Net4SocietyHE (101059986)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  "Network of National Contact Points for Cluster 2 ""Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society"" and ""SSH Integration"""

  Mobilising the network of National Contact Points in Cluster 2 (HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-02-01)


  2022-02-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2029-01-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 3,500,000


"National Contact Points (NCPs) are officially appointed to advise researchers and other relevant, eligible stakeholders in their efforts to secure EU funding. In this context, the EU-funded Net4SocietyHE project is the transnational network for Horizon Europe’s Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society (CL2) NCPs. Building on past initiatives, the project will further develop services created by its predecessors to support today’s NCPs. To that end, it will design activities to ensure all CL2 NCPs have the relevant knowledge and skills required to offer a consistently high degree of professional, high-quality, tailor-made services to potential programme applicants. ""Net4SocietyHE” (N4SHE) is the transnational network for Cluster 2 ""Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society"" (CL2) National Contact Points (NCPs) in Horizon Europe. NCPs are officially designated to advise researchers and other relevant, eligible stakeholders in their efforts to secure EU funding. N4SHE builds on Net4Society, the network for Societal Challenge 6 NCPs in H2020, and NCPs for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in FP7, and will further develop services and tools created by its predecessor to help NCPs to succeed in their work. Through its planned activities, N4SHE will ensure that all CL2 NCPs have the relevant knowledge and skills necessary to adequately and competently offer a consistently high-degree of professional, high-quality, tailor-made services to potential programme applicants. All nominated CL2 NCPs (including non-beneficiaries) will have access to information and capacity-building tools and events organised by the project, such as CL2 NCP info sessions, trainings, and network meetings. N4SHE will support prospective applicants in CL2, with a special focus on new stakeholders (e.g. CSOs, CCIs, GLAMs [galleries, libraries, archives, and museums]) and researchers from countries with lower-than-average results and participation in H2020. The project will facilitate multi-actor/interdisciplinary/international consortia-building through organisation of brokerages, bilateral meetings of project initiators and researchers from Widening countries, via use of a partner search platform tool. N4SHE will also organise info days and proposal check events to encourage participation and development of successful proposals. To support SSH Integration across Horizon Europe, N4SHE will organise SSH-themed brokerages, special trainings on the topic for NCPs, and publish an ""SSH Opportunities"" document, highlighting SSH research funding chances beyond flagged topics within Horizon Europe, including in missions and partnerships, and separately publicise opportunities in other EU Programmes, in addition to other actions."

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in Net4SocietyHE.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Uruguay PRESIDENCIA DE LA REPUBLICA (892673638) nan associatedPartner PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
Estonia SIHTASUTUS EESTI TEADUSAGENTUUR (998483760) nan participant OTH € 49,156 € 49,156 € 49,156
Iceland RANNSOKNAMIDSTOD ISLANDS (999547268) nan participant PUB € 229,375 € 229,375 € 229,375
Spain FUNDACION ESPANOLA PARA LA CIENCIAY LA TECNOLOGIA, F.S.P., FECYT (999421944) ESG82999871 participant REC € 25,875 € 25,875 € 25,875
Cyprus IDRYMA EREVNAS KAI KAINOTOMIAS (999946035) nan participant OTH € 50,485 € 50,485 € 50,485
Italy AGENZIA PER LA PROMOZIONE DELLA RICERCA EUROPEA (999514191) IT03929151003 participant REC € 450,310 € 450,310 € 450,310
Israel NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AUTHORITY (917116668) IL500501960 participant PUB € 35,350 € 35,350 € 35,350
Lithuania Lietuvos mokslo taryba (997808446) nan participant PUB € 33,875 € 33,875 € 33,875
Malta MINISTRY FOR EQUALITY, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (891735842) nan participant PUB € 199 € 199 € 199
Türkiye TURKIYE BILIMSEL VE TEKNOLOJIK ARASTIRMA KURUMU (999587135) TR1750003600 participant REC € 25,375 € 25,375 € 25,375
Slovakia CENTRUM VEDECKO TECHNICKYCH INFORMACII SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY (951533044) SK2020798395 participant PUB € 89,250 € 89,250 € 89,250
Greece IDRYMA TECHNOLOGIAS KAI EREVNAS (999995893) EL090101655 participant REC € 251,562 € 251,562 € 251,562
Kosovo KOSOVO COUNCIL FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE (905626630) nan participant PUB € 14,332 € 14,332 € 14,332
Portugal ANI - AGENCIA NACIONAL DE INOVACAO, SA (999941476) PT503024260 participant PRC € 45,375 € 45,375 € 45,375
Faroe Islands THE FAROESE RESEARCH COUNCIL (GRANSKINGARRADID) (999503327) nan associatedPartner REC € 0 € 0 € 0
Faroe Islands THE FAROESE RESEARCH COUNCIL (GRANSKINGARRADID) (999503327) nan participant REC € 92,395 € 92,395 € 92,395
Germany DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUR LUFT - UND RAUMFAHRT EV (999981731) DE121965658 coordinator REC € 1,455,903 € 1,455,903 € 1,455,903
Bulgaria GIS-TRANSFERCENTER FOUNDATION (999419034) BG130534477 participant OTH € 36,000 € 36,000 € 36,000
France MINISTERE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET DE LA RECHERCHE (999822263) nan participant PUB € 119,680 € 119,680 € 119,680
Kosovo INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE MITROVICA (915740529) nan participant OTH € 1,792 € 1,792 € 1,792
Switzerland VEREIN EURESEARCH (999569093) CHE112128191MWST associatedPartner OTH € 0 € 0 € 0
Bulgaria NATIONAL TRAINING CENTER (945809171) nan participant PRC € 142,437 € 142,437 € 142,437
Malta MINISTRY FOR EDUCATION, SPORT, YOUTH, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (947567102) nan participant PUB € 87,675 € 87,675 € 87,675
Poland NARODOWE CENTRUM BADAN I ROZWOJU (999519720) PL7010073777 participant PUB € 166,220 € 166,220 € 166,220