EP PerMed (101137129)
Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
European Partnership for Personalised Medicine
European Partnership on Personalised Medicine (HORIZON-HLTH-2023-CARE-08-01)
2023-11-01 Start Date (YY-MM-DD)
2033-10-31 End Date (YY-MM-DD)
€ 335,251,551
EP PerMed is a new European Partnership dedicated to Personalised Medicine (PM). It supports PM-related R&I, but also facilitates and accelerates all steps so that PM achievements successfully pass through the full value continuum to be implemented in sustainable health systems for the benefit of people and societies. The partnership will foster demonstration projects and promote successes and lessons learned to demonstrate evidence of PM implementation. EP PerMed activities cover overarching aspects, like patient involvement, exchange with medical societies, infrastructures and international and regional collaboration. The project portfolios of EP PerMed and ERA PerMed (ERA-Net co-fund on PM) and others are supported to become successful innovations in healthcare practice. EP PerMed will be the global PM-platform for scientific and strategic dialogue and alignment, resulting in public documents and publications. Accordingly, it will inform the public, patients, healthcare providers or payers about the latest PM options and engage them. The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Personalised Medicine (SRIA for PM, 2023), developed by EP PerMed partners, is the basis for the partnership's structure and a wide range of its activities. All steps of the SRIA development were strongly support by numerous PM-experts, stakeholders and the European Commission (EC). Thus, the EP PerMed annual Joint Transnational Calls (JTCs) and other funding and activities, events and tools will be in line with the SRIA and outputs will feed into a SRIA update in the coming years. The partnership builds on several developments, initiatives and projects such as ERA PerMed, ICPerMed and its supporting projects (“ICPerMed Family”) funded by the EC. In parallel, it reaches out to the 1+Million Genomes Initiative, other European Partnerships in the Health Cluster and infrastructures like the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).
Complicit Organisations
1 Israeli organisation participates in EP PerMed.Country | Organisation (ID) | VAT Number | Role | Activity Type | Total Cost | EC Contribution | Net EC Contribution |
Hungary | NEMZETI KUTATASI FEJLESZTESI ES INNOVACIOS HIVATAL (999578696) | HU15831000 | participant | PUB | € 3,590,000 | € 1,077,000 | € 1,077,000 |
Portugal | VICE-PRESIDENCIA DO GOVERNO REGIONAL DOS ACORES (884509051) | nan | participant | PUB | € 614,375 | € 184,312 | € 184,312 |
Belgium | FONDS INNOVEREN EN ONDERNEMEN (919917349) | nan | participant | PUB | € 7,000,000 | € 2,100,000 | € 2,100,000 |
Sweden | EIT HEALTH SCANDINAVIAN CLC (892458589) | nan | thirdParty | OTH | € 0 | € 0 | € 86,925 |
Italy | FONDAZIONE TELETHON ETS (999448716) | IT04879781005 | participant | REC | € 182,500 | € 54,750 | € 54,750 |
Austria | FONDS ZUR FÖRDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN FORSCHUNG (998735960) | ATU37675903 | participant | PUB | € 10,677,450 | € 3,203,235 | € 3,203,235 |
Estonia | SIHTASUTUS EESTI TEADUSAGENTUUR (998483760) | nan | participant | OTH | € 549,375 | € 164,812 | € 164,812 |
Switzerland | SCHWEIZERISCHE AGENTUR FUR INNOVATIONSFORDERUNG (906868230) | nan | associatedPartner | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Israel | MINISTRY OF HEALTH (999596156) | nan | participant | PUB | € 3,251,750 | € 975,525 | € 975,525 |
Iceland | RANNSOKNAMIDSTOD ISLANDS (999547268) | nan | participant | PUB | € 2,002,500 | € 600,750 | € 600,750 |
Italy | REGIONE TOSCANA (998823842) | IT01386030488 | participant | PUB | € 2,357,587 | € 707,276 | € 707,276 |
Spain | COMUNIDAD FORAL DE NAVARRA - GOBIERNO DE NAVARRA (990380089) | ESS3100000C | participant | PUB | € 1,543,125 | € 462,937 | € 462,937 |
Austria | BIOBANKS AND BIOMOLECULAR RESOURCES RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE CONSORTIUM (BBMRI-ERIC) (946597878) | ATU68520549 | participant | REC | € 399,500 | € 119,850 | € 119,850 |
Lithuania | Lietuvos mokslo taryba (997808446) | nan | participant | PUB | € 1,482,500 | € 444,750 | € 444,750 |
Romania | UNITATEA EXECUTIVA PENTRU FINANTAREA INVATAMANTULUI SUPERIOR A CERCETARII DEZVOLTARII SI INOVARII (972130024) | nan | participant | REC | € 7,117,900 | € 2,135,370 | € 2,135,370 |
Spain | INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III (999507886) | ESQ2827015E | participant | REC | € 28,543,906 | € 8,563,171 | € 8,563,171 |
Türkiye | TURKIYE BILIMSEL VE TEKNOLOJIK ARASTIRMA KURUMU (999587135) | TR1750003600 | participant | REC | € 2,948,750 | € 884,625 | € 884,625 |
Finland | INNOVAATIORAHOITUSKESKUS BUSINESS FINLAND (999549111) | FI05126964 | participant | PUB | € 21,218,750 | € 6,365,625 | € 6,355,125 |
Sweden | VETENSKAPSRADET - SWEDISH RESEARCH COUNCIL (999586165) | SE202100520801 | participant | PUB | € 3,658,750 | € 1,097,625 | € 1,097,625 |
Denmark | INNOVATIONSFONDEN (939076692) | DK29035695 | participant | PUB | € 7,202,500 | € 2,160,750 | € 2,160,750 |
Belgium | SERVICE PUBLIC DE WALLONIE (999811884) | nan | participant | PUB | € 2,646,250 | € 793,875 | € 793,875 |
Germany | BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUER BILDUNG UND FORSCHUNG (999835455) | nan | participant | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Netherlands | ZORGONDERZOEK NEDERLAND ZON (999544164) | nan | participant | REC | € 8,528,125 | € 2,558,437 | € 2,558,437 |
Italy | FONDAZIONE TOSCANA LIFE SCIENCES (998436424) | IT01194710529 | participant | REC | € 2,198,750 | € 659,625 | € 659,625 |
Finland | SUOMEN AKATEMIA (999517586) | FI02458939 | participant | PUB | € 2,648,125 | € 794,437 | € 794,437 |
Germany | DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUR LUFT - UND RAUMFAHRT EV (999981731) | DE121965658 | coordinator | REC | € 54,230,375 | € 16,269,112 | € 16,269,112 |
Sweden | VERKET FOR INNOVATIONSSYSTEM (999618757) | SE202100521601 | participant | PUB | € 10,535,625 | € 3,160,687 | € 3,160,687 |
Austria | BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUER BILDUNG, WISSENSCHAFT UND FORSCHUNG (989275938) | ATU37696409 | participant | PUB | € 0 | € 0 | € 0 |
Germany | SAECHSISCHES STAATSMINISTERIUM FUR WISSENSCHAFT, KULTUR UND TOURISMUS (998235634) | nan | participant | PUB | € 10,222,570 | € 3,066,771 | € 3,066,771 |
Germany | BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUER GESUNDHEIT (998954889) | nan | participant | PUB | € 14,174,375 | € 4,252,312 | € 4,252,312 |
Ireland | SCIENCE FOUNDATION IRELAND (998736057) | IE9563042M | participant | PUB | € 3,214,875 | € 964,462 | € 964,462 |
Norway | NORGES FORSKNINGSRAD (999460453) | nan | participant | PUB | € 10,863,500 | € 3,259,050 | € 3,259,050 |
Portugal | AICIB - AGENCIA DE INVESTIGACAO CLINICA E INOVACAO BIOMEDICA (892687606) | PT514978538 | participant | OTH | € 129,387 | € 38,816 | € 38,816 |
Netherlands | VERENIGING EIT HEALTH BELGIE-NEDERLAND (889354395) | nan | thirdParty | OTH | € 0 | € 0 | € 8,103 |
Latvia | LATVIJAS ZINATNES PADOME (999546589) | LV90000048222 | participant | REC | € 3,108,750 | € 932,625 | € 932,625 |
Germany | EIT HEALTH EV (890606180) | DE308993820 | participant | PRC | € 5,896,249 | € 1,768,875 | € 1,673,846 |
Finland | BUSINESS FINLAND OY (916229118) | FI27256903 | thirdParty | OTH | € 0 | € 0 | € 10,500 |
Belgium | VLAAMSE GEWEST (999575107) | BE0316380841 | participant | PUB | € 1,917,000 | € 575,100 | € 575,100 |
Spain | FUNDACION VASCA DE INNOVACION E INVESTIGACION SANITARIAS (999614586) | ESG01341353 | thirdParty | REC | € 0 | € 0 | € 76,125 |
Portugal | COMISSAO DE COORDENACAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO REGIONAL DO CENTRO (955664468) | nan | participant | PUB | € 590,000 | € 177,000 | € 177,000 |
Luxembourg | FONDS NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE (998597153) | LU20686731 | participant | PUB | € 2,651,437 | € 795,431 | € 795,431 |
Spain | DEPARTAMENTO DE SALUD GOBIERNO VASCO (918233041) | ESS4833001C | participant | PUB | € 291,250 | € 87,375 | € 11,250 |
Italy | MINISTERO DELLA SALUTE (999531942) | nan | participant | PUB | € 15,549,375 | € 4,664,812 | € 4,664,812 |
Estonia | SOTSIAALMINISTEERIUM (998429731) | nan | participant | PUB | € 256,500 | € 76,950 | € 76,950 |
France | AGENCE NATIONALE DE LA RECHERCHE (998711613) | nan | participant | PUB | € 31,871,875 | € 9,561,562 | € 9,561,562 |
Ireland | THE HEALTH RESEARCH BOARD (999546686) | IE4820764P | participant | PUB | € 3,180,000 | € 954,000 | € 954,000 |
Italy | FONDAZIONE REGIONALE PER LA RICERCA BIOMEDICA (929009450) | IT97608860157 | participant | REC | € 10,166,875 | € 3,050,062 | € 3,050,062 |
Spain | DEPARTAMENT DE SALUT - GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA (999826919) | nan | participant | PUB | € 5,055,000 | € 1,516,500 | € 1,516,500 |
Poland | NARODOWE CENTRUM BADAN I ROZWOJU (999519720) | PL7010073777 | participant | PUB | € 8,099,375 | € 2,429,812 | € 2,429,812 |
Italy | Ministero dell'università e della ricerca (894763406) | nan | participant | PUB | € 14,095,625 | € 4,228,687 | € 4,228,687 |
Belgium | FONDS VOOR WETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK-VLAANDEREN (997949484) | BE0880212840 | participant | REC | € 3,702,500 | € 1,110,750 | € 1,110,750 |
Belgium | FONDS DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE- FNRS (999540381) | nan | participant | REC | € 2,026,250 | € 607,875 | € 607,875 |
Portugal | FUNDACAO PARA A CIENCIA E A TECNOLOGIA (999543970) | PT503904040 | participant | PUB | € 2,222,812 | € 666,843 | € 666,843 |
Spain | INSTITUTO ARAGONES DE CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD (998462032) | ESQ5000654C | participant | REC | € 837,500 | € 251,250 | € 251,250 |