Biodiversa-plus (101052342)
Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
The European Biodiversity Partnership
European partnership rescuing biodiversity to safeguard life on Earth (HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-02-01)
2021-10-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)
2028-09-30 End Date (YY-MM-DD)
€ 136,144,161
Being one of the main actions of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, the European Biodiversity Partnership (Biodiversa+) will coordinate research programmes between EU and its Member States and Associated Countries, mobilising environmental authorities as key partners for implementing biodiversity research and innovation, along with ministries of research, funding organisations, and environmental protection agencies (75 organisations from 37 countries). Biodiversa+ has five overarching objectives: (1) improve monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe (status and trends); (2) generate actionable knowledge to tackle the direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss; (3) expand and improve the evidence base, and accelerate the development and wide deployment of NbS to meet societal challenges across Europe; (4) make the business case for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity; and (5) ensure efficient science-based support for biodiversity policy making in Europe. Biodiversa+ will meet these objectives by (i) setting up a pan-European network of harmonized monitoring schemes, building on existing national/regional monitoring schemes, creating capacity for setting up new schemes, and feeding into the EC Knowledge Center for Biodiversity; (ii) coordinating research programmes between the EU and its Member States and associated countries, thereby ensuring the long-term pan-European research agenda is co-created and implemented; (iii) contributing science-based methodologies to account for and possibly value ecosystem services and the natural capital, and to assess the dependency and impact of businesses on biodiversity and (iv) better linking of R&I programmes to the policy arena, providing greater input to policy making and improving the assessment of policy efficiency. Doing so, Biodiversa+ will help ensure that, by 2030, nature in Europe is back on a path of recovery, and by 2050 people are living in harmony with Nature.
Complicit Organisations
1 Israeli organisation participates in Biodiversa-plus.Country | Organisation (ID) | VAT Number | Role | Activity Type | Total Cost | EC Contribution | Net EC Contribution |
Albania | MINISTIRIA E TURIZMIT DHE MJEDISIT (893313353) | nan | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Netherlands | NEDERLANDSE ORGANISATIE VOOR WETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK (999663862) | nan | participant | REC | € 3,462,083 | € 1,017,171 | € 1,017,171 |
Estonia | REGIONAAL- JA PÕLLUMAJANDUSMINISTEERIUM (992734085) | EE100113596 | participant | PUB | € 285,608 | € 83,913 | € 83,913 |
Hungary | NEMZETI KUTATASI FEJLESZTESI ES INNOVACIOS HIVATAL (999578696) | HU15831000 | participant | PUB | € 700,027 | € 205,670 | € 205,670 |
Cyprus | PAIDAGOGIKO INSTITOUTO KYPROU (942643188) | nan | participant | PUB | € 3,000 | € 881 | € 881 |
Bulgaria | BULGARIAN NATIONAL SCIENCE FUND (984222335) | BG175467353 | participant | PUB | € 853,016 | € 250,618 | € 250,618 |
Italy | MINISTERO DELL' AMBIENTE E DELLA SICUREZZA ENERGETICA (999817704) | IT97047140553 | participant | PUB | € 312,543 | € 91,826 | € 91,826 |
Greece | GENIKI GRAMMATIA EREVNAS KAI KAINOTOMIAS (999827016) | nan | participant | PUB | € 1,669,273 | € 490,438 | € 490,438 |
Estonia | KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (941609750) | EE100913275 | participant | PUB | € 448,053 | € 131,640 | € 131,640 |
South Africa | DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION (999819353) | nan | participant | PUB | € 1,117,655 | € 328,370 | € 328,370 |
Bulgaria | EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (908560783) | BG831901762 | participant | PUB | € 199,055 | € 58,483 | € 58,483 |
Spain | CENTRO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLOGICO Y LA INNOVACION E.P.E. (999510020) | nan | participant | PUB | € 30,561 | € 8,979 | € 8,979 |
Austria | FONDS ZUR FÖRDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN FORSCHUNG (998735960) | ATU37675903 | participant | PUB | € 3,593,420 | € 1,055,758 | € 1,055,758 |
Israel | Ministry of Environmental Protection (993028092) | nan | participant | PUB | € 4,145,008 | € 1,217,816 | € 1,217,816 |
Estonia | SIHTASUTUS EESTI TEADUSAGENTUUR (998483760) | nan | participant | OTH | € 462,891 | € 135,999 | € 135,999 |
Iceland | RANNSOKNAMIDSTOD ISLANDS (999547268) | nan | participant | PUB | € 1,470,875 | € 432,147 | € 432,147 |
Finland | MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT (994473683) | nan | participant | PUB | € 4,161,130 | € 1,222,552 | € 1,222,552 |
Spain | FUNDACION BIODIVERSIDAD (908805320) | ESG82207671 | participant | OTH | € 2,071,817 | € 608,706 | € 608,706 |
Spain | FUNDACION ESPANOLA PARA LA CIENCIAY LA TECNOLOGIA, F.S.P., FECYT (999421944) | ESG82999871 | thirdParty | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 132,358 |
Czechia | MINISTERSTVO ZIVOTNIHO PROSTREDI (890202757) | nan | participant | PUB | € 3,250 | € 955 | € 955 |
Netherlands | De Staat, Vertegenwoordigd door de minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (904725209) | nan | participant | PUB | € 513,959 | € 151,003 | € 151,003 |
Germany | BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUER UMWELT, NATURSCHUTZ, NUKLEARE SICHERHEIT UND VERBRAUCHERSCHUTZ (984185863) | nan | participant | PUB | € 907,165 | € 266,528 | € 266,528 |
Germany | VDI/VDE INNOVATION + TECHNIK GMBH (999731568) | DE136782457 | participant | PRC | € 10,006,548 | € 2,939,953 | € 2,939,953 |
Lithuania | Lietuvos mokslo taryba (997808446) | nan | participant | PUB | € 411,835 | € 120,999 | € 120,999 |
Romania | UNITATEA EXECUTIVA PENTRU FINANTAREA INVATAMANTULUI SUPERIOR A CERCETARII DEZVOLTARII SI INOVARII (972130024) | nan | participant | REC | € 1,405,961 | € 413,076 | € 413,076 |
France | OFFICE FRANCAIS DE LA BIODIVERSITE (894000307) | nan | participant | PUB | € 6,303,963 | € 1,852,123 | € 1,852,123 |
Portugal | FUNDO REGIONAL DA CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA (952727405) | PT512069794 | participant | PUB | € 703,704 | € 206,750 | € 206,750 |
Türkiye | TURKIYE BILIMSEL VE TEKNOLOJIK ARASTIRMA KURUMU (999587135) | TR1750003600 | participant | REC | € 975,913 | € 286,726 | € 286,726 |
Germany | DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT EV (999547462) | DE122276357 | participant | OTH | € 4,139,227 | € 1,216,117 | € 1,216,117 |
Denmark | INNOVATIONSFONDEN (939076692) | DK29035695 | participant | PUB | € 3,524,007 | € 1,035,364 | € 1,035,364 |
Spain | ORGANISMO AUTONOMO PARQUES NACIONALES (951002454) | ESQ2821022G | participant | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Belgium | SERVICE PUBLIC DE WALLONIE (999811884) | nan | participant | PUB | € 1,809,210 | € 531,551 | € 531,551 |
Germany | BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUER BILDUNG UND FORSCHUNG (999835455) | nan | participant | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Norway | MILJODIREKTORATET (936105873) | nan | participant | PUB | € 1,290,025 | € 379,013 | € 379,013 |
Spain | AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION (911508128) | ESQ2802338J | participant | PUB | € 4,586,665 | € 1,347,575 | € 1,215,217 |
Albania | AGJENCIA KOMBETARE E ZONAVE TE MBROJTURA (891842445) | nan | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Latvia | VALSTS IZGLITIBAS ATTISTIBAS AGENTURA (948820730) | nan | participant | PUB | € 837,783 | € 246,143 | € 246,143 |
Montenegro | AGENCIJA ZA ZASTITU ZIVOTNE SREDINE (896508048) | nan | participant | PUB | € 500 | € 147 | € 147 |
Finland | SUOMEN AKATEMIA (999517586) | FI02458939 | participant | PUB | € 2,387,928 | € 701,580 | € 701,580 |
Germany | DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUR LUFT - UND RAUMFAHRT EV (999981731) | DE121965658 | participant | REC | € 235,218 | € 69,108 | € 69,108 |
Sweden | FORSKNINGSRÅDET FÖR MILJÖ, AREELLA NÄRINGAR OCH SAMHÄLLSBYGGANDE (999481211) | SE202100523201 | participant | PUB | € 3,972,579 | € 1,167,155 | € 1,167,155 |
Austria | BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUER BILDUNG, WISSENSCHAFT UND FORSCHUNG (989275938) | ATU37696409 | participant | PUB | € 14,625 | € 4,297 | € 4,297 |
Poland | NARODOWE CENTRUM NAUKI (960264402) | PL6762429638 | participant | PUB | € 2,567,739 | € 754,409 | € 754,409 |
Croatia | MINISTARSTVO GOSPODARSTVA (916533310) | HR19370100881 | participant | PUB | € 1,514,179 | € 444,871 | € 444,871 |
Slovakia | STATNA OCHRANA PRIRODY SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY (926809587) | SK2021526188 | participant | PUB | € 374,151 | € 109,927 | € 109,927 |
Türkiye | MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY (999824009) | TR8240079388 | participant | PUB | € 617,647 | € 181,467 | € 181,467 |
Norway | NORGES FORSKNINGSRAD (999460453) | nan | participant | PUB | € 6,974,354 | € 2,049,086 | € 2,049,086 |
Czechia | TECHNOLOGICKA AGENTURA CESKE REPUBLIKY (927033172) | CZ72050365 | participant | PUB | € 2,125,005 | € 624,333 | € 624,333 |
Denmark | DANISH MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT (999831769) | nan | participant | PUB | € 3,941,166 | € 1,157,926 | € 1,157,926 |
Sweden | NATURVARDSVERKET (998884079) | SE202100197501 | participant | PUB | € 4,713,177 | € 1,384,746 | € 1,384,746 |
Bulgaria | MINISTERSTVO NA OKOLNATA SREDA I VODITE (990627924) | BG000697371 | participant | PUB | € 1,400 | € 411 | € 411 |
Albania | AGJENCIA KOMBETARE E KERKIMIT SHKENCOR DHE INOVACIONIT (911084335) | ALL62127451O | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Latvia | LATVIJAS ZINATNES PADOME (999546589) | LV90000048222 | participant | REC | € 831,783 | € 244,380 | € 244,380 |
France | MINISTERE DE LA TRANSITION ECOLOGIQUE ET DE LA COHESION DES TERRITOIRES (996384874) | nan | participant | PUB | € 199,987 | € 58,757 | € 58,757 |
Switzerland | SCHWEIZERISCHER NATIONALFONDS ZUR FORDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN FORSCHUNG (999540575) | CH249693 | associatedPartner | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Slovakia | MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT (924386430) | SK2023106679 | participant | PUB | € 1,300 | € 382 | € 382 |
Latvia | LR IZGLITIBAS UN ZINATNES MINISTRIJA (999820226) | nan | participant | PUB | € 2,000 | € 588 | € 588 |
Ireland | ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (999533882) | IE6606490B | participant | REC | € 1,726,743 | € 507,322 | € 507,322 |
Belgium | VLAAMSE GEWEST (999575107) | BE0316380841 | participant | PUB | € 1,874,280 | € 550,669 | € 550,669 |
Moldova | AGENTIA NATIONALA PENTRU CERCETARE SI DEZVOLTARE (906324254) | nan | participant | REC | € 278,661 | € 81,871 | € 81,871 |
Belgium | Service Public Fédéral de Programmation Politique Scientifique (Belspo) (999807713) | nan | participant | PUB | € 2,540,873 | € 746,958 | € 746,958 |
Italy | PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI BOLZANO (994979926) | IT00390090215 | participant | PUB | € 4,865,371 | € 1,429,461 | € 1,429,461 |
Tunisia | MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (999824203) | nan | participant | PUB | € 828,783 | € 243,499 | € 243,499 |
Czechia | NATURE CONSERVATION AGENCY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC (893440132) | nan | participant | PUB | € 2,133,568 | € 626,849 | € 626,849 |
Sweden | RYMDSTYRELSEN (999438143) | SE202100258501 | participant | HES | € 2,015,363 | € 592,120 | € 592,120 |
Slovakia | SLOVENSKA AKADEMIA VIED (999530390) | nan | participant | REC | € 2,371,504 | € 696,756 | € 696,756 |
Austria | UMWELTBUNDESAMT GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRANKTER HAFTUNG (UBA GMBH) (999452014) | ATU45908200 | participant | OTH | € 10,237 | € 3,008 | € 3,008 |
France | FONDATION FRANCAISE POUR LA RECHERCHE SUR LA BIODIVERSITE (988963986) | nan | coordinator | REC | € 5,068,665 | € 1,489,189 | € 1,489,189 |
France | AGENCE NATIONALE DE LA RECHERCHE (998711613) | nan | participant | PUB | € 6,422,595 | € 1,886,977 | € 1,886,977 |
Slovenia | Ministrstvo za izobrazevanje, znanost in sport (953355965) | SI14246821 | participant | PUB | € 1,745,544 | € 512,846 | € 512,846 |
Italy | Ministero dell'università e della ricerca (894763406) | nan | participant | PUB | € 6,997,945 | € 2,056,017 | € 2,056,017 |
Belgium | FONDS VOOR WETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK-VLAANDEREN (997949484) | BE0880212840 | participant | REC | € 2,070,457 | € 608,306 | € 608,306 |
Belgium | FONDS DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE- FNRS (999540381) | nan | participant | REC | € 858,783 | € 252,313 | € 252,313 |
Morocco | MINISTERE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR, DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE ET DE L'INNOVATION (999896565) | nan | participant | PUB | € 893,083 | € 262,390 | € 262,390 |
Portugal | FUNDACAO PARA A CIENCIA E A TECNOLOGIA (999543970) | PT503904040 | participant | PUB | € 561,724 | € 165,036 | € 165,036 |