MSCA-NET (101054477)

  Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

  Cooperation and Support for MSCA NCPs

  Trans-national cooperation among Marie Skłodowska-Curie National Contact Points (NCP) 2021 (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-NCP-01-01)


  2022-03-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)

  2025-02-28 End Date (YY-MM-DD)

  € 1,870,356


The objective of MSCA-NET is to facilitate the transnational co-operation between National Contact Points (NCPs) for the MSCA in order to achieve a consistent and harmonized level of NCP support. Next to developing support for the facilitation of daily challenges for all NCPs, we put the focus on lowering the entry barriers for new NCPs and offer particular support services for Widening and Third Country NCPs. This will in turn simplify the access of potential MSCA applicants all over the world, in particular from Widening and Third Countries. We thus contribute to the decrease of the R&I gap between EU Member States/Associated Countries and Widening/Third Countries. We aim at a higher quality and quantity of applications from non EU-Member States/Associated Countries. We will achieve our goals by a wide array of measures: Career Development Support for NCPs in the form of Trainings, Twinnings and Mentoring; the development of a tool box for both NCPs and the scientific community; and strategic capacity development and the creation of synergies with and among MSCA stakeholders. This includes systematic outreach to the non-academic sector. The project is structured into 5 Work Packages and has 27 Beneficiaries and 4 Associated Partners from all levels of experience and among all Horizon Europe country groups. The baseline for our support services to NCPs is a benchmarking exercise whose results will be fed into the various relevant tasks. We ensure the expected project impact by strategical monitoring of the project actions and well planned communication, dissemination and exploitation measures such as the development of an innovative project dashboard. The project's outcomes will be fed back to policy developers and stakeholders within clearly defined processes in order to guarantee a sustainable impact on a wider level. MSCA-NET will run for 36 months and has an overall budget of 1'870'357 Euro. The action is under the coordination of Euresearch in Switzerland.

  Complicit Organisations

1 Israeli organisation participates in MSCA-NET.

Country Organisation (ID) VAT Number Role Activity Type Total Cost EC Contribution Net EC Contribution
Egypt EGYPTIAN CENTER FOR INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT (905245420) nan participant PRC € 60,406 € 60,406 € 60,406
Denmark UDDANNELSES- OG FORSKNINGSSTYRELSEN (999832448) DK19918440 participant PUB € 37,718 € 37,718 € 37,718
Hungary NEMZETI KUTATASI FEJLESZTESI ES INNOVACIOS HIVATAL (999578696) HU15831000 participant PUB € 80,000 € 80,000 € 80,000
Estonia SIHTASUTUS EESTI TEADUSAGENTUUR (998483760) nan participant OTH € 55,250 € 55,250 € 55,250
Iceland RANNSOKNAMIDSTOD ISLANDS (999547268) nan participant PUB € 105,343 € 105,343 € 105,343
Greece ETHNIKO KENTRO EREVNAS KAI TECHNOLOGIKIS ANAPTYXIS (998802502) EL099785242 participant REC € 107,437 € 107,437 € 107,437
Bulgaria BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (994050084) nan participant HES € 36,281 € 36,281 € 36,281
Spain FUNDACION ESPANOLA PARA LA CIENCIAY LA TECNOLOGIA, F.S.P., FECYT (999421944) ESG82999871 participant REC € 118,531 € 118,531 € 118,531
Spain FUNDACION PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO MADRIMASD (999544067) ESG83351346 participant OTH € 82,400 € 82,400 € 82,400
Cyprus IDRYMA EREVNAS KAI KAINOTOMIAS (999946035) nan participant OTH € 54,166 € 54,166 € 54,166
Italy AGENZIA PER LA PROMOZIONE DELLA RICERCA EUROPEA (999514191) IT03929151003 participant REC € 84,750 € 84,750 € 84,750
Israel NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AUTHORITY (917116668) IL500501960 participant PUB € 108,875 € 108,875 € 108,875
Romania UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTELE VIETII REGELE MIHAI I DIN TIMISOARA (987914058) nan participant HES € 36,468 € 36,468 € 36,468
Uruguay Ministry of Industry Energy and Mining (898036186) nan associatedPartner PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
Malta MINISTRY FOR EQUALITY, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (891735842) nan participant PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
Türkiye TURKIYE BILIMSEL VE TEKNOLOJIK ARASTIRMA KURUMU (999587135) TR1750003600 participant REC € 28,031 € 28,031 € 28,031
Slovakia CENTRUM VEDECKO TECHNICKYCH INFORMACII SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY (951533044) SK2020798395 participant PUB € 37,718 € 37,718 € 37,718
Greece IDRYMA TECHNOLOGIAS KAI EREVNAS (999995893) EL090101655 participant REC € 29,531 € 29,531 € 29,531
Faroe Islands THE FAROESE RESEARCH COUNCIL (GRANSKINGARRADID) (999503327) nan participant REC € 38,217 € 38,217 € 38,217
Germany DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUR LUFT - UND RAUMFAHRT EV (999981731) DE121965658 participant REC € 50,196 € 50,196 € 50,196
Ireland IRISH UNIVERSITIES ASSOCIATION (999420586) IE8264534J participant OTH € 29,653 € 29,653 € 29,653
United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (906446474) GB287461957 participant REC € 42,154 € 42,154 € 42,154
France MINISTERE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET DE LA RECHERCHE (999822263) nan participant PUB € 32,906 € 32,906 € 32,906
Philippines DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (986338487) nan associatedPartner PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
Croatia AGENCIJA ZA MOBILNOST I PROGRAME EUROPSKE UNIJE (999500126) HR25385906011 participant PUB € 74,937 € 74,937 € 74,937
Switzerland VEREIN EURESEARCH (999569093) CHE112128191MWST coordinator OTH € 411,818 € 411,818 € 411,818
Malta MINISTRY FOR EDUCATION, SPORT, YOUTH, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (947567102) nan participant PUB € 59,531 € 59,531 € 59,531
Tunisia MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (999824203) nan participant PUB € 24,312 € 24,312 € 24,312
Bolivia UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA BOLIVIANA SAN PABLO (928127041) nan associatedPartner HES € 0 € 0 € 0
Argentina Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (998340006) nan associatedPartner PUB € 0 € 0 € 0
Greece ETHNIKO KENTRO TEKMIRIOSIS KAI ILEKTRONIKOU PERIECHOMENOU (898419918) EL997022680 participant REC € 43,718 € 43,718 € 43,718