (999884828) | DE215420431 | thirdParty | HES | € 351,537 | € 0 | € 175,768 |
Luxembourg | LUXEMBOURG INSTITUTE OF HEALTH (998331858) | LU14472612 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,571,018 | € 0 | € 785,509 |
Israel | MINISTRY OF HEALTH (999596156) | nan | participant | PUB | € 260,362 | € 130,181 | € 130,181 |
United Kingdom | ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (998712001) | nan | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Spain | UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA (999929739) | ESQ3518001G | thirdParty | HES | € 30,273 | € 0 | € 15,136 |
Czechia | Masarykova univerzita (999880657) | CZ00216224 | participant | HES | € 12,309,857 | € 6,154,928 | € 5,871,206 |
Sweden | LUNDS UNIVERSITET (999901318) | SE202100321101 | thirdParty | HES | € 656,055 | € 0 | € 328,027 |
Germany | STIFTUNG TIERAERZTLICHE HOCHSCHULE HANNOVER (999464430) | DE233060166 | thirdParty | HES | € 238,192 | € 0 | € 119,096 |
Finland | SUOMEN YMPARISTOKESKUS (999478010) | FI09961895 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,025,803 | € 0 | € 512,901 |
Finland | OULUN YLIOPISTO (999844670) | FI02458955 | thirdParty | HES | € 149,117 | € 0 | € 74,558 |
Netherlands | STICHTING VU (954530344) | NL851029279B01 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,577,440 | € 0 | € 788,720 |
Czechia | OSTRAVSKA UNIVERZITA (998738870) | CZ61988987 | thirdParty | HES | € 7,262 | € 0 | € 3,631 |
Portugal | AGENCIA PORTUGUESA DO AMBIENTE IP (917950286) | PT510306624 | thirdParty | PUB | € 223,900 | € 0 | € 111,950 |
Poland | SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO (999865137) | PL5250007425 | thirdParty | HES | € 49,037 | € 0 | € 24,518 |
Slovenia | INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN (999971837) | SI55560822 | participant | REC | € 7,063,718 | € 3,531,859 | € 1,613,243 |
Netherlands | NEDERLANDSE ORGANISATIE VOOR TOEGEPAST NATUURWETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK TNO (999988909) | NL002875718B01 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,190,076 | € 0 | € 595,038 |
Belgium | UNIVERSITEIT GENT (999986096) | BE0248015142 | thirdParty | HES | € 878,200 | € 0 | € 439,100 |
Greece | ETHNIKO KAI KAPODISTRIAKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON (999643007) | EL090145420 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,346,662 | € 0 | € 673,331 |
Portugal | INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE LEIRIA (996273421) | PT506971244 | thirdParty | HES | € 4,150 | € 0 | € 2,075 |
Switzerland | UNIVERSITAT BASEL (999907914) | CHE115244907MWST | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Croatia | INSTITUT ZA MEDICINSKA ISTRAZIVANJA I MEDICINU RADA (998300333) | HR30285469659 | thirdParty | REC | € 233,765 | € 0 | € 116,882 |
Spain | ESCUELA ANDALUZA DE SALUD PUBLICA SA (999859996) | ESA18049635 | thirdParty | PRC | € 283,850 | € 0 | € 141,925 |
Slovenia | NACIONALNI INSTITUT ZA JAVNO ZDRAVJE (948891346) | SI44724535 | participant | REC | € 2,136,797 | € 1,068,398 | € 849,987 |
Spain | INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III (999507886) | ESQ2827015E | participant | REC | € 12,128,776 | € 6,064,388 | € 2,483,727 |
Austria | UNIVERSITAT WIEN (999866883) | ATU37586901 | thirdParty | HES | € 3,360,916 | € 0 | € 1,680,458 |
Greece | ARISTOTELIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS (999895692) | EL090049627 | participant | HES | € 14,043,465 | € 7,021,732 | € 4,242,857 |
Italy | ISTITUTO DI RICERCHE FARMACOLOGICHE MARIO NEGRI (999661146) | IT03254210150 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,455,025 | € 0 | € 727,512 |
France | OFFICE FRANCAIS DE LA BIODIVERSITE (894000307) | nan | thirdParty | PUB | € 518,820 | € 0 | € 259,410 |
Germany | FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV (999984059) | DE129515865 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,967,463 | € 0 | € 983,731 |
Czechia | JIHOCESKA UNIVERZITA V CESKYCH BUDEJOVICICH (999876292) | CZ60076658 | thirdParty | HES | € 67,151 | € 0 | € 33,575 |
France | COMMISSARIAT A L ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES (999992401) | FR43775685019 | thirdParty | REC | € 831,991 | € 0 | € 415,995 |
France | INSTITUT NATIONAL DE L ENVIRONNEMENT INDUSTRIEL ET DES RISQUES - INERIS (999958063) | FR73381984921 | thirdParty | REC | € 4,124,206 | € 0 | € 2,062,103 |
Slovenia | NACIONALNI INSTITUT ZA BIOLOGIJO NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY (999650476) | SI83534784 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,923,562 | € 0 | € 961,781 |
Slovenia | NACIONALNI LABORATORIJ ZA ZDRAVJE, OKOLJE IN HRANO (949131227) | SI19651295 | thirdParty | REC | € 61,008 | € 0 | € 30,504 |
Spain | UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA (999882015) | ESQ1818002F | thirdParty | HES | € 1,838,570 | € 0 | € 919,285 |
Belgium | VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL (999902094) | BE0449012406 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,268,613 | € 0 | € 634,306 |
Spain | INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SEGURIDAD Y SALUD EN EL TRABAJO (890173948) | ESQ2869052G | thirdParty | PUB | € 47,063 | € 0 | € 23,531 |
Hungary | NEMZETI NEPEGESZSEGUGYI ES GYOGYSZERESZETI KOZPONT (998706957) | HU15598787 | participant | REC | € 2,882,738 | € 1,441,369 | € 1,441,369 |
Italy | ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA (999978821) | IT03657731000 | participant | REC | € 10,333,507 | € 5,166,753 | € 2,101,131 |
Denmark | EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (997912624) | nan | participant | PUB | € 4,240,487 | € 2,120,243 | € 2,120,243 |
Germany | HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM FUR UMWELTFORSCHUNG GMBH - UFZ (999994632) | DE141507065 | thirdParty | REC | € 7,674,290 | € 0 | € 3,837,145 |
Germany | KLINIKUM DER UNIVERSITAT MUNCHEN (995625946) | nan | thirdParty | PUB | € 321,843 | € 0 | € 160,921 |
Germany | DEUTSCHE GESETZLICHE UNFALLVERSICHERUNG EV (998343692) | DE123382489 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,683,590 | € 0 | € 841,795 |
United Kingdom | THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM (999907526) | GB729856187 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Italy | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI FEDERICO II (999976590) | IT00876220633 | thirdParty | HES | € 629,687 | € 0 | € 314,843 |
Italy | ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DI STUDI SUPERIORI ( I.U.S.S.) DI PAVIA (997963355) | IT02202080186 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,318,487 | € 0 | € 659,243 |
Norway | STIFTELSEN NILU (999654162) | nan | thirdParty | REC | € 2,216,025 | € 0 | € 1,108,012 |
Denmark | KOBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET (999991043) | DK29979812 | thirdParty | HES | € 612,987 | € 0 | € 306,493 |
United Kingdom | INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE (999464818) | nan | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Austria | AGES - OSTERREICHISCHE AGENTUR FUR GESUNDHEIT UND ERNAHRUNGSSICHERHEIT GMBH (998254743) | ATU54088605 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,066,412 | € 0 | € 533,206 |
Sweden | RISE RESEARCH INSTITUTES OF SWEDEN AB (999613422) | SE556464687401 | thirdParty | REC | € 959,650 | € 0 | € 479,825 |
Sweden | UPPSALA UNIVERSITET (999985029) | SE202100293201 | thirdParty | HES | € 4,220,201 | € 0 | € 2,110,100 |
Greece | PANEPISTIMIO KRITIS (999588978) | EL090033943 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,710,587 | € 0 | € 855,293 |
Slovenia | KEMIJSKI INSTITUT (998756718) | SI33840890 | thirdParty | REC | € 795,566 | € 0 | € 397,783 |
Denmark | The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (938989101) | DK33157274 | participant | PUB | € 12,345,277 | € 6,172,638 | € 134,256 |
Netherlands | STICHTING RADBOUD UNIVERSITAIR MEDISCH CENTRUM (892057785) | NL861608884B01 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,274,006 | € 0 | € 637,003 |
Czechia | VYSOKA SKOLA CHEMICKO-TECHNOLOGICKA V PRAZE (999867853) | CZ60461373 | thirdParty | HES | € 446,237 | € 0 | € 223,118 |
Italy | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA (999995602) | IT00742430283 | thirdParty | HES | € 557,890 | € 0 | € 278,945 |
Germany | IUF - LEIBNIZ-INSTITUT FUR UMWELTMEDIZINISCHE FORSCHUNG GMBH (998707054) | DE222304528 | thirdParty | OTH | € 1,575,800 | € 0 | € 787,900 |
Luxembourg | LUXEMBOURG INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (934320200) | LU27327040 | thirdParty | REC | € 752,407 | € 0 | € 376,203 |
Spain | AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS (999991722) | ESQ2818002D | participant | REC | € 6,852,946 | € 3,426,473 | € 1,679,773 |
Greece | Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) (912807637) | nan | thirdParty | PUB | € 1,598,625 | € 0 | € 799,312 |
Belgium | EIGEN VERMOGEN VAN HET INSTITUUT VOOR LANDBOUW- EN VISSERIJONDERZOEK (998175591) | BE0262172489 | thirdParty | REC | € 286,012 | € 0 | € 143,006 |
United Kingdom | Department of Health (986454887) | nan | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Germany | TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT BERLIN (999986678) | DE811231089 | thirdParty | HES | € 359,243 | € 0 | € 179,621 |
Sweden | LIVSMEDELSVERKET (997318402) | SE202100185001 | thirdParty | PUB | € 250,287 | € 0 | € 125,143 |
Portugal | UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA (960782479) | PT501559094 | thirdParty | HES | € 821,807 | € 0 | € 410,903 |
Sweden | KEMIKALIEINSPEKTIONEN (937974093) | SE202100388001 | thirdParty | PUB | € 1,541,800 | € 0 | € 770,900 |
Portugal | MINISTERIO DA SAUDE - REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA (986364095) | nan | thirdParty | PUB | € 82,592 | € 0 | € 41,296 |
Slovenia | Univerzitetni klinicni center Maribor (999582188) | SI56644817 | thirdParty | PUB | € 4,150 | € 0 | € 2,075 |
Estonia | TERVISEAMET (933659727) | EE101339803 | participant | PUB | € 1,015,015 | € 507,507 | € 37,566 |
Norway | NORGES MILJO-OG BIOVITENSKAPLIGE UNIVERSITET (999902967) | nan | thirdParty | HES | € 1,322,512 | € 0 | € 661,256 |
Lithuania | LIETUVOS SVEIKATOS MOKSLU UNIVERSITETAS (972782446) | LT100005579315 | participant | HES | € 340,650 | € 170,325 | € 170,325 |
Portugal | FACULDADE DE MEDICINA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA (999888320) | PT502662875 | participant | HES | € 375,510 | € 187,755 | € 177,673 |
Sweden | SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET (999887350) | SE202100281701 | thirdParty | HES | € 5,336,252 | € 0 | € 2,668,126 |
Austria | MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAT INNSBRUCK (999855437) | ATU57495455 | thirdParty | HES | € 2,471,507 | € 0 | € 1,235,753 |
Greece | BENAKI PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL INSTITUTE (998193633) | EL090114189 | participant | REC | € 4,803,412 | € 2,401,706 | € 2,401,706 |
Latvia | RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATE (999843118) | LV90000013771 | participant | HES | € 735,243 | € 367,621 | € 312,046 |
Poland | UNIWERSYTET GDANSKI (999876001) | PL5840203239 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,251,372 | € 0 | € 625,686 |
Sweden | UMEA UNIVERSITET (999881821) | SE202100287401 | thirdParty | HES | € 682,031 | € 0 | € 341,015 |
Finland | TERVEYDEN JA HYVINVOINNIN LAITOS (996697893) | FI22295006 | participant | REC | € 1,201,588 | € 600,794 | € 87,892 |
Lithuania | NACIONALINE VISUOMENES SVEIKATOS PRIEZIUROS LABORATORIJA (933651094) | nan | participant | PUB | € 314,573 | € 157,286 | € 157,286 |
Slovakia | UNIVERZITA KOMENSKEHO V BRATISLAVE (999841566) | SK2020845332 | thirdParty | HES | € 48,950 | € 0 | € 24,475 |
Switzerland | State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) (889610475) | CHE392445860 | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Portugal | UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA (997826391) | PT501617582 | thirdParty | HES | € 212,965 | € 0 | € 106,482 |
France | BUREAU DE RECHERCHES GEOLOGIQUES ET MINIERES (999993662) | FR67582056149 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,868,125 | € 0 | € 934,062 |
Finland | EUROPEAN CHEMICALS AGENCY (894182376) | nan | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Luxembourg | UNIVERSITE DU LUXEMBOURG (999878620) | LU19805732 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,429,757 | € 0 | € 714,878 |
Portugal | UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO (999865331) | PT501461108 | thirdParty | HES | € 856,058 | € 0 | € 428,029 |
Netherlands | RIJKSINSTITUUT VOOR VOLKSGEZONDHEID EN MILIEU (999991431) | NL821772302B01 | participant | REC | € 29,508,141 | € 14,754,070 | € 3,700,865 |
Switzerland | UNIVERSITA DELLA SVIZZERA ITALIANA (999585874) | CH507591 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Italy | CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE (999979500) | IT02118311006 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,144,437 | € 0 | € 572,218 |
Austria | BIONANONET FORSCHUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH (966278305) | ATU63046279 | thirdParty | REC | € 110,370 | € 0 | € 55,185 |
Cyprus | ORGANISMOS KRATIKON YPIRESION YGEIAS (891074787) | CY18007761X | thirdParty | PUB | € 46,056 | € 0 | € 23,028 |
Germany | KARLSRUHER INSTITUT FUER TECHNOLOGIE (990797674) | DE266749428 | thirdParty | HES | € 353,427 | € 0 | € 176,713 |
Spain | UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA (999641746) | ESR3168001J | thirdParty | HES | € 942,675 | € 0 | € 471,337 |
United Kingdom | UK CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY & HYDROLOGY (897953251) | GB336940192 | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Germany | RHEINLAND-PFALZISCHE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT (999885895) | nan | thirdParty | HES | € 241,660 | € 0 | € 120,830 |
Portugal | INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SAUDE DR. RICARDO JORGE (998308190) | PT501427511 | participant | REC | € 9,640,717 | € 4,820,358 | € 3,721,696 |
Sweden | NATURVARDSVERKET (998884079) | SE202100197501 | participant | PUB | € 21,763,918 | € 10,881,959 | € 40,284 |
Switzerland | EIDGENOESSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZUERICH (999979015) | nan | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Denmark | SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET (999904616) | DK29283958 | thirdParty | HES | € 2,689,831 | € 0 | € 1,344,915 |
France | CENTRE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE DU BATIMENT (999580151) | FR70775688229 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,233,440 | € 0 | € 616,720 |
Slovenia | UNIVERZA V MARIBORU (999903646) | SI71674705 | thirdParty | HES | € 17,852 | € 0 | € 8,926 |
Switzerland | Département Fédéral de l'Intérieur (957586329) | nan | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Croatia | HRVATSKI ZAVOD ZA JAVNO ZDRAVSTVO (998128255) | HR75297532041 | participant | REC | € 354,963 | € 177,481 | € 60,599 |
Cyprus | Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus (994267946) | nan | participant | PUB | € 376,595 | € 188,297 | € 165,269 |
Spain | FUNDACION PARA EL FOMENTO DE LA INVESTIGACION SANITARIA Y BIOMEDICA DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA (951714046) | ESG98073760 | thirdParty | REC | € 238,388 | € 0 | € 119,194 |
Poland | INSTYTUT MEDYCYNY PRACY IMIENIA PROF. DRA MED. JERZEGO NOFERA W LODZI (999835940) | PL7240003125 | participant | REC | € 3,216,580 | € 1,608,290 | € 434,672 |
Denmark | DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET (999990655) | DK30060946 | thirdParty | HES | € 3,596,015 | € 0 | € 1,798,007 |
Slovenia | ONKOLOSKI INSTITUT LJUBLJANA (986222475) | SI34052674 | thirdParty | REC | € 200,132 | € 0 | € 100,066 |
France | LABORATOIRE NATIONAL DE METROLOGIE ET D'ESSAIS (998801144) | FR92313320244 | thirdParty | REC | € 205,305 | € 0 | € 102,652 |
Spain | UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA - LA MANCHA (999840208) | ESQ1368009E | thirdParty | HES | € 488,410 | € 0 | € 244,205 |
Slovenia | MINISTRSTVO ZA OKOLJE, PODNEBJE IN ENERGIJO, AGENCIJA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE ZA OKOLJE (920448812) | SI29335833 | thirdParty | PUB | € 171,531 | € 0 | € 85,765 |
Italy | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO (999995796) | IT03064870151 | thirdParty | HES | € 753,716 | € 0 | € 376,858 |
Sweden | KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET (999978530) | SE202100297301 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,177,486 | € 0 | € 588,743 |
Norway | NORSK INSTITUTT FOR VANNFORSKNING (997826585) | nan | thirdParty | REC | € 2,191,863 | € 0 | € 1,095,931 |
Germany | UNIVERSITAET OSNABRUECK (999855049) | DE154285400 | thirdParty | HES | € 261,125 | € 0 | € 130,562 |
Belgium | OPENBARE VLAAMSE AFVALSTOFFENMAATSCHAPPIJ (954439649) | nan | thirdParty | PUB | € 503,287 | € 0 | € 251,643 |
Germany | UNIVERSITAT KONSTANZ (999866204) | DE142316505 | thirdParty | HES | € 776,985 | € 0 | € 388,492 |
Belgium | VLAAMSE GEWEST (999575107) | BE0316380841 | thirdParty | PUB | € 595,712 | € 0 | € 297,856 |
Finland | RUOKAVIRASTO (902952534) | FI29116867 | thirdParty | REC | € 40,462 | € 0 | € 20,231 |
Latvia | LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE (999871830) | LV90000076669 | thirdParty | HES | € 111,150 | € 0 | € 55,575 |
Poland | INSTYTUT OCHRONY SRODOWISKA - PANSTWOWY INSTYTUT BADAWCZY (998750316) | PL5250007307 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,046,825 | € 0 | € 523,412 |
United Kingdom | BRUNEL UNIVERSITY LONDON (999749610) | GB223518191 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Netherlands | WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY (999981634) | NL811383696B01 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,776,006 | € 0 | € 888,003 |
France | AGENCE NATIONALE DE SANTE PUBLIQUE (917843489) | FR53130022338 | participant | PUB | € 26,668,305 | € 13,334,152 | € 13,334,152 |
Spain | FUNDACIO INSTITUT D'INVESTIGACIO SANITARIA PERE VIRGILI (IISPV) (985772104) | ESG43814045 | thirdParty | REC | € 5,470,387 | € 0 | € 2,735,193 |
Sweden | OREBRO UNIVERSITY (999650088) | SE202100292401 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,821,528 | € 0 | € 910,764 |
Slovakia | SLOVENSKA ZDRAVOTNICKA UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVE (999859802) | nan | participant | HES | € 351,662 | € 175,831 | € 151,356 |
United Kingdom | HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE (999461811) | GB888810177 | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Netherlands | UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT (999985805) | NL001798650B01 | thirdParty | HES | € 6,607,437 | € 0 | € 3,303,718 |
Switzerland | FEDERAL DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, TRANSPORT, ENERGY AND COMMUNICATIONS (999439210) | nan | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Germany | UNIVERSITAT KOBLENZ (999856407) | DE153901674 | thirdParty | HES | € 847,125 | € 0 | € 423,562 |
Austria | UNIVERSITAET GRAZ (999873188) | ATU57511277 | thirdParty | HES | € 28,511 | € 0 | € 14,255 |
Germany | UMWELTBUNDESAMT (998575910) | DE811317238 | participant | REC | € 46,225,677 | € 23,112,838 | € 16,820,805 |
Czechia | USTAV ZDRAVOTNICKYCH INFORMACI A STATISTIKY CESKE REPUBLIKY (920415929) | nan | participant | PUB | € 42,937 | € 21,468 | € 21,468 |
France | INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE POUR L'AGRICULTURE, L'ALIMENTATION ET L'ENVIRONNEMENT (999993274) | FR57180070039 | thirdParty | REC | € 6,814,935 | € 0 | € 3,407,467 |
Greece | ENIEOS FOREAS ELEGHOU TROFIMON (959188478) | EL099765151 | thirdParty | PUB | € 901,875 | € 0 | € 450,937 |
Austria | UNIVERSITAET INNSBRUCK (999869114) | ATU57495437 | thirdParty | HES | € 895,046 | € 0 | € 447,523 |
United Kingdom | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (999975620) | GB524371168 | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Austria | UMWELTBUNDESAMT GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRANKTER HAFTUNG (UBA GMBH) (999452014) | ATU45908200 | participant | OTH | € 10,204,805 | € 5,102,402 | € 696,831 |
France | ECOLE NATIONALE VETERINAIRE, AGROALIMENTAIRE ET DE L'ALIMENTATION NANTES ATLANTIQUE (986014022) | FR6313000853500010 | thirdParty | HES | € 1,059,476 | € 0 | € 529,738 |
France | CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CNRS (999997930) | FR40180089013 | thirdParty | REC | € 1,987,426 | € 0 | € 993,713 |
Belgium | KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN (999991334) | BE0419052173 | thirdParty | HES | € 904,965 | € 0 | € 452,482 |
Spain | UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO/ EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA (999865234) | ESQ4818001B | thirdParty | HES | € 79,138 | € 0 | € 39,569 |
France | AGENCE NATIONALE DE LA SECURITE SANITAIRE DE L ALIMENTATION DE L ENVIRONNEMENT ET DU TRAVAIL (983552356) | FR54130012024 | coordinator | REC | € 75,775,693 | € 37,887,846 | € 22,048,387 |
Switzerland | Policlinique Médicale Universitaire de Lausanne (903030134) | nan | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Estonia | SOTSIAALMINISTEERIUM (998429731) | nan | thirdParty | PUB | € 102,482 | € 0 | € 51,241 |
Germany | FORSCHUNGSGESELLSCHAFT FUR ARBEITSPHYSIOLOGIE UND ARBEITSSCHUTZ EV (998770686) | DE124651626 | thirdParty | HES | € 582,157 | € 0 | € 291,078 |
Italy | EUROPEAN FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITY (893964320) | nan | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Belgium | INSTITUT SCIENTIFIQUE DE SERVICE PUBLIQUE (914156228) | BE0241530493 | thirdParty | PUB | € 3,535,532 | € 0 | € 1,767,766 |
Sweden | GOETEBORGS UNIVERSITET (999981925) | SE202100315301 | thirdParty | HES | € 504,268 | € 0 | € 252,134 |
Iceland | HASKOLI ISLANDS (999884246) | IS019133 | participant | HES | € 423,450 | € 211,725 | € 211,725 |
Austria | UMIT TIROL - PRIVATE UNIVERSITAT FUR GESUNDHEITSWISSENSCHAFTEN UND TECHNOLOGIE GMBH (999898408) | ATU60955513 | thirdParty | HES | € 250,200 | € 0 | € 125,100 |
Switzerland | EIDGENOSSISCHE MATERIALPRUFUNGS- UND FORSCHUNGSANSTALT (999907138) | CHE116133475MWST | associatedPartner | HES | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Norway | STATENS ARBEIDSMILJOINSTITUTT (953521738) | nan | thirdParty | REC | € 2,991,551 | € 0 | € 1,495,775 |
Norway | UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUSET NORD-NORGE HF (991888051) | nan | thirdParty | REC | € 141,445 | € 0 | € 70,722 |
Slovenia | GEOLOSKI ZAVOD SLOVENIJE (999466370) | SI23064145 | thirdParty | REC | € 190,450 | € 0 | € 95,225 |
Belgium | SCIENSANO (906160809) | BE0693876830 | participant | REC | € 7,734,201 | € 3,867,100 | € 2,650,687 |
Finland | TYOTERVEYSLAITOS (999880948) | FI02202669 | participant | REC | € 2,298,607 | € 1,149,303 | € 956,705 |
Slovenia | UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI (999923240) | SI54162513 | thirdParty | HES | € 909,800 | € 0 | € 454,900 |
Sweden | STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET (999885022) | SE202100306201 | thirdParty | HES | € 2,795,388 | € 0 | € 1,397,694 |
France | ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES EN SANTE PUBLIQUE (998161429) | FR83130003627 | thirdParty | HES | € 629,050 | € 0 | € 314,525 |
Netherlands | STICHTING WAGENINGEN RESEARCH (999547365) | NL806511618B01 | thirdParty | REC | € 4,377,360 | € 0 | € 2,188,680 |